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Fanuc Bolt Hole Circle Custom Macro (BHC)

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Program CNC

G65 P9100 Xx Yy Zz Rr Ff Ii Aa Bb Hh
X: X coordinate of the center of the circle (#24)
Y: Y coordinate of the center of the circle (#25)
Z: Hole depth (#26)
R: Coordinates of an approach point (#18)
F: Cutting feedrate (#9)
I: Radius of the circle (#4)
A: Drilling start angle (#1)
B: Incremental angle (Clockwise when negative value) (#2)
H: Number of holes (#11)

G81 Z#26 R#18 F#9 K0
IF[#3 EQ 90]GOTO 1
N1 WHILE[#11 GT 0]DO 1
G90 X#5 Y#6
G#3 G80

/*Fanuc Bolt Hole Macro Example
Example macro call to drill 5 holes at intervals of 45 degrees
after a start angle of 0 degrees
on the circumference of a circle with radius 4”.
The absolute center of the circle is (10”, 5”).*/
G90 G92 X0 Y0 Z4.0
G65 P9100 X10.0 Y5.0 R1.0 Z-2.0 F20 I4.0 A0 B45.0 H5

Mesin CNC

  1. Layanan Pemesinan CNC Kustom
  2. Suku Cadang Kustom Pemesinan CNC
  3. Fitur Seri Bubut Kontrol Kustom
  4. Cara Merujuk Variabel Makro Khusus Berdasarkan Nama
  5. Retrofit Kustom Dengan Integrasi Robot Fanuc Ganda
  6. Hadiah Ukiran Laser Kustom
  7. Rotasi Koordinat Fanuc G68
  8. Perintah Fanuc Dwell G04
  9. Tempat Tinggal Fanuc G04
  10. Buat Siklus Pengeboran G81 Anda sendiri melalui Fanuc Macro dan G66 Modal Call