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Panduan Membeli Palet:Cara Memilih Palet yang Tepat untuk Bisnis Anda

Penanganan material yang efektif adalah komponen penting untuk bisnis pengiriman dan penyimpanan. Industri besar ini melayani kebutuhan Amerika dan internasional untuk mendapatkan barang dari titik A ke titik B. Sangat penting untuk memaksimalkan aliran produk dengan cara yang aman dan sesuai peraturan sambil mempertahankan efektivitas biaya. Inti dari proses ini adalah palet rendah.

Jika Anda berkecimpung dalam bisnis penanganan material, Anda tahu betapa pentingnya palet. Bukan hanya memiliki stok palet yang tersedia. Anda memerlukan akses konstan ke palet yang tepat untuk bisnis Anda. Itu bisa bagus, palet kayu tua yang sudah ada selama satu abad. Atau, Anda mungkin membutuhkan palet yang lebih modern yang terbuat dari plastik, aluminium, baja, wire mesh, atau kayu tekan.

Dengan begitu banyak bahan, bentuk, dan ukuran palet yang tersedia di pasar penanganan material, memilih palet yang tepat mungkin tampak berlebihan. Namun, itu tidak harus. Palet sama seperti pembelian lainnya. Anda perlu mengetahui dengan jelas tujuan Anda dan memutuskan laba atas investasi terbaik Anda sebenarnya.

Panduan untuk membeli palet ini akan membantu Anda mempelajari dasar-dasarnya — Pembelian Pallet 101, bisa dibilang. Ini tidak hanya mengarahkan Anda ke mana harus membeli palet baru. Panduan pembeli palet ini dengan jelas menjelaskan apa yang tersedia di pasar palet baru saat ini. Dan tidak ada panduan pembelian palet yang lengkap tanpa menyebutkan lembaran slip - cara lain untuk mengangkut produk.

Berbagai Jenis Palet

Mereka mengatakan kebutuhan adalah ibu dari penemuan. Konon, beberapa penemu cerdas yang membutuhkan solusi sempurna untuk penanganan material abad ke-20 mengembangkan palet modern pertama ketika metode pengiriman berubah. Peti dan tong tua yang digunakan di ruang tunggu kapal dan gerbong kereta api memberi jalan bagi pengiriman permukaan datar seperti semi-trailer dan kontainer kargo. Penemuan palet juga berjalan seiring dengan desain forklift. Semuanya mengarah pada metode pengiriman palet modern dan universal yang sekarang Anda lihat di mana-mana.

Dinas Kehutanan AS memperkirakan ada lebih dari 2 miliar palet yang dapat diservis di Amerika saat ini. Itu hampir enam palet untuk setiap warga negara Amerika Serikat. Sebagian besar palet terbuat dari konstruksi kayu. Hanya sekitar seperempat dari produsen Amerika menggunakan bahan alternatif seperti plastik dan logam. Itu karena begitu banyak palet dalam sirkulasi loop terbuka. Itu berarti begitu sebuah palet meninggalkan fasilitas Anda, Anda mungkin tidak akan pernah melihatnya lagi. Anda akan kehilangan investasi Anda.

Palet kayu masih merupakan solusi palet satu kali atau jangka pendek termurah. Namun, mereka memiliki masa pakai terbatas dan aplikasi terbatas untuk pengiriman yang bersih dan aman. Jauh lebih masuk akal untuk berinvestasi dalam bahan palet selain kayu dalam layanan loop tertutup. Di situlah palet Anda tetap berada di dalam fasilitas Anda, atau pengembaliannya dijamin.

Palet yang terbuat dari plastik dan logam jauh lebih unggul dari palet kayu dalam segala hal. Jika Anda membeli palet, masuk akal untuk menjauh dari kayu dan mencari pilihan lain untuk bahan palet. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis palet berbeda yang mungkin cocok untuk situs Anda:

Bagian dari panduan untuk membeli palet yang tepat ini mencakup diskusi tentang apa yang dilakukan lembaran slip untuk proses penanganan material Anda. Selain memberi tahu Anda di mana harus membeli palet baru, Anda juga akan mendapat informasi yang lebih baik tentang alternatif apa yang Anda miliki untuk paletisasi standar. Tapi pertama-tama, mari kita cari tahu tentang memilih palet yang tepat untuk bisnis Anda.

Memilih Palet yang Tepat untuk Bisnis Anda

Pertimbangan terpenting saat memilih palet adalah tujuan utamanya. Ini mungkin tampak mudah, tetapi penting untuk diketahui bahwa tidak ada yang namanya palet universal. Ada terlalu banyak aplikasi untuk memungkinkan solusi satu ukuran untuk semua. Namun, akan ada pilihan yang tepat untuk situasi Anda.

Palet secara struktural dirancang untuk diangkat dan dipindahkan. Itu bisa dimuat ke dalam wadah atau ditumpuk di dalam gudang. Memilih palet yang tepat dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi batasannya, termasuk bahan yang akan Anda angkut dan seberapa tahan lama palet Anda.

Pilihan konstruksi palet Anda sangat penting. Itu harus kompatibel dengan muatan Anda, produk Anda, dan fasilitas Anda. Sekarang, mari kita lihat pertimbangan dalam pemilihan palet untuk memastikan Anda memesan produk yang tepat.

Pallet Plastik

Plastik membuat dampak besar pada bisnis palet. Menurut survei oleh Manajemen Logistik, 37 persen bisnis penanganan material Amerika menggunakan beberapa bentuk palet plastik. Faktanya, ada permintaan yang tinggi untuk palet plastik sehingga Peralatan Industri Cherry menawarkan lebih dari selusin palet plastik stok. Kami juga menyediakan palet plastik yang dirancang khusus untuk spesifikasi pribadi Anda.

Semakin banyak, palet plastik menggantikan inventaris palet kayu. Hal itu dikarenakan plastik memiliki manfaat yang luar biasa dibandingkan dengan kayu. Pertimbangkan manfaat luar biasa yang Anda dapatkan saat membeli plastik untuk inventaris palet Anda.

Jika Anda mencari palet yang memenuhi uji keamanan, ketahanan, dan keandalan, palet plastik menawarkan nilai sebenarnya. Pengembalian investasi Anda luar biasa saat membeli palet plastik, terutama di lingkungan loop tertutup. Biarkan Peralatan Industri Cherry membantu Anda beralih ke plastik hari ini.

Jelajahi situs web Industri Cherry dan lihat pilihan palet plastik kami yang luas. Pilih dari palet plastik yang dapat ditumpuk, bersarang, dan dapat ditumpuk. Pastikan untuk menghubungi salah satu staf layanan kami yang berpengetahuan luas untuk memandu Anda agar sesuai dengan bisnis Anda. Hubungi kami di 800-350-0011, atau Anda dapat menghubungi kami secara online.

Palet Aluminium

Jika Anda mencari solusi palet ringan dengan integritas konstruktif yang baik, kami sarankan Anda menyelidiki palet aluminium. Banyak perusahaan seperti Anda menemukan aluminium sebagai bahan yang sempurna untuk konstruksi palet. Palet aluminium memiliki siklus hidup yang tidak terbatas — asalkan Anda merawatnya dengan benar. Itu membawa laba atas investasi yang tak terhitung, yang memiliki konsekuensi besar bagi keuntungan Anda.

Peralatan Industri Cherry menyediakan palet yang dibuat dengan ekstrusi aluminium temper 6005/T5. Struktur yang ringan namun kuat ini mudah digunakan. Mereka cocok untuk kerasnya penggunaan berat. Pikirkan tentang manfaat menarik dari memilih aluminium untuk palet Anda.

Jika Anda melihat tempat untuk palet aluminium di inventaris Anda, lihat persediaan Cherry's Industrial. Kami juga dapat membuat palet aluminium Anda secara custom. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami dan membicarakan kebutuhan Anda. Kami dapat dihubungi di 800-350-0011, atau kirimkan pesan melalui formulir kontak online kami.

Ekspor Palet

Jika Anda memiliki bisnis internasional yang memerlukan pengiriman di luar Amerika Serikat, Anda akan mengetahui peraturan yang harus Anda penuhi dengan palet Anda. Anda memerlukan palet hemat biaya dan tahan lama yang memberikan transportasi yang aman dan efisien yang memenuhi aturan internasional. That comes from choosing export pallets from Cherry’s Industrial.

Export pallets are one-way shipping bases. They’re not intended to return through a closed-loop system. They have to be strong, lightweight, inexpensive and compliant with foreign regulations.

Most countries enforce ISPM15 regulations, which primarily specify restrictions on wood pallets that must get debarked and treated before leaving America. These measures are essential to prevent cross-contamination between countries.

Cherry’s Industrial export pallets include plastic, wire mesh and some wood-fiber options. Yes, we deal with wood. It’s not just regular wood, though. We supply Litco INCA presswood pallets, which are wood-fiber composites. Litco export pallets are light, inexpensive and meet all ISPM requirements. Sizes range from U.S. standard 48” x 42” down to compact 24” x 40” export models. They include:

To start your export pallet selection process, take time to check out our export pallet line on the Cherry’s Industrial website. Review the individual product descriptions. Then, call us at 800-350-0011 and we’ll be glad to help you choose the right export pallet for your company's needs. Remember, you can also reach us via our online contact form.

Presswood Pallets

Depending on your situation presswood pallets just might be your best choice. Presswood is a recyclable wood byproduct designed for limited use. If your pallet needs include shipping product out of the country or shipping domestically with no expectation of receiving your pallet in return (open loop) then presswood might be the way to go. Here’s how you’ll benefit from Cherry’s Industrial's selection of presswood pallets.

Cherry’s Industrial Equipment carries an extensive line of top-quality presswood pallets. We offer you superior support and service. For more on using presswood pallets, call our knowledgeable product specialists at 800-350-0011, or drop us a note on our online contact form.

Wire Mesh Pallets

Have you thought about using wire mesh pallets? They’re the answer when you need open-space platforms that vent and drain weeds and debris. Wire mesh pallets are also ideal for clean warehouse environments, such as those in the food and beverage industry.

Think about the benefits you’ll get by adding wire mesh pallets to your workplace. Standard pallets weigh 50 pounds. They’re not lightweight, but they’re exceptionally strong. Wire mesh 48” x 48” pallets have a 3,000-pound dynamic capacity and a 4,000-pound stacking capacity. That’ll handle many applications.

Cherry’s Industrial's wire mesh pallets use high-quality two-gauge wire and have galvanized, welded frames. They are very robust in design and construction. Besides an indefinite lifecycle, you’ll get these features with wire mesh pallets:

If you see a need for wire mesh pallets, call Cherry’s Industrial at 800-350-0011 or contact us online if that is more convenient. Our service personnel will help you find the exact wire mesh pallet fit to handle all of your material-handling needs.

AS/RS Pallets

What are AS/RS pallets, you ask? That’s the acronym for popular automatic storage and retrieval system pallets you’ll see in automated warehouse distribution systems. Due to the nature of these systems, they require specialty pallets designed for compatibility.

Technically, AS/RS pallets are captive skids or slave boards. They replace regular pallets used in high-bay storage. All AS/RS pallets are uniform in size and materials. Most are ORBIS 40” x 48” plastic composition pallets that are ideal for automated conveyors. If you’re using automated shipping, this is what you’ll get from Cherry’s AS/RS pallets:

For more on AS/RS specialty pallets, call us for a no-obligation quote. Cherry’s Industrial's toll-free number is 800-350-0011, or don’t hesitate to contact us online.

Chemical Pallets

Often, traditional pallets aren’t suitable for handling special materials like transporting and storing certain chemical types. Chemicals can be caustic and corrosive. They can eat away at conventional pallets, dissolving and destroying their structures. If any part of your material handling tasks includes chemicals, you’ll want to protect your staff and facility with specialized chemical pallets.

Cherry’s Industrial Equipment supplies top-quality chemical pallets molded from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which is chemically resistant and withstands harsh exposure without affecting structural integrity. HDPE chemical pallets globally transport barrels, bags and octabins containing powdered and granular chemical materials.

Our chemical pallets (CPs) use USDA-approved recycled plastics. We offer standard and custom sized CPs in two- and four-way designs. These have easy forklift and pallet truck access. Different chemical pallet styles include:

Every chemical pallet is designed for 2,000- to 3,000-pound load capacity to give you exceptional strength with proportionately light weight. Considering your pallets are impervious to chemical damage, you know investing in Cherry’s Industrial products gives you the best possible return on your investment.

For excellent customer service and more information on chemical pallets, contact a Cherry’s Industrial Equipment representative today. You can use our online form or call us at 800-350-0011.

Distribution Pallets

If you operate a full-scale distribution center, you’ll appreciate a reliable and reusable pallet supply where sanitation and storage are top priorities. Heavy-duty warehouses like retail, wholesale and grocery supply centers need pallets that accommodate heavy loads. They also need their pallets to be cost-effective and durable. Return on investment should be at the top of your mind.

Distribution pallets maximize your floor space. To do that, you need to minimize the amount of space pallets take up. This isn’t a play on words. It’s a fact facing every large distribution facility, especially in closed-loop distribution, where pallets play a huge role in making productivity efficient.

Top-performing distribution pallets are foam-molded structural plastics, making them light and extremely durable. Most material handling managers prefer nestable distribution pallets because they save so much space when not in use. Here are some returns you’ll get when choosing Cherry’s HDPE plastic distribution pallets.

Cherry’s Industrial Equipment strongly supports any cause that helps our environment. Offering recycled distribution pallets is one small part of the big picture. Call a Cherry’s representative today and begin a dialogue on distribution pallets and other material-handling supplies. We can be reached at 800-350-0011. Or, feel free to contact Cherry’s online.

Custom Pallets

Although Cherry’s Industrial Equipment carries a large stock of the nation’s leading pallets, you might find yourself in a situation where our stock plastic, aluminum, presswood or wire mesh pallets won’t quite fit. Tidak perlu khawatir. Cherry’s Industrial is fully equipped to work with you on custom pallet designs. We will review the material and specifications your application requires and find the best custom option available.

Custom pallet solutions are very popular in the material-handling market. We’ve worked with many distribution centers and supply warehouses to develop exactly what people like you require. All our custom pallet designs consider the basics you’d expect in our stock pallet selection. That includes:

Cherry’s Industrial offers endless possibilities in providing you with custom pallets. We do the same with other material-handling equipment like pallet trucks , pallet stackers, slip sheets and lift tables. Please take time to explore our other pallet and freezer spacer related products. We’re always available for a call at 800-350-0011 or through our online form.

Choosing the Right Slip Sheets for Your Business

Slip sheets are an interesting and effective alternative to using regular pallet designs. These innovative material-handling devices replace conventional pallets where forklift tines get inserted into bulky pallet channels. Instead, slip sheets are thin yet robust plastic sheets set underneath loads, allowing them to slip onto specially designed push-pull forklift attachments.

Plastic slip sheets extend slightly beyond the load’s footprint, leaving a flexible plastic “lip” or tab protruding several inches outward. A push-pull forklift attachment mechanically grasps the lip, effectively pulling or dragging the slip sheet with its load onto the tines or forks. To unload a slip sheet package, the forklift uses its extension to push the load off to its placement.

Slip sheets can completely alleviate the need for conventional pallets in the right circumstances. Not only do slip sheets reduce pallet height, they significantly reduce storage space when inactive. Slip sheets are also considerably cheaper than all other pallets. That makes them attractive for budget-conscious managers like yourself.

Cherry’s Industrial Equipment stocks the best die-cut, coextruded plastic slip sheets available on the American market. They’re particularly popular in the air freight industry, where every pound and inch of space matters. Here are the main situations where you’d use slip sheets:

Cherry’s Industrial Equipment supplies stock-sized plastic slip sheets that save space, offer flexibility, resist wear and store tightly. We also produce custom-sized slip sheets just right for your individual jobs. Call Cherry’s Industrial today at 800-350-0011 and talk to a representative about what slip sheets are and what they can do to make your material handling less expensive and more efficient. You can also drop us a note online.

Plastic Slip Sheets

If you need to reduce weight, bulk and costs, but still require product protection in shipping, plastic slip sheets may be the perfect solution. Plastic sheets are tough, but reduce friction between load surfaces. Packages set on slip sheets get slid along the forks, rather than being immediately lifted. To ensure long-lasting value, Cherry’s slip sheets use the best HDPE plastic that is extremely durable, tear-resistant and lightweight.

We stock 22 different slip sheet sizes to cover almost every material-handling situation you’ll likely encounter. With Cherry's Industrial plastic slip sheets, you get the benefits of:

Cherry’s Industrial slip sheets give you optional features like four-tab lips, opposite-edge, adjacent-edge and single-edge construction. They’re resistant to moisture and bacteria. Our slip sheets are also fully recyclable. However, if that doesn’t fulfill what you’re looking for, we can always customize your plastic slip sheets.

Custom Slip Sheets

One of the many benefits of building a partnership with Cherry’s Industrial Equipment is our ability to customize products for you. We realize every company has unique needs and can’t always find stock items to do exactly what they need. If that’s the case, call us and we’ll work with you to find the product that is custom suited for your application.

We always start with the best HDPE slip sheet material. Strong base materials are absolutely essential to deliver a long-lasting slip sheet that’s going to withstand years of active use. Once we know your design parameters, we narrow down other features like:

Thickness is highly important to ensuring slip sheet strength. We carry HDPE sheets in various gauges, but have the ability to produce any necessary size. Shapes are simple to replicate or expand from. Texture and score provide the right friction elements and make sure you have the safest slip sheet design. And, for a professional image, we can custom-design your logo and company information right into the slip sheet surface.

If there’s anything else you can think of for making a custom slip sheet, please call us. Cherry’s Industrial Equipment's team offers the best help and customer service possible. Reach us at 800-350-0011 or fill out our online contact form. And, make sure to ask us about freezer spacers!

Benefits of Plastic &Metal Pallets Over Wood Alternatives

Without question, plastic and metal pallets have a lot of benefits compared to wood alternatives. Wooden pallets still have their place, and they’re not going away anytime soon. However, for the best return on your long-term investment, you certainly have to weigh the benefits.

Wood pallets are attractive because of their price point. For many applications, wood pallets serve their purpose and get by nicely. But for market segments requiring higher standards than wood can deliver, it’s clear plastic and metal are first-choice products. Consider these benefits you get with plastic and metal that you can’t get with ordinary wood pallets.

Cherry’s Industrial Equipment is an American leader in supplying plastic and metal pallets. Our staff knows the enormous advantages you get when you choose alternatives to wooden pallets. Call Cherry’s Industrial today and have a frank pallet benefit discussion. We’re at 800-350-0011, or you can reach us through our online form.

Benefits of Custom Pallets

If you have been searching all that is currently available in the market and still cannot find a perfect pallet solution, remember custom pallets are available. That’s part of Cherry’s Industrial full customer service. Together, we work to assess your needs and build you the right custom pallet choice. You get these great benefits from ordering custom pallets:

Ordering Pallets From Cherry’s Industrial Equipment

Cherry’s Industrial Equipment has more than two decades of experience in the material handling supply business. We’ve grown and prospered because we value all our customers. Our philosophy is to build relationships and partner with customers to develop the exact material handling systems they need. Often, this entails custom orders.

If you are an online shopper looking for non-custom products our support team at Cherry’s Industrial also works hard to make your experience as helpful as possible. Our easy-to-navigate website contains links to many products. Descriptions provide the basic information you need so when you call Cherry’s Industrial product specialists you can ask the specific questions you need answered.

This team partnership approach is what gives Cherry’s Industrial Equipment an edge in the market place. Our company values are customer-focused. We want you to benefit from our experience and product knowledge. Here are a few reasons why you should purchase from Cherry’s Industrial Equipment:

Trust Cherry’s Industrial Equipment to deliver you top value, every time. Whether you're interested in purchasing pallets or any other warehouse equipment, call us today at 800-350-0011 or reach out to us online.

Proses manufaktur

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