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Kode G dan M Okuma Mill

Lengkapi daftar Kode G dan M Okuma Mill untuk ahli mesin cnc yang mengerjakan mesin penggilingan cnc Okuma.

Okuma Mill OSP-P200M

Kode Okuma Mill G

Kode G Deskripsi
G00 Posisi
G01 Interpolasi linier
G02 Interpolasi melingkar – Pemotongan heliks (CW)
G03 Interpolasi melingkar – Helical Cutting (CCW)
G04 Tinggal
G09 Berhenti tepat
G10 Pembatalan G11
G11 Pergeseran sistem koordinat paralel dan rotasi
G14 Penunjukan nama sumbu
G15 Pemilihan sistem koordinat kerja (Modal)
G16 Pemilihan sistem koordinat kerja (Sekali pakai)
G17 Pemilihan pesawat:XY
G18 Pemilihan pesawat:ZX
G19 Pemilihan pesawat:YZ
G20 Konfirmasi masukan inci
G21 Konfirmasi masukan metrik
G22 Batas langkah yang dapat diprogram AKTIF
G23 Pembatalan batas stroke yang dapat diprogram
G30 Posisi ke posisi awal
G31 Lewati fungsi
G33 Siklus tidak diperbaiki untuk pemotongan utas
G37 Pembatalan G38
G38 Mode pengurangan pemotongan udara AKTIF
G39 Perintah I, J, K dan G39 diabaikan di interpolasi melingkar sudut (dengan vektor)
G40 Kompensasi radius pemotong (G41, G42) batal
G41 Kompensasi radius pemotong, kiri
G42 Kompensasi radius pemotong, benar
G43 Offset 3D (G44) batal
G44 Offset 3D AKTIF
G50 Pembesaran dan pengurangan geometri dibatalkan
G51 Pembesaran dan pengurangan geometri “ON”
G53 Offset panjang alat batalkan
G54 Offset panjang pahat, sumbu X
G55 Offset panjang pahat, sumbu Y
G56 Offset panjang pahat, sumbu Z
G57 Offset panjang pahat, sumbu ke-4
G58 Offset panjang pahat, sumbu ke-5
G59 Offset panjang pahat, sumbu ke-6
G60 Pemosisian satu arah
G61 Mode berhenti tepat AKTIF
G62 Mode gambar cermin yang dapat diprogram
G64 Mode pemotongan AKTIF
G68 Koordinat lereng MATI
G69 Koordinat lereng AKTIF
G71 Penunjukan tingkat pengembalian untuk M53
G72 Penunjukan titik referensi pola (posisi awal) untuk fungsi penghitungan koordinat
G73 Siklus tetap, Siklus pengeboran berkecepatan tinggi
G74 Siklus tetap, Siklus penyadapan terbalik
G75 Siklus tetap; Langkah &pilih siklus
G76 Siklus tetap, Sangat membosankan
G79 Siklus tetap; Siklus pitch variabel
G80 Siklus tetap, Modal batal
G81 Siklus tetap; Sangat membosankan
G82 Siklus tetap; Kontra membosankan
G83 Siklus tetap, Siklus pengeboran lubang dalam
G84 Siklus tetap, Siklus Tapping
G85 Siklus tetap, Siklus membosankan
G86 Siklus tetap, Siklus membosankan
G87 Siklus tetap, Siklus kembali membosankan
G88 Siklus tetap; Siklus membosankan multi-langkah
G89 Siklus tetap, Siklus membosankan
G90 Mode dimensi absolut
G91 Mode dimensi tambahan
G92 Pengaturan sistem koordinat kerja
G93 Umpan waktu terbalik
G94 Mode umpan per menit
G95 Umpan per mode revolusi
G96 Pengaturan sistem koordinat lokal
G97 Fungsi penghitungan ulang koordinat
G100 Batalkan mode MODIN makro yang dipilih oleh G101 ke G110
G101-G110 Tipe MODIN makro kode G
G111-G120 Jenis PANGGILAN makro kode G
G130 Kontrol pembentukan kecepatan tinggi NONAKTIF
G131 Kontrol pembentukan kecepatan tinggi AKTIF
G133 Kontrol kecepatan periferal konstan NONAKTIF
G134 Kontrol kecepatan periferal konstan AKTIF
G137 Mode pemesinan kontur NONAKTIF
G138 Mode pemesinan kontur AKTIF
G139 G00 interpolasi linier khusus NONAKTIF
G140 G00 interpolasi linier khusus AKTIF
G141 Alat grooving NONAKTIF
G142 Mengaktifkan alat grooving
G143 Perintah posisi sumbu putar (di bawah kontrol sumbu putar oleh Super hi-NC)
G145 Mode pengembalian titik referensi pola
G146 Mode pengembalian titik akhir pola
G147 Perintah posisi sistem koordinat mesin
G148 Menonaktifkan fungsi potong
G149 Mengaktifkan fungsi potong
G150 Akselerasi/deselerasi otomatis AKTIF
G151 Pembatalan akselerasi/deselerasi otomatis
G152 Akselerasi otomatis
G153 Deselerasi otomatis
G154 Kontrol jalur spindel NONAKTIF
G155 Kontrol jalur spindel AKTIF
G159 Perintah penonaktifan periksa posisi
G164 Perintah hentikan gerakan memutar secara terus-menerus dalam pemotongan belok
G165 Gerakan melingkar terus-menerus (CW) memulai perintah dalam pemotongan belok
G166 Gerakan melingkar terus-menerus (CCW) memulai perintah dalam pemotongan belok
G167 Meja putar dan kontrol spindel MATI
G168 Meja putar dan kontrol spindel AKTIF
G169 Offset panjang pahat pada pinggiran tajam AKTIF
G170 Offset panjang pahat pada pinggiran tajam dan pada arah aksial batal
G171 Offset panjang pahat dalam arah aksial AKTIF
G174 Pemotongan sisi silinder “OFF”
G175 Pemotongan sisi silinder “ON”
G176 Kode F, S abaikan batal
G177 F, kode S abaikan
G178 Siklus pemotongan benang tetap pada arah sumbu pertama pada bidang
G179 Siklus pemotongan benang tetap pada arah sumbu ke-2 pada bidang
G180 Offset rotasi lampiran dibatalkan
G181 Offset rotasi lampiran; Ke depan
G182 Offset rotasi lampiran; Ke kiri
G183 Offset rotasi lampiran; Mundur
G184 Offset rotasi lampiran; Ke kanan
G185 Offset rotasi lampiran; Ke bawah
G186 Mode kontrol toleransi batal
G187 Mode kontrol toleransi "AKTIF"
G188 offset panjang pahat ke-2 dibatalkan
G189 offset panjang pahat ke-2 AKTIF
G192 Siklus tetap; Deteksi permukaan atas dibatalkan
G193 Siklus tetap; Deteksi permukaan atas AKTIF
G194 Siklus tetap; Deteksi kerusakan alat dibatalkan
G195 Siklus tetap; Deteksi kerusakan alat AKTIF
G260 Kompensasi defleksi spindel NONAKTIF
G261 Kompensasi defleksi spindel AKTIF
G266 Sakelar batas dicentang
G267 Sakelar batas tidak dicentang
G272 Siklus tetap; Penyadapan lubang dalam dan penyadapan balik
G273 Siklus tetap; Penyadapan lubang dalam berkecepatan tinggi dan penyadapan terbalik
G274 Siklus tetap; Ketukan yang disinkronkan, ketukan terbalik
G281 Siklus tetap; Pengeboran lubang berdiameter kecil dan dalam
G282 Siklus tetap; Penyadapan tersinkronisasi lubang dalam
G283 Siklus tetap; Penyadapan tersinkronisasi lubang dalam berkecepatan tinggi
G284 Siklus tetap; Penyadapan tersinkronisasi
G296 G297 batal
G297 S command in C-axis mode (S command is regarded as the spindle position.)
G300 G301 to G349 macro MODIN cancel (NC. P. B No. 34 bit 3:1)
G336 I-MAP-A function; Fixed circle cutting cycle (CW)
G337 I-MAP-A function; Fixed circle cutting cycle (CCW)
G501-G580 G code macro changeable between MODIN and CALL

Okuma Mill M Codes

M Code Description
M00 Program stop
M01 Optional stop
M02 End of program
M03 Work spindle start (CW)
M04 Work spindle start (CCW)
M05 Spindle stop
M06 Vertical spindle tool change
M07 Oil mist coolant ON
M08 Coolant pump ON
M09 Coolant system OFF
M10 A-axis clamp
M11 A-axis unclamp
M12 Chip air blow ON
M15 4th-axis rotary index table CW
M16 4th-axis rotary index table CCW
M17 Indexing head index CCW
M19 Spindle orientation (forward)
M20 B-axis clamp
M21 B-axis unclamp
M22 Y-axis clamp
M23 Y-axis unclamp
M24 Z-axis clamp
M25 Z-axis unclamp
M26 C-axis clamp
M27 C-axis unclamp
M30 End of tape
M32 Splash guard door close
M33 Splash guard door open
M40 High/middle-high/middle-low/low range
M41 High/middle-high/middle-low range
M42 High/middle-high range
M43 High range
M44 AAC (F) 1 Next attachment clear
M45 AAC (F) 1 Preparation for attachment change preparation
M46 AAC (F) 1 No next attachment
M47 AAC (F) 1 No next attachment
M48 AAC (T) Next attachment clear
M49 AAC (T) Preparation for attachment change preparation
M50 Through-the-tool coolant, low pressure ON
M51 Through-the-tool coolant, high pressure ON
M52 Return level in fixed cycle, Upper limit
M53 Return level in fixed cycle, Specified level
M54 Return level in fixed cycle, Point R level
M57 W-axis clamp
M58 W-axis unclamp
M59 Chip air blow ON
M60 Pallet change command
M62 Vertical spindle tool change preparation
M63 No next tool for ATC
M64 Next tool return cycle
M65 ATC preparation
M66 Continuous tool change between the vertical and horizontal spindles (same tool)
M67 Continuous tool change between the vertical and horizontal spindles (different tool)
M68 Vertical spindle tool clamp
M69 Vertical spindle tool unclamp
M70 Manual tool change
M71 Manual attachment tool change
M72 Horizontal spindle tool change preparation
M73 Swivel head, front position
M74 Swivel head, left position
M75 Swivel head, rear position
M76 Swivel head, right position
M77 Horizontal spindle tool change
M78 Horizontal spindle tool clamp
M79 Horizontal spindle tool unclamp
M81 Automatic W-axis positioning 1
M82 Automatic W-axis positioning 2
M83 Automatic W-axis positioning 3
M84 Automatic W-axis positioning 4
M85 Automatic W-axis positioning 5
M87 Oil mist/air blow ON
M87 Oil mist/air blow ON
M88 Dust collector ON
M89 Dust collector OFF
M90 Vertical spindle oil mist cycle mode ON
M91 Tap-drill hole chip air blow cycle mode ON
M93 Thru-spindle coolant at medium pressure/2nd coolant ON
M94 Attachment indexing by forward rotation
M95 Attachment indexing by reverse rotation
M98 Horizontal spindle oil mist cycle mode ON
M101 Pallet 1 selection
M102 Pallet 2 selection
M103 Pallet 3 selection
M104 Pallet 4 selection
M105 Pallet 5 selection
M106 Pallet 6 selection
M107 Pallet 7 selection
M108 Pallet 8 selection
M109 Pallet 9 selection
M110 Pallet 10 selection
M111 Pallet 11 selection
M112 Pallet 12 selection
M115 5th-axis rotary table CW
M116 5th-axis rotary table CCW
M118 Spindle orientation (reverse)
M119 Spindle orientation (forward/reverse)
M120 Work shower ON
M121 Attachment air blow ON/Tool nose air blow ON
M127 Touch probe ON
M130 Spindle rotation condition for cutting feed OFF
M131 Spindle rotation condition for cutting feed ON
M132 Single block invalid
M133 Single block valid
M134 Spindle speed override invalid
M135 Spindle speed override valid
M136 Feedrate override invalid
M137 Feedrate override valid
M138 Dry run invalid
M139 Dry run valid
M140 Slide hold invalid
M141 Slide hold valid
M142 Spindle overload detection invalid
M143 Spindle overload detection valid
M144 Touch sensor advance
M145 Touch sensor retract
M146 Work air blow OFF
M147 Work air blow ON
M148 Work clamp (fixture 1)
M149 Work unclamp (fixture 1)
M150 Coolant group specification, Vertical spindle
M151 Coolant group specification, Horizontal spindle
M152 Coolant group specification, 3rd group
M153 Coolant group specification, 4th group
M154 Sensor air blow OFF
M155 Sensor air blow ON
M157 AAC (2 st.), No next tool
M158 AAC (2 st.), Next tool clear
M159 AAC (2 st.), Preparation for the next tool
M160 PPC pallet loading
M161 PPC pallet unloading
M163 Long tool, No next tool
M165 Long tool, Preparation for tool change
M166 ATC active tool return mode specification
M170 AAC (F), Attachment change
M171 AAC (T), Attachment change
M172 Long tool, Tool change command
M173 AAC (2 st.), Attachment change command
M176 Dust collection mode, Air blow
M177 Angular attachment, Tool change
M178 Dust collection mode, ON
M179 Dust collection mode, OFF
M181 External M signal
M182 External M signal
M183 External M signal
M184 External M signal
M185 External M signal
M186 External M signal
M187 External M signal
M188 External M signal
M190 Automatic W-axis positioning 1
M191 Automatic W-axis positioning 2
M192 Automatic W-axis positioning 3
M193 Automatic W-axis positioning 4
M194 Automatic W-axis positioning 5
M195 Automatic W-axis positioning 6
M196 Automatic W-axis positioning 7
M197 Automatic W-axis positioning 8
M198 Automatic W-axis positioning 9
M199 Automatic W-axis positioning 10
M201-M220 M code macro
M230 Tool length offset direction; Used as it is
M231 Tool length offset direction; Used after reversing the direction
M232 3D tool length offset direction; Used as it is
M233 3D tool length offset direction; Reversed and used
M234 Synchronized tapping gear selection:Low, Middle low, Middle high, High
M235 Synchronized tapping gear selection:Middle low, Middle high, High
M236 Synchronized tapping gear selection:Middle high, High
M237 Synchronized tapping gear selection:Middle high, High
M238 Software override invalid
M239 Software override valid
M278 Chip conveyor OFF
M279 Chip conveyor ON
M280 Work counter count up
M281 Work clamp (fixture 2)
M282 Work unclamp (fixture 2)
M287 Work clamp (fixture 3)
M288 Work unclamp (fixture 3)
M289 Pallet identification
M292 Chamfering OFF
M293 Chamfering ON
M294 Fixed compound cycle; Cutting pattern 1
M295 Fixed compound cycle; Cutting pattern 2
M296 Fixed compound cycle; Cutting pattern 3
M297 Thermal deformation amount transfer command
M300 Ignoring Spindle rotation answer
M301 Ignoring M code answer other than spindle rotation
M302 M301 answer confirmation
M311 Robot request 1
M312 Robot request 2
M313 Robot request 3
M314 Robot request 4
M315 U-axis connection OFF
M316 U-axis connection ON
M317 U-axis air blow OFF
M318 U-axis air blow ON
M319 Operation time transfer command (DNC-C)
M320 Tailstock advance
M321 Tailstock retract
M326 Synchronized tapping monitor OFF
M327 Synchronized tapping monitor ON
M328 Spindle no-tool interlock valid
M329 Spindle no-tool interlock invalid
M331 6th rotary axis CW
M332 6th rotary axis CCW
M339 Thru-spindle air blow ON
M340 Work seating monitor ON
M341 Work seating monitor OFF
M342 Work seating confirmation air ON
M343 Work seating confirmation air OFF
M346 B-axis rotation interlock valid
M347 B-axis rotation interlock invalid
M351 AT retraction to MG upper part (MCV-A II simplified 5-face MC)
M352 Adaptor retraction to MG upper part (MCV-A II simplified 5-face MC)
M354 Chip flusher OFF
M355 Chip flusher ON
M356 MG pot swing to tool change position
M368 Mist collector OFF
M369 Mist collector ON
M374 Non-contact sensor; Laser OFF
M375 Non-contact sensor; Laser ON
M378 Coolant flow rate detection; Monitor mode ON
M379 Coolant flow rate detection; Monitor mode OFF
M385 Work clamp at low pressure (fixture 1)

Mesin CNC

  1. Panduan Pemecahan Masalah Penggilingan Akhir dan Penggilingan
  2. Kode G dan M:Memahami Bahasa Pemrograman CNC
  3. Kode Haas CNC Mill G
  4. Daftar Kode Hurco Mill G
  5. Daftar Kode Mach3 Mill G
  6. Daftar Kode Anilam G – Pabrik CNC 6000M
  7. Fanuc G85 Boring Cycle – Pemrograman Pabrik CNC
  8. Kode Haas Mill M
  9. G86 Boring Cycle – Pemrograman Fanuc Mill
  10. Kode G dan Kode M Mesin CNC – Penggilingan dan Bubut CNC