Mesin CNC
Fagor 8065M Milling dan 8065T Lathe pemrograman kode G / kode M daftar lengkap.
Kode G pemrograman Fagor 8065M / daftar lengkap kode M.
Kode G | Deskripsi |
G00 | Melintasi cepat. |
G01 | Interpolasi linier. |
G02 | Interpolasi melingkar (heliks) searah jarum jam. |
G03 | Interpolasi melingkar (heliks) berlawanan arah jarum jam. |
G04 | Tinggal |
G05 | Pembulatan sudut terkontrol (modal). |
G06 | Pusat busur dalam koordinat absolut (bukan modal). |
G07 | Sudut persegi (modal). |
G08 | Arc bersinggungan dengan jalur sebelumnya. |
G09 | Busur ditentukan oleh tiga titik. |
G10 | Pembatalan gambar cermin. |
G11 | Cermin gambar pada X. |
G12 | Cermin gambar di Y. |
G13 | Cermin gambar pada Z. |
G14 | Cermin gambar ke arah yang diprogram. |
G17 | Bidang utama X-Y, dan sumbu longitudinal Z. |
G18 | Bidang utama Z-X, dan sumbu longitudinal Y. |
G19 | Bidang utama Y-Z, dan sumbu longitudinal X. |
G20 | Bidang utama dengan dua arah dan sumbu memanjang. |
G30 | Preset asal kutub. |
G31 | Pergeseran asal kutub sementara ke pusat busur. |
G33 | Penguliran elektronik dengan nada konstan. |
G36 | Penggabungan radius otomatis. |
G37 | Entri tangensial. |
G38 | Keluar tangensial. |
G39 | Campuran talang otomatis. |
G40 | Pembatalan kompensasi radius alat. |
G41 | Kompensasi radius alat sebelah kiri. |
G42 | Kompensasi radius pahat kanan. |
G45 | Aktifkan dan nonaktifkan kontrol tangensial. |
G50 | Sudut setengah lingkaran. |
G53 | Pembatalan tanpa kompensasi. |
G54 | Perbandingan nol mutlak 1. |
G55 | Offset nol mutlak 2. |
G56 | Offset nol mutlak 3. |
G57 | Offset nol mutlak 4. |
G58 | Offset nol mutlak 5. |
G59 | Offset nol mutlak 6. |
G60 | Sudut persegi (bukan modal). |
G61 | Pembulatan sudut terkontrol (bukan modal). |
G63 | Penyadapan keras. |
G70 | Pemrograman dalam inci. |
G71 | Pemrograman dalam milimeter. |
G72 | Faktor penskalaan. |
G73 | Rotasi sistem koordinat. |
G74 | Pencarian rumah |
G80 | Pembatalan siklus kalengan. |
G81 | Siklus kaleng pengeboran. |
G82 | Siklus kaleng pengeboran dengan kecupan variabel. |
G83 | Siklus kaleng pengeboran lubang dalam dengan kecupan konstan. |
G84 | Mengetuk siklus kalengan. |
G85 | Reaming siklus kalengan. |
G86 | Siklus kaleng yang membosankan. |
G87 | Siklus kalengan persegi panjang. |
G88 | Siklus kalengan melingkar. |
G90 | Pemrograman dalam koordinat mutlak. |
G91 | Pemrograman dalam koordinat inkremental. |
G92 | Preset Koordinat. |
G93 | Waktu pengerjaan dalam hitungan detik. |
G94 | Laju gerak makan dalam milimeter/menit (inci/menit). |
G95 | Laju gerak makan dalam milimeter/revolusi (inci/revolusi). |
G96 | Kecepatan permukaan konstan. |
G97 | Kecepatan belok konstan. |
G98 | Mundur ke pesawat awal. |
G99 | Penarikan ke bidang referensi. |
G100 | Memeriksa hingga melakukan kontak. |
G101 | Sertakan probe offset. |
G102 | Kecualikan probe offset. |
G103 | Memeriksa sampai tidak melakukan kontak. |
G104 | Periksa gerakan naik ke posisi terprogram. |
G108 | Penggabungan laju umpan di awal blok. |
G109 | Penggabungan laju umpan di akhir blok. |
G112 | Mengubah rentang parameter sumbu. |
G130 | Persentase akselerasi yang akan diterapkan per sumbu atau spindel. |
G131 | Persentase percepatan yang akan diterapkan ke semua sumbu. |
G132 | Persentase brengsek yang diterapkan per sumbu atau spindel. |
G133 | Persentase brengsek yang akan diterapkan ke semua sumbu. |
G134 | Persentase Feed-Forward yang akan diterapkan. |
G135 | Persentase Penerusan AC yang akan diterapkan. |
G136 | Transisi melingkar antar blok. |
G137 | Transisi linier antar blok. |
G138 | Aktivasi langsung/pembatalan kompensasi alat. |
G139 | Aktivasi/pembatalan kompensasi alat secara tidak langsung. |
G145 | Bekukan kontrol tangensial. |
G151 | Pemrograman dalam diameter. |
G152 | Pemrograman dalam radius. |
G157 | Tidak termasuk sumbu dalam offset nol. |
G158 | Perbedaan titik nol tambahan. |
G159 | Offset nol absolut tambahan. |
G160 | Pemesinan ganda dalam garis lurus. |
G161 | Beberapa pemesinan dalam pola persegi panjang. |
G162 | Beberapa pemesinan dalam pola petak. |
G163 | Beberapa pemesinan dalam satu lingkaran penuh. |
G164 | Beberapa pemesinan dalam pola busur. |
G165 | Pemesinan diprogram dengan arc-chord. |
G170 | Hirth dinonaktifkan |
G171 | Sumbu Hirth AKTIF |
G174 | Atur koordinat mesin. |
G180/G189 | Eksekusi subrutin OEM. |
G380/G399 | Eksekusi subrutin OEM. |
G192 | Batas kecepatan belok. |
G193 | Menginterpolasi laju gerak makan. |
G196 | Laju makan titik potong konstan. |
G197 | Kecepatan gerak makan pusat alat konstan. |
G198 | Menetapkan batas perjalanan perangkat lunak yang lebih rendah |
G199 | Menetapkan batas atas perjalanan perangkat lunak |
G200 | Intervensi manual eksklusif. |
G201 | Aktivasi intervensi manual tambahan. |
G202 | Pembatalan intervensi manual tambahan. |
G210 | Siklus kaleng penggilingan bor. |
G211 | Siklus milling ulir dalam. |
G212 | Siklus penggilingan benang luar. |
G261 | Pusat busur dalam koordinat absolut (modal). |
G262 | Pusat busur mengacu pada titik awal. |
G263 | Pemrograman radius busur. |
G264 | Batalkan koreksi pusat busur. |
G265 | Aktifkan koreksi pusat busur. |
G266 | Kesampingan laju umpan pada 100% |
Kode M | Deskripsi |
M00 | Program berhenti. |
M01 | Program bersyarat berhenti. |
M02 | Akhir program. |
M03 | Mulai spindel searah jarum jam. |
M04 | Mulai spindel berlawanan arah jarum jam. |
M05 | Hentikan spindel. |
M06 | Perubahan alat. |
M17 | Akhir dari subrutin global atau lokal. |
M19 | Orientasi spindel. |
M29 | Akhir dari subrutin global atau lokal. |
M30 | Akhir program. |
M41-M44 | Ganti gigi. |
Alamat | Deskripsi |
/ | Kondisi lompatan blokir. |
# | Petunjuk pemrograman. |
$ | Instruksi pengontrol aliran. |
% | Tajuk program. |
; | (titik koma) Blokir komentar . |
[ ] | Label blok jenis teks. |
N | Label blok tipe angka. |
G | Fungsi persiapan. |
X~C | Posisi sumbu. |
F | Feedrate dari sumbu. |
S | Kecepatan spindel. |
T | Nomor alat. |
D | Nomor offset alat. |
M | Fungsi bantu. |
H | Auxiliary functions. |
NR | Number of block repetitions. |
( ) | Block comment. |
Fagor 8065T programming G codes / M codes complete lists.
G Codes | Deskripsi |
G00 | Rapid traverse. |
G01 | Linear interpolation. |
G02 | Clockwise circular (helical) interpolation. |
G03 | Counterclockwise circular (helical) interpolation. |
G04 | Tinggal |
G05 | Controlled corner rounding (modal). |
G06 | Arc center in absolute coordinates (not modal). |
G07 | Square corner (modal). |
G08 | Arc tangent to previous path. |
G09 | Arc defined by three points. |
G10 | Mirror image cancellation. |
G11 | Mirror image on X. |
G12 | Mirror image on Y. |
G13 | Mirror image on Z. |
G14 | Mirror image in the programmed directions. |
G17 | Main plane X-Y, and longitudinal axis Z. |
G18 | Main plane Z-X, and longitudinal axis Y. |
G19 | Main plane Y-Z, and longitudinal axis X. |
G20 | Main plane by two directions and longitudinal axis. |
G30 | Polar origin preset. |
G31 | Temporary polar origin shift to the center of arc. |
G33 | Electronic threading with constant pitch. |
G36 | Automatic radius blend. |
G37 | Tangential entry. |
G38 | Tangential exit. |
G39 | Automatic chamfer blend. |
G40 | Cancellation of tool radius compensation. |
G41 | Left-hand tool radius compensation. |
G42 | Right-hand tool radius compensation. |
G45 | Turn tangential control on and off. |
G50 | Semi-rounded corner. |
G53 | Zero offset cancellation. |
G54 | Absolute zero offset 1. |
G55 | Absolute zero offset 2. |
G56 | Absolute zero offset 3. |
G57 | Absolute zero offset 4. |
G58 | Absolute zero offset 5. |
G59 | Absolute zero offset 6. |
G60 | Square corner (not modal). |
G61 | Controlled corner rounding (not modal). |
G63 | Rigid tapping. |
G66 | Pattern repeat canned cycle. |
G68 | Stock removal cycle along X axis. |
G69 | Stock removal canned cycle along Z axis. |
G70 | Programming in inches. |
G71 | Programming in millimeters. |
G72 | Scaling factor. |
G73 | Coordinate system rotation. |
G74 | Home search |
G81 | Turning canned cycle with straight sections. |
G82 | Facing canned cycle with straight sections. |
G83 | Drilling / tapping canned cycle. |
G84 | Turning canned cycle with arcs. |
G85 | Facing canned cycle with arcs. |
G86 | Longitudinal threading canned cycle. |
G87 | Face threading canned cycle. |
G88 | Grooving canned cycle along the X axis. |
G89 | Grooving canned cycle along the Z axis. |
G90 | Programming in absolute coordinates. |
G91 | Programming in incremental coordinates. |
G92 | Coordinate preset. |
G93 | Machining time in seconds. |
G94 | Feedrate in millimeters/minute (inches/minute). |
G95 | Feedrate in millimeters/revolution (inches/revolution). |
G96 | Constant surface speed. |
G97 | Constant turning speed. |
G100 | Probing until making contact. |
G101 | Include probe offset. |
G102 | Exclude probe offset. |
G103 | Probing until not making contact. |
G104 | Probe movement up to the programmed position. |
G108 | Feedrate blending at the beginning of the block. |
G109 | Feedrate blending at the end of the block. |
G112 | Changing of parameter range of an axis. |
G130 | Percentage of acceleration to be applied per axis or spindle. |
G131 | Percentage of acceleration to be applied to all the axes. |
G132 | Percentage of jerk to be applied per axis or spindle. |
G133 | Percentage of jerk to be applied to all the axes. |
G134 | Percentage of Feed-Forward to be applied. |
G135 | Percentage of AC-Forward to be applied. |
G136 | Circular transition between blocks. |
G137 | Linear transition between blocks. |
G138 | Direct activation/cancellation of tool compensation. |
G139 | Indirect activation/cancellation of tool compensation. |
G145 | Freeze tangential control. |
G151 | Programming in diameters. |
G152 | Programming in radius. |
G157 | Excluding axes in the zero offset. |
G158 | Incremental zero offset. |
G159 | Additional absolute zero offsets. |
G160 | Drilling / tapping canned cycle on the face of the part. |
G161 | Drilling / tapping canned cycle on the side of the part. |
G162 | Slot milling canned cycle along the side of the part. |
G163 | Slot milling canned cycle along the face of the part. |
G170 | Hirth axes OFF |
G171 | Hirth axes ON |
G174 | Set the machine coordinate. |
G180/G189 | OEM subroutine execution. |
G380/G399 | OEM subroutine execution. |
G192 | Turning speed limit. |
G193 | Interpolating the feedrate. |
G196 | Constant cutting point feedrate. |
G197 | Constant tool center feedrate. |
G198 | Setting of lower software travel limits |
G199 | Setting of upper software travel limits |
G200 | Exclusive manual intervention. |
G201 | Activation of additive manual intervention. |
G202 | Cancellation of additive manual intervention. |
G261 | Arc center in absolute coordinates (modal). |
G262 | Arc center referred to starting point. |
G263 | Arc radius programming. |
G264 | Cancel arc center correction. |
G265 | Activate arc center correction. |
G266 | Feedrate override at 100% |
M Codes | Deskripsi |
M00 | Program stop. |
M01 | Conditional program stop. |
M02 | End of program. |
M03 | Start the spindle clockwise. |
M04 | Start the spindle counterclockwise. |
M05 | Stop the spindle. |
M06 | Tool change. |
M17 | End of a global or local subroutine. |
M19 | Spindle orientation. |
M29 | End of a global or local subroutine. |
M30 | End of program. |
M41-M44 | Gear change. |
Addresses | Deskripsi |
/ | Block skip condition. |
# | Programming instructions. |
$ | Flow controlling instructions. |
% | Program header. |
; | (semi-colon) Block comment . |
[ ] | Text type block label. |
N | Number type block label. |
G | Preparatory functions. |
X~C | Position of the axes. |
F | Feedrate of the axes. |
S | Spindle speed. |
T | Tool number. |
D | Tool offset number. |
M | Auxiliary functions. |
H | Auxiliary functions. |
NR | Number of block repetitions. |
( ) | Block comment. |
Mesin CNC
Fagor 8037M Milling dan 8037T Lathe memprogram kode G / daftar lengkap kode M. Daftar Kode Fagor 8037M G / M Kode G pemrograman Fagor 8037M / daftar lengkap kode M. Kode G Kode G Deskripsi G00 Melintasi cepat G01 Interpolasi linier G02 Interpolasi melingkar (heliks) searah jarum jam G03 Inter
Sherline CNC G Codes M Codes daftar lengkap untuk masinis cnc yang mengerjakan pabrik/bubut cnc Sherline. Selengkapnya tentang Sherline CNC Penjelasan Suku Cadang Utama Bubut CNC Sherline Penjelasan Suku Cadang Utama Pabrik CNC Sherline Kode G Sherline Kode G Fungsi G00 Gerakan cepat (pemosisi
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GTCNC-60TT Kode M Kode G GREAT-60TT atau GTCNC-60TT Kode G Kode M untuk Mesin Bubut CNC. Kode G Kode G Deskripsi G00 Gerakan cepat G01 Interpolasi linier G02 CW interpolasi melingkar G03 CCW interpolasi melingkar G33 Pemotongan benang G04 Tinggal G20 Masukan format inci G21 Masukan format