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MIDI untuk Organ Digital

Komponen dan persediaan

Arduino Mega 2560
× 1
Plug Midi DIN
× 1
Resistor 220 ohm
× 1
Kabel USB-A ke B
× 1
Kabel AWM
× 1
Header Pria 40 Posisi 1 Baris (0,1")
× 1
Potensiometer, Slide
10K linier
× 1
Soket IDC
× 1
Kabel Jumper Pria/Pria
× 1

Alat dan mesin yang diperlukan

Besi solder (generik)
Kawat Solder, Bebas Timah
Fluks Solder, Solder
Wire Stripper, Hidung Tang Bergerigi
Tang, Pemotongan Samping
Tang, Hidung Rata

Aplikasi dan layanan online

Arduino IDE

Tentang proyek ini

Proyek ini menunjukkan cara mengubah konsol organ lama sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mengirim pesan MIDI perangkat keras dari manual dan pedal menggunakan satu Arduino Mega.

Proyek ini dimulai sebagai upaya untuk mengirimkan pesan midi saat generasi suara asli masih utuh, namun sirkuit asli terbukti cukup sulit untuk direkayasa balik. Setelah menghabiskan beberapa waktu dengan kode, saya mengembangkan kode untuk manual tipe buss, dan tipe matriks.


  • Proyek ini memodifikasi organ sehingga peralihan keyboard asli tidak lagi berfungsi.
  • Di dalam organ tua, ada komponen listrik yang bisa berbahaya. Selalu bekerja dengan organ dicabut, dan pastikan Anda memiliki pengalaman dan keterampilan untuk mengerjakan proyek ini dengan aman. Jika ragu, konsultasikan dengan teknisi elektronik lokal yang memenuhi syarat sebelum mencoba proyek ini.
  • Komponen di dalam organ lama seringkali sudah cukup tua dan hampir tidak berfungsi, sehingga setiap modifikasi dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada organ tersebut. Mengikuti petunjuk yang diberikan di sini dilakukan dengan risiko pengguna sendiri, dan penulis artikel ini tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan apa pun yang terjadi pada organ, peralatan, atau orang sebagai akibat dari upaya mengikuti petunjuk ini.

Langkah 1:Periksa organ

  • Kode posting pertama saya mengasumsikan bahwa organ yang ingin Anda modifikasi sudah memiliki keyboard matriks, dengan sakelar dan dioda diskrit sudah terpasang. Sejak memposting versi pertama itu, saya juga telah mengembangkan kode yang akan bekerja dengan desain keyboard buss. Cukup ikuti instruksi dan gunakan kode untuk versi yang berlaku untuk Anda (Matrix vs. Bussed). Namun, untuk kedua desain tersebut, Anda memerlukan dioda yang terpasang pada setiap sakelar. Ini dapat diperoleh dengan murah. Namun, kode yang diunggah ke Arduino Mega berbeda dengan desain matriks vs. desain buss.
  • Organ tertentu yang di-midifikasi dalam contoh ini memiliki sakelar yang biasanya terbuka (NO) untuk keyboard, dan sakelar yang biasanya tertutup (NC) untuk pedal. Dengan menggunakan multimeter, Anda dapat memeriksa jenis sakelar yang dimiliki organ yang ingin Anda ubah. Jika jenis sakelar berbeda dari apa yang dilakukan untuk organ ini, Anda harus mengubah kode agar sesuai dengan jenis sakelar (contoh diberikan dalam kode)
  • Cari tahu cara membuka organ untuk mengakses kontak keyboard dan pedalboard, dan cari tempat yang cocok untuk memasang Arduino di dalam organ. Anda mungkin harus mengebor lubang atau memasang colokan untuk memberikan daya ke Arduino, dan untuk memasang colokan Midi. Dalam contoh ini, steker listrik 3 cabang disambungkan ke kotak listrik kecil di dalam organ untuk memberikan daya ke Arduino, dan sebuah lubang dibor, dan steker Midi DIN dipasang ke lubang tersebut.
  • Organ tertentu yang ditampilkan di sini memiliki dua keyboard dengan matriks 6x11, dan sebuah pedalboard dengan matriks 6x7. Jika Anda berencana untuk menggunakan rute matriks, dan organ tertentu sudah memiliki matriks 8x8, kode dan wiring perlu dimodifikasi agar sesuai dengan matriks 8x8, atau matriks asli harus di-rewire untuk mendukung matriks 6x11.

Langkah 2:Pasang Arduino

-Arduino Mega saya datang dengan piring plastik kecil untuk dipasang ke kayu organ. Saya memasangnya dengan sekrup kayu #4 kecil, dan sekrup mesin #4 untuk memasang Arduino ke pelat. Sebaiknya letakkan Arduino terlebih dahulu, sehingga Anda dapat memperkirakan berapa panjang setiap kabel yang dibutuhkan. Pada titik ini, Anda juga dapat menemukan cara untuk memasok daya ke Arduino.

Langkah 3:Siapkan kabel

Papan Ketik Matriks:

Setiap keyboard akan memiliki 61 sakelar. Dalam contoh yang digunakan di sini, setiap keyboard memiliki 6 baris, dengan kabel dari terminal pertama setiap sakelar ke terminal pertama setiap sakelar lainnya berjarak 6 sakelar. Terminal kedua sakelar kemudian menuju ke dioda, lalu ke kolom, di mana sakelar dibagi menjadi 11 kolom untuk manual, dan 7 kolom untuk pedal. Untuk setiap manual dan pedal, dua panjang kabel AWM yang direkomendasikan perlu dipotong sehingga mencapai dari setiap divisi ke papan Arduino, sebaiknya mengikuti jalur yang dapat diatur dengan rapi, dan selalu meninggalkan lebih banyak kelonggaran daripada yang dibutuhkan. Untuk kolom, sebaiknya kabel memanjang sepanjang keyboard atau pedalboard sebelum masuk ke Arduino. Ukur setiap panjang kabel, dan potong sesuai ukuran. Dengan menggunakan penjepit kecil, pisahkan setiap helai kabel di ujungnya, dan lepaskan penutup plastik dari ujung kawat menggunakan penari telanjang kawat.

Keyboard Buss:

Keyboard dapat dibagi menjadi 6 kabel AWM, dengan kabel biasa untuk sakelar ke-61. Pisahkan setiap helai kabel di ujungnya, lalu lepaskan penutup plastik dari ujungnya menggunakan penari telanjang kawat.

Langkah 4:Ujung kabel solder ke header pria

Keyboard Matriks dan Bussed:Baik menyolder ujung kabel yang sesuai ke pin header male, atau jika menggunakan papan terminal sekrup, pasang kabel yang sesuai ke terminal sekrup.

Langkah 5:Solder ujung kabel yang lain ke sakelar

Papan Ketik Matriks:

-Jika organ sudah memiliki masing-masing kontak kabel, Anda harus melepas solder atau klip kabel asli agar proyek ini bekerja. Jika organ memiliki matriks 6x11, masuk akal untuk mempertahankan baris kabel yang berpindah dari setiap sakelar ke sakelar berikutnya 6 ke atas. Jadi, lepaskan kabel baris dari set enam pertama ke komputer asli, dan solder 6 kabel baris ke posisi di mana 6 lainnya dulu. Untuk kolom, jika mereka sudah memiliki dioda, kemudian potong atau lepaskan kabel dari ujung lain dioda ke komputer asli, lalu solder kabel kolom ke Arduino Anda sebagai gantinya. Dengan menggunakan pengikat kabel plastik, Anda dapat mengatur kabel agar berjalan rapi di sepanjang kabel lain di organ. Untuk pedalboard pada organ yang digambarkan di atas, panel di bagian depan organ yang berisi sakelar buluh harus dilepas dengan melepas sekrup yang menahannya, dan kabel dirutekan melalui lubang kecil di tengah panel depan panel organ.

Keyboard Buss:

Dalam kode keyboard bussed, perlu untuk menyolder dioda ke sisi non buss dari setiap sakelar, lalu solder ini ke salah satu dari 10 kabel di kabel, lalu ulangi untuk masing-masing dari 6 kabel, lalu ulangi untuk kabel terakhir (#61)

Langkah 6:Solder resistor ke konektor MIDI, dan solder kabel lainnya ke Arduino.

Langkah 7:Hubungkan header ke Arduino

-Pasang semua header ke Arduino seperti yang ditunjukkan pada skema.

-Solusi alternatif untuk menyolder kabel ke header male adalah dengan membeli soket IDC sepuluh pin, dan menghubungkannya ke ujung kabel AWM, kemudian menggunakan jumper male ke male untuk menghubungkan ke Arduino. Meskipun solusi ini tidak permanen seperti menyolder, disarankan jika Anda ingin mencoba memodifikasi kode yang diposting, jika perlu memasang kembali kabel.

Langkah 8:Unggah perangkat lunak ke Arduino

-Hubungkan kabel USB dari Arduino ke komputer Anda, dan pastikan Anda telah menginstal perangkat lunak Arduino di komputer Anda. Pilih versi kode yang berlaku untuk Anda (Matrixed vs. Bussed). Jalankan perangkat lunak Arduino, dan salin dan tempel kode yang disediakan ke dalam sketsa kosong baru. Pastikan Arduino terhubung melalui serial USB, dan Klik tombol "Unggah" di bagian atas sketsa.

Langkah 9:Uji

  • Jika belum selesai, sambungkan adaptor MIDI Anda ke komputer, dan sambungkan MIDI organ ke adaptor MIDI.
  • Menggunakan perangkat lunak untuk memantau sinyal midi, pastikan setiap tombol dan pedal mengirimkan pesan MIDI yang sesuai saat Anda menekan tombol, dan tekan setiap tombol.
  • Jika Anda berencana untuk menggunakan tanpa terhubung ke komputer, Anda dapat memasang catu daya 5v kecil ke port daya Arduino, atau memasang steker daya USB ke ujung kabel USB yang Anda gunakan, dan colokkan itu ke stopkontak untuk menyalakan Arduino.


  • Kode yang diposting untuk keyboard buss belum diuji, namun diharapkan berfungsi. Silakan tulis di komentar jika Anda telah mencoba kode buss dan menemukan beberapa masalah dengannya.
  • Perhatikan bahwa untuk versi kode bus, dioda diperlukan agar dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Juga, saat menyolder dioda ke sakelar, penting untuk menyolder dioda dengan kutub negatif ke arah sakelar. Untuk desain matriks, kutub negatif dioda harus dijauhkan dari sakelar.
  • Selain menambahkan desain bus, saya juga memperbarui desain dan kode asli untuk menyertakan potensiometer, seperti yang digunakan dalam pedal ekspresi.
  • Agar desain bus bekerja dengan baik di pin 13, perlu menonaktifkan LED bawaan Arduino. Untuk melakukannya, Anda dapat melepasnya menggunakan dua besi solder, atau menggunakan tang berujung halus untuk menghancurkannya dengan hati-hati.
  • Meskipun desain buss akan bekerja untuk banyak organ dengan keyboard bussed, itu mungkin tidak bekerja dengan andal jika bus terbuat dari bahan "perunggu fosfor". Menghubungkan semua bus untuk satu manual bersama-sama, dan menghubungkan semua kontak untuk satu kunci bersama-sama akan membantu mencegah kontak terputus-putus, tetapi untuk batang bus perunggu fosfor, disarankan untuk menggunakan kunci 12V (yang proyek ini tidak akan dapat melakukan).

Perangkat Keras Pedal Ekspresi untuk Potensiometer

Di masa depan, saya berharap untuk menambahkan lebih banyak detail tentang ini, tetapi untuk saat ini saya akan menjelaskan secara singkat desain yang terlihat di atas. Sambungan ke pedal ekspresi adalah braket "L" murah yang tersedia dari toko perangkat keras lokal. Ini terhubung ke braket yang ada di sini, tetapi braket L kedua yang dipasang langsung ke pedal juga dapat digunakan. Ini mengartikulasikan pada sekrup mesin yang dijaga sedikit longgar dengan menggunakan mur pengunci, dan dua ring. Dalam gambar, saya menggunakan sekrup mesin yang sangat panjang, tetapi yang begitu panjang tidak diperlukan, kebetulan itu adalah apa yang saya miliki. Untuk batang logam, saya menggunakan "lasan JB" untuk memasang baut mata di salah satu ujungnya, dan menggunakan sekrup mesin dengan ukuran yang sesuai untuk memasangnya ke braket "L" di ujung lainnya.

Untuk pemasangan potensiometer itu sendiri, saya membeli beberapa lembaran akrilik bening, mencetaknya dengan pisau hobi, lalu mematahkannya di sepanjang garis menggunakan tang dan klem. Untuk memasang potensiometer, saya membuat potongan kecil akrilik untuk mengangkatnya dari bagian yang lebih besar, mengampelas permukaan bagian yang lebih kecil dari akrilik, dan juga mengampelas permukaan potensiometer yang akan dipasang, dan permukaan bagian yang lebih besar untuk yang semuanya akan dilampirkan, kemudian diterapkan las JB, dan menggunakan penjepit kecil untuk menahan semuanya sampai las JB kering. Lubang pada potongan akrilik dibor dengan bor listrik dan mata bor standar.

Bagian bawah potongan akrilik yang lebih besar diikat ke engsel furnitur kecil menggunakan sekrup mesin #4, dan ujung lain dari engsel furnitur dipasang ke bagian bawah organ menggunakan sekrup kayu pendek #4. Saya membuat braket akrilik untuk menahan engsel furnitur dari lantai kayu, tetapi tergantung pada desain engsel furnitur, itu mungkin tidak diperlukan.

Blok putih yang digeser oleh batang adalah blok PFTE yang saya beli dari pemasok suku cadang robot. Potongan dipotong bagian yang lebih besar menggunakan gergaji hobi, dan tiga lubang dibor menggunakan bor listrik dan mata bor ukuran berbeda. Blok PFTE dipasang pada braket akrilik menggunakan sekrup mesin.

Instruksi rinci untuk braket pedal ekspresi:

(Diperbarui 9 Desember 2021)

-8x10 inci lembaran akrilik

-Blok Teflon

-Batang aluminium (1/4 inci, tersedia di toko perangkat keras atau logam lokal)

-JB Las

-Potensiometer linier

- Engsel furnitur kecil

- Penjepit furnitur kecil

-Baut mata kecil

-Sekrup kayu #4 pendek

-Berbagai perangkat keras:

-Kunci mesin cuci X1 (sebaiknya teflon) dan sekrup mesin yang cocok untuk dipasang ke pedal (diameter dan panjang agar sesuai dengan pedal saat ini)

-Sekrup mesin x2, ring x4 dan mur x2 untuk memasang teflon pada lembaran akrilik (diameter dan panjang tergantung diameter lubang bor)

-Sekrup mesin untuk memasang penjepit ke 1/4 batang aluminium (diameter tergantung pada ukuran lubang internal)

-Sekrup mesin x2, ring x4 dan mur x2 untuk memasang engsel ke bagian bawah lembaran akrilik.


-Pisau hobi

-Tepi lurus

- Obeng perhiasan/obeng biasa (perhiasan untuk sekrup terkecil)

-Kunci sabit (untuk mengencangkan sekrup dan mur mesin)


- Bor Listrik dan mata bor.

-Hobby melihat

-Vise atas bangku

-Penjepit kayu kecil

-Kertas pasir halus

-Stik es krim dan kardus bekas.

-Kain basah


-Periksa pedal saat ini. Jika ada lubang cadangan pada braket pemasangan, Anda dapat menggunakannya, jika tidak, Anda dapat menggunakan lubang yang ada yang sedang digunakan, dan mendapatkan sekrup mesin yang lebih panjang dari yang sekarang, tetapi masih muat di lubang.

-Pastikan dasar kayu organ bersih dari komponen atau elektronik apa pun, dan pindahkan jika perlu.

-Buka lembaran akrilik, dan dengan menggunakan ujung lurus dan pisau hobi, buat lembaran di kedua sisi menjadi persegi panjang 3” kali 4,5”, lalu retak di sepanjang garis penilaian untuk memotongnya menggunakan catok atas bangku dan tang (pastikan menggunakan pelindung mata!). Juga potong potongan 3” kali 0,5”, dan potongan 2,4” kali 0,3”.

-Potong balok teflon menggunakan gergaji hobi kira-kira 3/4" dari ujungnya untuk membuat balok berukuran 3' kali 1,5' kali 3/4 inci.

-Bor 2 lubang di sepanjang tepi bawah lembaran akrilik besar sehingga cocok dengan satu sisi engsel furnitur, dan bor dua lubang di sisi 3x1,5 inci blok teflon agar tidak menghalangi jalan. batang aluminium akan melewatinya. Bor 2 lubang yang sesuai dengan lubang di blok teflon jika blok diposisikan di atas lembaran akrilik besar, berlawanan dengan lubang yang sebelumnya dibor, dengan tepi blok teflon tepat di tepi akrilik. Bor juga 2 lubang di bagian 2,4” kali 0,3” agar cocok dengan lubang di sisi lain engsel.

-Kamplas perlahan satu permukaan potensiometer, serta area pada lembaran akrilik besar yang akan direkatkan, dan kedua permukaan potongan akrilik 3x0,5”. Bersihkan permukaan dengan kain lembab.

-Campur las JB pada beberapa karton bekas menggunakan stik es krim, lalu oleskan pada permukaan lembaran akrilik yang telah disiapkan. Tambahkan potongan 3x0,5”, lalu tambahkan lebih banyak las JB, lalu potensiometer, pastikan las JB menempel pada permukaan yang diampelas. Jepit rakitan secara perlahan dengan penjepit kayu kecil, dan biarkan 24 jam untuk mengeras.

-Bor lubang sedikit lebih besar dari 1/4 inci menggunakan mata bor 1/4 inci dengan menggerakkan mata bor saat berada di blok dari satu sisi 3/4x3 inci blok teflon ke yang lain. Borlah agar garis batang aluminium sesuai dengan garis gerak potensiometer.

-Potong batang aluminium 1/4 inci sehingga panjangnya kira-kira benar dari bagian bawah potensiometer ke pedal ekspresi saat ditekan sepenuhnya ke bawah.

-Setelah lasan JB sembuh, pasang engsel dan blok teflon ke sisi pelat akrilik besar menggunakan sekrup mesin, ring dan mur. Pasang baut mata pada bagian potensiometer yang dapat digerakkan, dan pasangkan pada batang aluminium berukuran 1/4 inci yang bergerak melalui blok teflon. Jika pas agak longgar, Anda juga bisa mengelas JB baut mata ke batang aluminium saat menerapkan las JB pada langkah sebelumnya. Dalam hal ini, Anda harus memasang baut mata pada potensiometer, memindahkannya melalui blok teflon, kemudian memasang blok teflon ke pelat akrilik dengan sekrup mesin setelahnya.

-Pegang baut mata di posisi yang tepat dengan tang, pasang penyangga furnitur ke ujung batang aluminium 1/4 inci yang lain menggunakan sekrup mesin dengan ukuran yang benar. Pastikan baut mata berada dalam orientasi yang benar ke penyangga furnitur saat dikencangkan.

-Jika ada lubang bebas pada braket potensiometer, masukkan sekrup mesin baru melaluinya, lalu pasang mesin cuci kunci teflon dan kencangkan hingga braket furnitur bergerak bebas. Jika menggunakan lubang yang ada yang saat ini ditempati oleh sekrup mesin sebelumnya, lepaskan sekrup lama, dan pasang sekrup baru yang lebih panjang, pasang seperti sebelumnya, kemudian pada tambahan panjang tambahkan braket furnitur dan mesin cuci kunci teflon.

-Pindahkan bagian bawah engsel maju mundur pada bagian bawah organ hingga berada pada posisi di mana batang aluminium 1/4 inci berjajar lurus, dan dengan pelat akrilik terkecil di tempatnya, gerakan pedal mendekati gerakan potensiometer terbaik. Pasang bagian bawah dudukan potensiometer ke bagian bawah organ menggunakan 2 sekrup kayu kecil, pastikan pelat akrilik berada di antara engsel dan kayu (ini memastikan perjalanan engsel dengan benar).

Catatan akhir:

Arduino Project Hub tampaknya tidak memiliki pemberitahuan untuk posting dan pertanyaan yang ditempatkan di sini. Jika Anda ingin jawaban lebih cepat untuk pertanyaan Anda, Anda dapat mempostingnya di halaman forum ini, yang akan memberi tahu saya.


  • Kode Papan Ketik Matriks
  • Kode Keyboard Terganggu
Kode Keyboard MatriksArduino
Kode untuk diunggah ke Arduino saat Anda mengikuti skema Keyboard Matriks.
// Nama:Arduino Mega Midi Controller v21// Dibuat:4 Feb 2021// Penulis:Larason2// Ucapan Terima Kasih:Bald Engineer, Amanda Ghassaei, jeffb42 , GrumpyMikebyte keysA[11][6];byte keysB[11][6];byte keysC[7][6];byte lastA[11][6];byte lastB[11][6];byte lastC[7 ][6];int noteOn1 =144;int noteOff1 =128;int noteOn2 =145;int noteOff2 =129;int noteOn3 =146;int noteOff3 =130;int kecepatan =100;int chan6 =181;int chan7 =182; int Exp =11;int LastPot6 =1;int LastPot7 =1;pengaturan batal() { // Mulai Serial Serial.begin(31250); //Inisialisasi Keyboard A pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode (22, INPUT); pinMode (24, INPUT); pinMode(26, INPUT); pinMode(28, INPUT); pinMode(30, INPUT); pinMode(32, INPUT); pinMode(34, INPUT); pinMode(36, INPUT); pinMode(38, INPUT); pinMode(40, INPUT); pinMode(42, INPUT); pinMode(44, INPUT); pinMode(46, INPUT); pinMode(48, INPUT); pinMode(50, INPUT); pinMode(52, INPUT); //Inisialisasi PinMode Keyboard B(3, INPUT); pinMode(23, INPUT); pinMode(25, INPUT); pinMode(27, INPUT); pinMode(29, INPUT); pinMode(31, INPUT); pinMode(33, INPUT); pinMode(35, INPUT); pinMode(37, INPUT); pinMode(39, INPUT); pinMode(41, INPUT); pinMode(43, INPUT); pinMode(45, INPUT); pinMode(47, INPUT); pinMode(49, INPUT); pinMode(51, INPUT); pinMode(52, INPUT); //Inisialisasi PinMode Keyboard C(A2, INPUT); pinMode(A3, INPUT); pinMode(A4, INPUT); pinMode(A5, INPUT); pinMode(A6, INPUT); pinMode(A7, INPUT); pinMode(A8, INPUT); pinMode(A9, INPUT); pinMode(A10, INPUT); pinMode(A11, INPUT); pinMode(A12, INPUT); pinMode(A13, INPUT); pinMode(A14, INPUT);}void loop() { // Membaca Keyboard A pinMode(22, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(24, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(26, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(28, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(30, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(32, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(32, RENDAH); keysA[0][0] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(32, INPUT); pinMode(34, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(34, RENDAH); keysA[1][0] =digitalRead(22); kunciA[1][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[1][2] =digitalRead(26); kunciA[1][3] =digitalRead(28); kunciA[1][4] =digitalRead(30); keysA[1][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(34, INPUT); pinMode(36, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(36, RENDAH); kunciA[2][0] =digitalRead(22); keysA[2][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[2][2] =digitalRead(26); keysA[2][3] =digitalRead(28); keysA[2][4] =digitalRead(30); keysA[2][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(36, INPUT); pinMode(38, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(38, RENDAH); keysA[3][0] =digitalRead(22); kunciA[3][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[3][2] =digitalRead(26); kunciA[3][3] =digitalRead(28); kunciA[3][4] =digitalRead(30); keysA[3][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(38, INPUT); pinMode(40, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(40, RENDAH); kunciA[4][0] =digitalRead(22); kunciA[4][1] =digitalRead(24); kunciA[4][2] =digitalRead(26); kunciA[4][3] =digitalRead(28); kunciA[4][4] =digitalRead(30); kunciA[4][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(40, INPUT); pinMode(42, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(42, RENDAH); kunciA[5][0] =digitalRead(22); keysA[5][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[5][2] =digitalRead(26); keysA[5][3] =digitalRead(28); kunciA[5][4] =digitalRead(30); kunciA[5][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(42, INPUT); pinMode(44, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(44, RENDAH); kunciA[6][0] =digitalRead(22); keysA[6][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[6][2] =digitalRead(26); keysA[6][3] =digitalRead(28); keysA[6][4] =digitalRead(30); keysA[6][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(44, INPUT); pinMode(46, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(46, RENDAH); keysA[7][0] =digitalRead(22); kunciA[7][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[7][2] =digitalRead(26); kunciA[7][3] =digitalRead(28); kunciA[7][4] =digitalRead(30); keysA[7][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(46, INPUT); pinMode(48, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(48, RENDAH); kunciA[8][0] =digitalRead(22); keysA[8][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[8][2] =digitalRead(26); keysA[8][3] =digitalRead(28); keysA[8][4] =digitalRead(30); keysA[8][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(48, INPUT); pinMode(50, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(50, RENDAH); kunciA[9][0] =digitalRead(22); keysA[9][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[9][2] =digitalRead(26); keysA[9][3] =digitalRead(28); kunciA[9][4] =digitalRead(30); keysA[9][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(50, INPUT); pinMode(52, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(52, RENDAH); kunciA[10][0] =digitalRead(22); keysA[10][1] =digitalRead(24); keysA[10][2] =digitalRead(26); keysA[10][3] =digitalRead(28); kunciA[10][4] =digitalRead(30); keysA[10][5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(52, INPUT); pinMode (22, INPUT); pinMode (24, INPUT); pinMode(26, INPUT); pinMode(28, INPUT); pinMode(30, INPUT); pinMode(2, INPUT); // Baca PinMode Keyboard B(23, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(25, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(27, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(29, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(31, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(33, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(33, RENDAH); keysB[0][0] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(33, INPUT); pinMode(35, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(35, RENDAH); keysB[1][0] =digitalRead(23); kunciB[1][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[1][2] =digitalRead(27); kunciB[1][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[1][4] =digitalRead(31); kunciB[1][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(35, INPUT); pinMode(37, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(37, RENDAH); kunciB[2][0] =digitalRead(23); keysB[2][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[2][2] =digitalRead(27); keysB[2][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[2][4] =digitalRead(31); keysB[2][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(37, INPUT); pinMode(39, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(39, RENDAH); keysB[3][0] =digitalRead(23); kunciB[3][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[3][2] =digitalRead(27); kunciB[3][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[3][4] =digitalRead(31); keysB[3][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(39, INPUT); pinMode(41, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(41, RENDAH); kunciB[4][0] =digitalRead(23); kunciB[4][1] =digitalRead(25); kunciB[4][2] =digitalRead(27); kunciB[4][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[4][4] =digitalRead(31); kunciB[4][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(41, INPUT); pinMode(43, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(43, RENDAH); kunciB[5][0] =digitalRead(23); keysB[5][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[5][2] =digitalRead(27); keysB[5][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[5][4] =digitalRead(31); kunciB[5][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(43, INPUT); pinMode(45, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(45, RENDAH); kunciB[6][0] =digitalRead(23); keysB[6][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[6][2] =digitalRead(27); keysB[6][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[6][4] =digitalRead(31); keysB[6][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(45, INPUT); pinMode(47, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(47, RENDAH); keysB[7][0] =digitalRead(23); kunciB[7][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[7][2] =digitalRead(27); kunciB[7][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[7][4] =digitalRead(31); keysB[7][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(47, INPUT); pinMode(49, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(49, RENDAH); kunciB[8][0] =digitalRead(23); keysB[8][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[8][2] =digitalRead(27); keysB[8][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[8][4] =digitalRead(31); keysB[8][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(49, INPUT); pinMode(51, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(51, RENDAH); kunciB[9][0] =digitalRead(23); keysB[9][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[9][2] =digitalRead(27); keysB[9][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[9][4] =digitalRead(31); keysB[9][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(51, INPUT); pinMode(53, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(53, RENDAH); kunciB[10][0] =digitalRead(23); keysB[10][1] =digitalRead(25); keysB[10][2] =digitalRead(27); keysB[10][3] =digitalRead(29); kunciB[10][4] =digitalRead(31); keysB[10][5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(53, INPUT); pinMode(23, INPUT); pinMode(25, INPUT); pinMode(27, INPUT); pinMode(29, INPUT); pinMode(31, INPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT); // Baca Keyboard C // Setel pin Baris untuk membaca pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A7, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A8, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A8, RENDAH); kunciC[0][0] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A8, INPUT); pinMode(A9, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A9, RENDAH); kunciC[1][0] =digitalRead(A3); kunciC[1][1] =digitalRead(A4); kunciC[1][2] =digitalRead(A5); kunciC[1][3] =digitalRead(A6); kunciC[1][4] =digitalRead(A7); kunciC[1][5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A9, INPUT); pinMode(A10, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A10, RENDAH); kunciC[2][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysC[2][1] =digitalRead(A4); kunciC[2][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC[2][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysC[2][4] =digitalRead(A7); kunciC[2][5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A10, INPUT); pinMode(A11, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A11, RENDAH); kunciC[3][0] =digitalRead(A3); kunciC[3][1] =digitalRead(A4); kunciC[3][2] =digitalRead(A5); kunciC[3][3] =digitalRead(A6); kunciC[3][4] =digitalRead(A7); kunciC[3][5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A11, INPUT); pinMode(A12, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A12, RENDAH); kunciC[4][0] =digitalRead(A3); kunciC[4][1] =digitalRead(A4); kunciC[4][2] =digitalRead(A5); kunciC[4][3] =digitalRead(A6); kunciC[4][4] =digitalRead(A7); kunciC[4][5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A12, INPUT); pinMode(A13, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A13, RENDAH); kunciC[5][0] =digitalRead(A3); kunciC[5][1] =digitalRead(A4); kunciC[5][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC[5][3] =digitalRead(A6); kunciC[5][4] =digitalRead(A7); kunciC[5][5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A13, INPUT); pinMode(A14, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A14, RENDAH); kunciC[6][0] =digitalRead(A3); pinMode(A14, INPUT); pinMode(A3, INPUT); pinMode(A4, INPUT); pinMode(A5, INPUT); pinMode(A6, INPUT); pinMode(A7, INPUT); pinMode(A2, INPUT); //Invert Keyboard C data //(For switches that are Normally Closed) //Column 1 if (keysC[0][0] ==0) { keysC[0][0] =1; } else if (keysC[0][0] ==1) { keysC[0][0] =0; } //Column 2 if (keysC[1][0] ==0) { keysC[1][0] =1; } else if (keysC[1][0] ==1) { keysC[1][0] =0; } if (keysC[1][1] ==0) { keysC[1][1] =1; } else if (keysC[1][1] ==1) { keysC[1][1] =0; } if (keysC[1][2] ==0) { keysC[1][2] =1; } else if (keysC[1][2] ==1) { keysC[1][2] =0; } if (keysC[1][3] ==0) { keysC[1][3] =1; } else if (keysC[1][3] ==1) { keysC[1][3] =0; } if (keysC[1][4] ==0) { keysC[1][4] =1; } else if (keysC[1][4] ==1) { keysC[1][4] =0; } if (keysC[1][5] ==0) { keysC[1][5] =1; } else if (keysC[1][5] ==1) { keysC[1][5] =0; } //Column 3 if (keysC[2][0] ==0) { keysC[2][0] =1; } else if (keysC[2][0] ==1) { keysC[2][0] =0; } if (keysC[2][1] ==0) { keysC[2][1] =1; } else if (keysC[2][1] ==1) { keysC[2][1] =0; } if (keysC[2][2] ==0) { keysC[2][2] =1; } else if (keysC[2][2] ==1) { keysC[2][2] =0; } if (keysC[2][3] ==0) { keysC[2][3] =1; } else if (keysC[2][3] ==1) { keysC[2][3] =0; } if (keysC[2][4] ==0) { keysC[2][4] =1; } else if (keysC[2][4] ==1) { keysC[2][4] =0; } if (keysC[2][5] ==0) { keysC[2][5] =1; } else if (keysC[2][5] ==1) { keysC[2][5] =0; } //Column 4 if (keysC[3][0] ==0) { keysC[3][0] =1; } else if (keysC[3][0] ==1) { keysC[3][0] =0; } if (keysC[3][1] ==0) { keysC[3][1] =1; } else if (keysC[3][1] ==1) { keysC[3][1] =0; } if (keysC[3][2] ==0) { keysC[3][2] =1; } else if (keysC[3][2] ==1) { keysC[3][2] =0; } if (keysC[3][3] ==0) { keysC[3][3] =1; } else if (keysC[3][3] ==1) { keysC[3][3] =0; } if (keysC[3][4] ==0) { keysC[3][4] =1; } else if (keysC[3][4] ==1) { keysC[3][4] =0; } if (keysC[3][5] ==0) { keysC[3][5] =1; } else if (keysC[3][5] ==1) { keysC[3][5] =0; } //Column 5 if (keysC[4][0] ==0) { keysC[4][0] =1; } else if (keysC[4][0] ==1) { keysC[4][0] =0; } if (keysC[4][1] ==0) { keysC[4][1] =1; } else if (keysC[4][1] ==1) { keysC[4][1] =0; } if (keysC[4][2] ==0) { keysC[4][2] =1; } else if (keysC[4][2] ==1) { keysC[4][2] =0; } if (keysC[4][3] ==0) { keysC[4][3] =1; } else if (keysC[4][3] ==1) { keysC[4][3] =0; } if (keysC[4][4] ==0) { keysC[4][4] =1; } else if (keysC[4][4] ==1) { keysC[4][4] =0; } if (keysC[4][5] ==0) { keysC[4][5] =1; } else if (keysC[4][5] ==1) { keysC[4][5] =0; } //Column 6 if (keysC[5][0] ==0) { keysC[5][0] =1; } else if (keysC[5][0] ==1) { keysC[5][0] =0; } if (keysC[5][1] ==0) { keysC[5][1] =1; } else if (keysC[5][1] ==1) { keysC[5][1] =0; } if (keysC[5][2] ==0) { keysC[5][2] =1; } else if (keysC[5][2] ==1) { keysC[5][2] =0; } if (keysC[5][3] ==0) { keysC[5][3] =1; } else if (keysC[5][3] ==1) { keysC[5][3] =0; } if (keysC[5][4] ==0) { keysC[5][4] =1; } else if (keysC[5][4] ==1) { keysC[5][4] =0; } if (keysC[5][5] ==0) { keysC[5][5] =1; } else if (keysC[5][5] ==1) { keysC[5][5] =0; } //Column 7 if (keysC[6][0] ==0) { keysC[6][0] =1; } else if (keysC[6][0] ==1) { keysC[6][0] =0; } //Write Keyboard A //A36 if ((keysA[0][0] ==0) and (lastA[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 36, velocity); lastA[0][0] =7; } if ((keysA[0][0] ==1) and (lastA[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 36, velocity); lastA[0][0] =0; } //A37 if ((keysA[1][0] ==0) and (lastA[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 37, velocity); lastA[1][0] =7; } if ((keysA[1][0] ==1) and (lastA[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 37, velocity); lastA[1][0] =0; } //A38 if ((keysA[1][1] ==0) and (lastA[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 38, velocity); lastA[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][1] ==1) and (lastA[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 38, velocity); lastA[1][1] =0; } //A39 if ((keysA[1][2] ==0) and (lastA[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 39, velocity); lastA[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][2] ==1) and (lastA[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 39, velocity); lastA[1][2] =0; } //A40 if ((keysA[1][3] ==0) and (lastA[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 40, velocity); lastA[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][3] ==1) and (lastA[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 40, velocity); lastA[1][3] =0; } //A41 if ((keysA[1][4] ==0) and (lastA[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 41, velocity); lastA[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][4] ==1) and (lastA[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 41, velocity); lastA[1][4] =0; } //A42 if ((keysA[1][5] ==0) and (lastA[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 42, velocity); lastA[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][5] ==1) and (lastA[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 42, velocity); lastA[1][5] =0; } //A43 if ((keysA[2][0] ==0) and (lastA[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 43, velocity); lastA[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][0] ==1) and (lastA[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 43, velocity); lastA[2][0] =0; } //A44 if ((keysA[2][1] ==0) and (lastA[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 44, velocity); lastA[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][1] ==1) and (lastA[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 44, velocity); lastA[2][1] =0; } //A45 if ((keysA[2][2] ==0) and (lastA[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 45, velocity); lastA[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][2] ==1) and (lastA[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 45, velocity); lastA[2][2] =0; } //A46 if ((keysA[2][3] ==0) and (lastA[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 46, velocity); lastA[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][3] ==1) and (lastA[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 46, velocity); lastA[2][3] =0; } //A47 if ((keysA[2][4] ==0) and (lastA[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 47, velocity); lastA[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][4] ==1) and (lastA[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 47, velocity); lastA[2][4] =0; } //A48 if ((keysA[2][5] ==0) and (lastA[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 48, velocity); lastA[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][5] ==1) and (lastA[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 48, velocity); lastA[2][5] =0; } //A49 if ((keysA[3][0] ==0) and (lastA[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 49, velocity); lastA[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][0] ==1) and (lastA[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 49, velocity); lastA[3][0] =0; } //A50 if ((keysA[3][1] ==0) and (lastA[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 50, velocity); lastA[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][1] ==1) and (lastA[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 50, velocity); lastA[3][1] =0; } //A51 if ((keysA[3][2] ==0) and (lastA[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 51, velocity); lastA[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][2] ==1) and (lastA[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 51, velocity); lastA[3][2] =0; } //A52 if ((keysA[3][3] ==0) and (lastA[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 52, velocity); lastA[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][3] ==1) and (lastA[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 52, velocity); lastA[3][3] =0; } //A53 if ((keysA[3][4] ==0) and (lastA[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 53, velocity); lastA[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][4] ==1) and (lastA[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 53, velocity); lastA[3][4] =0; } //A54 if ((keysA[3][5] ==0) and (lastA[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 54, velocity); lastA[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][5] ==1) and (lastA[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 54, velocity); lastA[3][5] =0; } //A55 if ((keysA[4][0] ==0) and (lastA[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 55, velocity); lastA[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][0] ==1) and (lastA[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 55, velocity); lastA[4][0] =0; } //A56 if ((keysA[4][1] ==0) and (lastA[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 56, velocity); lastA[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][1] ==1) and (lastA[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 56, velocity); lastA[4][1] =0; } //A57 if ((keysA[4][2] ==0) and (lastA[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 57, velocity); lastA[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][2] ==1) and (lastA[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 57, velocity); lastA[4][2] =0; } //A58 if ((keysA[4][3] ==0) and (lastA[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 58, velocity); lastA[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][3] ==1) and (lastA[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 58, velocity); lastA[4][3] =0; } //59 if ((keysA[4][4] ==0) and (lastA[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 59, velocity); lastA[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][4] ==1) and (lastA[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 59, velocity); lastA[4][4] =0; } //A60 if ((keysA[4][5] ==0) and (lastA[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 60, velocity); lastA[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][5] ==1) and (lastA[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 60, velocity); lastA[4][5] =0; } //A61 if ((keysA[5][0] ==0) and (lastA[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 61, velocity); lastA[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][0] ==1) and (lastA[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 61, velocity); lastA[5][0] =0; } //A62 if ((keysA[5][1] ==0) and (lastA[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 62, velocity); lastA[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][1] ==1) and (lastA[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 62, velocity); lastA[5][1] =0; } //A63 if ((keysA[5][2] ==0) and (lastA[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 63, velocity); lastA[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][2] ==1) and (lastA[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 63, velocity); lastA[5][2] =0; } //A64 if ((keysA[5][3] ==0) and (lastA[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 64, velocity); lastA[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][3] ==1) and (lastA[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 64, velocity); lastA[5][3] =0; } //A65 if ((keysA[5][4] ==0) and (lastA[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 65, velocity); lastA[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][4] ==1) and (lastA[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 65, velocity); lastA[5][4] =0; } //A66 if ((keysA[5][5] ==0) and (lastA[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 66, velocity); lastA[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][5] ==1) and (lastA[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 66, velocity); lastA[5][5] =0; } //A67 if ((keysA[6][0] ==0) and (lastA[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 67, velocity); lastA[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][0] ==1) and (lastA[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 67, velocity); lastA[6][0] =0; } //A68 if ((keysA[6][1] ==0) and (lastA[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 68, velocity); lastA[6][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][1] ==1) and (lastA[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 68, velocity); lastA[6][1] =0; } //A69 if ((keysA[6][2] ==0) and (lastA[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 69, velocity); lastA[6][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][2] ==1) and (lastA[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 69, velocity); lastA[6][2] =0; } //A70 if ((keysA[6][3] ==0) and (lastA[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 70, velocity); lastA[6][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][3] ==1) and (lastA[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 70, velocity); lastA[6][3] =0; } //A71 if ((keysA[6][4] ==0) and (lastA[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 71, velocity); lastA[6][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][4] ==1) and (lastA[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 71, velocity); lastA[6][4] =0; } //A72 if ((keysA[6][5] ==0) and (lastA[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 72, velocity); lastA[6][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][5] ==1) and (lastA[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 72, velocity); lastA[6][5] =0; } //A73 if ((keysA[7][0] ==0) and (lastA[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 73, velocity); lastA[7][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][0] ==1) and (lastA[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 73, velocity); lastA[7][0] =0; } //A74 if ((keysA[7][1] ==0) and (lastA[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 74, velocity); lastA[7][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][1] ==1) and (lastA[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 74, velocity); lastA[7][1] =0; } //A75 if ((keysA[7][2] ==0) and (lastA[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 75, velocity); lastA[7][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][2] ==1) and (lastA[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 75, velocity); lastA[7][2] =0; } //A76 if ((keysA[7][3] ==0) and (lastA[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 76, velocity); lastA[7][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][3] ==1) and (lastA[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 76, velocity); lastA[7][3] =0; } //A77 if ((keysA[7][4] ==0) and (lastA[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 77, velocity); lastA[7][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][4] ==1) and (lastA[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 77, velocity); lastA[7][4] =0; } //A78 if ((keysA[7][5] ==0) and (lastA[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 78, velocity); lastA[7][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][5] ==1) and (lastA[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 78, velocity); lastA[7][5] =0; } //A79 if ((keysA[8][0] ==0) and (lastA[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 79, velocity); lastA[8][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][0] ==1) and (lastA[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 79, velocity); lastA[8][0] =0; } //A80 if ((keysA[8][1] ==0) and (lastA[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 80, velocity); lastA[8][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][1] ==1) and (lastA[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 80, velocity); lastA[8][1] =0; } //A81 if ((keysA[8][2] ==0) and (lastA[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 81, velocity); lastA[8][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][2] ==1) and (lastA[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 81, velocity); lastA[8][2] =0; } //A82 if ((keysA[8][3] ==0) and (lastA[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 82, velocity); lastA[8][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][3] ==1) and (lastA[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 82, velocity); lastA[8][3] =0; } //A83 if ((keysA[8][4] ==0) and (lastA[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 83, velocity); lastA[8][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][4] ==1) and (lastA[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 83, velocity); lastA[8][4] =0; } //A84 if ((keysA[8][5] ==0) and (lastA[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 84, velocity); lastA[8][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][5] ==1) and (lastA[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 84, velocity); lastA[8][5] =0; } //A85 if ((keysA[9][0] ==0) and (lastA[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 85, velocity); lastA[9][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][0] ==1) and (lastA[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 85, velocity); lastA[9][0] =0; } //A86 if ((keysA[9][1] ==0) and (lastA[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 86, velocity); lastA[9][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][1] ==1) and (lastA[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 86, velocity); lastA[9][1] =0; } //A87 if ((keysA[9][2] ==0) and (lastA[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 87, velocity); lastA[9][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][2] ==1) and (lastA[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 87, velocity); lastA[9][2] =0; } //A88 if ((keysA[9][3] ==0) and (lastA[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 88, velocity); lastA[9][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][3] ==1) and (lastA[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 88, velocity); lastA[9][3] =0; } //A89 if ((keysA[9][4] ==0) and (lastA[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 89, velocity); lastA[9][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][4] ==1) and (lastA[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 89, velocity); lastA[9][4] =0; } //A90 if ((keysA[9][5] ==0) and (lastA[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 90, velocity); lastA[9][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][5] ==1) and (lastA[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 90, velocity); lastA[9][5] =0; } //A91 if ((keysA[10][0] ==0) and (lastA[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 91, velocity); lastA[10][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][0] ==1) and (lastA[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 91, velocity); lastA[10][0] =0; } //A92 if ((keysA[10][1] ==0) and (lastA[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 92, velocity); lastA[10][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][1] ==1) and (lastA[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 92, velocity); lastA[10][1] =0; } //A93 if ((keysA[10][2] ==0) and (lastA[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 93, velocity); lastA[10][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][2] ==1) and (lastA[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 93, velocity); lastA[10][2] =0; } //A94 if ((keysA[10][3] ==0) and (lastA[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 94, velocity); lastA[10][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][3] ==1) and (lastA[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 94, velocity); lastA[10][3] =0; } //A95 if ((keysA[10][4] ==0) and (lastA[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 95, velocity); lastA[10][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][4] ==1) and (lastA[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 95, velocity); lastA[10][4] =0; } //A96 if ((keysA[10][5] ==0) and (lastA[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 96, velocity); lastA[10][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][5] ==1) and (lastA[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 96, velocity); lastA[10][5] =0; } //Write Keyboard B //B36 if ((keysB[0][0] ==0) and (lastB[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 36, velocity); lastB[0][0] =7; } if ((keysB[0][0] ==1) and (lastB[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 36, velocity); lastB[0][0] =0; } //B37 if ((keysB[1][0] ==0) and (lastB[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 37, velocity); lastB[1][0] =7; } if ((keysB[1][0] ==1) and (lastB[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 37, velocity); lastB[1][0] =0; } //B38 if ((keysB[1][1] ==0) and (lastB[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 38, velocity); lastB[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][1] ==1) and (lastB[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 38, velocity); lastB[1][1] =0; } //B39 if ((keysB[1][2] ==0) and (lastB[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 39, velocity); lastB[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][2] ==1) and (lastB[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 39, velocity); lastB[1][2] =0; } //B40 if ((keysB[1][3] ==0) and (lastB[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 40, velocity); lastB[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][3] ==1) and (lastB[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 40, velocity); lastB[1][3] =0; } //B41 if ((keysB[1][4] ==0) and (lastB[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 41, velocity); lastB[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][4] ==1) and (lastB[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 41, velocity); lastB[1][4] =0; } //B42 if ((keysB[1][5] ==0) and (lastB[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 42, velocity); lastB[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][5] ==1) and (lastB[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 42, velocity); lastB[1][5] =0; } //B43 if ((keysB[2][0] ==0) and (lastB[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 43, velocity); lastB[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][0] ==1) and (lastB[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 43, velocity); lastB[2][0] =0; } //B44 if ((keysB[2][1] ==0) and (lastB[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 44, velocity); lastB[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][1] ==1) and (lastB[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 44, velocity); lastB[2][1] =0; } //B45 if ((keysB[2][2] ==0) and (lastB[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 45, velocity); lastB[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][2] ==1) and (lastB[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 45, velocity); lastB[2][2] =0; } //B46 if ((keysB[2][3] ==0) and (lastB[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 46, velocity); lastB[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][3] ==1) and (lastB[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 46, velocity); lastB[2][3] =0; } //B47 if ((keysB[2][4] ==0) and (lastB[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 47, velocity); lastB[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][4] ==1) and (lastB[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 47, velocity); lastB[2][4] =0; } //B48 if ((keysB[2][5] ==0) and (lastB[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 48, velocity); lastB[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][5] ==1) and (lastB[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 48, velocity); lastB[2][5] =0; } //B49 if ((keysB[3][0] ==0) and (lastB[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 49, velocity); lastB[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][0] ==1) and (lastB[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 49, velocity); lastB[3][0] =0; } //B50 if ((keysB[3][1] ==0) and (lastB[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 50, velocity); lastB[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][1] ==1) and (lastB[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 50, velocity); lastB[3][1] =0; } //B51 if ((keysB[3][2] ==0) and (lastB[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 51, velocity); lastB[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][2] ==1) and (lastB[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 51, velocity); lastB[3][2] =0; } //B52 if ((keysB[3][3] ==0) and (lastB[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 52, velocity); lastB[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][3] ==1) and (lastB[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 52, velocity); lastB[3][3] =0; } //B53 if ((keysB[3][4] ==0) and (lastB[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 53, velocity); lastB[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][4] ==1) and (lastB[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 53, velocity); lastB[3][4] =0; } //B54 if ((keysB[3][5] ==0) and (lastB[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 54, velocity); lastB[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][5] ==1) and (lastB[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 54, velocity); lastB[3][5] =0; } //B55 if ((keysB[4][0] ==0) and (lastB[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 55, velocity); lastB[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][0] ==1) and (lastB[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 55, velocity); lastB[4][0] =0; } //B56 if ((keysB[4][1] ==0) and (lastB[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 56, velocity); lastB[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][1] ==1) and (lastB[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 56, velocity); lastB[4][1] =0; } //B57 if ((keysB[4][2] ==0) and (lastB[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 57, velocity); lastB[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][2] ==1) and (lastB[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 57, velocity); lastB[4][2] =0; } //B58 if ((keysB[4][3] ==0) and (lastB[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 58, velocity); lastB[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][3] ==1) and (lastB[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 58, velocity); lastB[4][3] =0; } //B59 if ((keysB[4][4] ==0) and (lastB[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 59, velocity); lastB[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][4] ==1) and (lastB[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 59, velocity); lastB[4][4] =0; } //B60 if ((keysB[4][5] ==0) and (lastB[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 60, velocity); lastB[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][5] ==1) and (lastB[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 60, velocity); lastB[4][5] =0; } //B61 if ((keysB[5][0] ==0) and (lastB[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 61, velocity); lastB[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][0] ==1) and (lastB[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 61, velocity); lastB[5][0] =0; } //B62 if ((keysB[5][1] ==0) and (lastB[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 62, velocity); lastB[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][1] ==1) and (lastB[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 62, velocity); lastB[5][1] =0; } //B63 if ((keysB[5][2] ==0) and (lastB[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 63, velocity); lastB[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][2] ==1) and (lastB[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 63, velocity); lastB[5][2] =0; } //B64 if ((keysB[5][3] ==0) and (lastB[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 64, velocity); lastB[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][3] ==1) and (lastB[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 64, velocity); lastB[5][3] =0; } //B65 if ((keysB[5][4] ==0) and (lastB[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 65, velocity); lastB[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][4] ==1) and (lastB[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 65, velocity); lastB[5][4] =0; } //B66 if ((keysB[5][5] ==0) and (lastB[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 66, velocity); lastB[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][5] ==1) and (lastB[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 66, velocity); lastB[5][5] =0; } //B67 if ((keysB[6][0] ==0) and (lastB[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 67, velocity); lastB[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][0] ==1) and (lastB[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 67, velocity); lastB[6][0] =0; } //B68 if ((keysB[6][1] ==0) and (lastB[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 68, velocity); lastB[6][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][1] ==1) and (lastB[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 68, velocity); lastB[6][1] =0; } //B69 if ((keysB[6][2] ==0) and (lastB[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 69, velocity); lastB[6][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][2] ==1) and (lastB[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 69, velocity); lastB[6][2] =0; } //B70 if ((keysB[6][3] ==0) and (lastB[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 70, velocity); lastB[6][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][3] ==1) and (lastB[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 70, velocity); lastB[6][3] =0; } //B71 if ((keysB[6][4] ==0) and (lastB[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 71, velocity); lastB[6][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][4] ==1) and (lastB[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 71, velocity); lastB[6][4] =0; } //B72 if ((keysB[6][5] ==0) and (lastB[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 72, velocity); lastB[6][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][5] ==1) and (lastB[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 72, velocity); lastB[6][5] =0; } //B73 if ((keysB[7][0] ==0) and (lastB[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 73, velocity); lastB[7][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][0] ==1) and (lastB[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 73, velocity); lastB[7][0] =0; } //B74 if ((keysB[7][1] ==0) and (lastB[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 74, velocity); lastB[7][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][1] ==1) and (lastB[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 74, velocity); lastB[7][1] =0; } //B75 if ((keysB[7][2] ==0) and (lastB[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 75, velocity); lastB[7][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][2] ==1) and (lastB[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 75, velocity); lastB[7][2] =0; } //B76 if ((keysB[7][3] ==0) and (lastB[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 76, velocity); lastB[7][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][3] ==1) and (lastB[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 76, velocity); lastB[7][3] =0; } //B77 if ((keysB[7][4] ==0) and (lastB[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 77, velocity); lastB[7][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][4] ==1) and (lastB[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 77, velocity); lastB[7][4] =0; } //B78 if ((keysB[7][5] ==0) and (lastB[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 78, velocity); lastB[7][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][5] ==1) and (lastB[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 78, velocity); lastB[7][5] =0; } //B79 if ((keysB[8][0] ==0) and (lastB[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 79, velocity); lastB[8][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][0] ==1) and (lastB[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity); lastB[8][0] =0; } //B80 if ((keysB[8][1] ==0) and (lastB[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 80, velocity); lastB[8][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][1] ==1) and (lastB[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 80, velocity); lastB[8][1] =0; } //B81 if ((keysB[8][2] ==0) and (lastB[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 81, velocity); lastB[8][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][2] ==1) and (lastB[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 81, velocity); lastB[8][2] =0; } //B82 if ((keysB[8][3] ==0) and (lastB[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 82, velocity); lastB[8][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][3] ==1) and (lastB[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 82, velocity); lastB[8][3] =0; } //B83 if ((keysB[8][4] ==0) and (lastB[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 83, velocity); lastB[8][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][4] ==1) and (lastB[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 83, velocity); lastB[8][4] =0; } //B84 if ((keysB[8][5] ==0) and (lastB[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 84, velocity); lastB[8][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][5] ==1) and (lastB[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 84, velocity); lastB[8][5] =0; } //B85 if ((keysB[9][0] ==0) and (lastB[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 85, velocity); lastB[9][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][0] ==1) and (lastB[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 85, velocity); lastB[9][0] =0; } //B86 if ((keysB[9][1] ==0) and (lastB[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity); lastB[9][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][1] ==1) and (lastB[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 86, velocity); lastB[9][1] =0; } //B87 if ((keysB[9][2] ==0) and (lastB[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 87, velocity); lastB[9][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][2] ==1) and (lastB[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 87, velocity); lastB[9][2] =0; } //B88 if ((keysB[9][3] ==0) and (lastB[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 88, velocity); lastB[9][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][3] ==1) and (lastB[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 88, velocity); lastB[9][3] =0; } //B89 if ((keysB[9][4] ==0) and (lastB[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 89, velocity); lastB[9][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][4] ==1) and (lastB[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 89, velocity); lastB[9][4] =0; } //B90 if ((keysB[9][5] ==0) and (lastB[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 90, velocity); lastB[9][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][5] ==1) and (lastB[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 90, velocity); lastB[9][5] =0; } //B91 if ((keysB[10][0] ==0) and (lastB[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 91, velocity); lastB[10][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][0] ==1) and (lastB[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 91, velocity); lastB[10][0] =0; } //B92 if ((keysB[10][1] ==0) and (lastB[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 92, velocity); lastB[10][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][1] ==1) and (lastB[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 92, velocity); lastB[10][1] =0; } //B93 if ((keysB[10][2] ==0) and (lastB[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 93, velocity); lastB[10][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][2] ==1) and (lastB[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 93, velocity); lastB[10][2] =0; } //B94 if ((keysB[10][3] ==0) and (lastB[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 94, velocity); lastB[10][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][3] ==1) and (lastB[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 94, velocity); lastB[10][3] =0; } //B95 if ((keysB[10][4] ==0) and (lastB[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 95, velocity); lastB[10][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][4] ==1) and (lastB[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 95, velocity); lastB[10][4] =0; } //B96 if ((keysB[10][5] ==0) and (lastB[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 96, velocity); lastB[10][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][5] ==1) and (lastB[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 96, velocity); lastB[10][5] =0; } //Write Keyboard C //C36 if ((keysC[0][0] ==0) and (lastC[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity); lastC[0][0] =7; } if ((keysC[0][0] ==1) and (lastC[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity); lastC[0][0] =0; } //C37 if ((keysC[1][0] ==0) and (lastC[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity); lastC[1][0] =7; } if ((keysC[1][0] ==1) and (lastC[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity); lastC[1][0] =0; } //C38 if ((keysC[1][1] ==0) and (lastC[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity); lastC[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][1] ==1) and (lastC[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity); lastC[1][1] =0; } //C39 if ((keysC[1][2] ==0) and (lastC[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][2] ==1) and (lastC[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =0; } //C40 if ((keysC[1][3] ==0) and (lastC[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][3] ==1) and (lastC[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =0; } //C41 if ((keysC[1][4] ==0) and (lastC[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][4] ==1) and (lastC[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =0; } //C42 if ((keysC[1][5] ==0) and (lastC[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][5] ==1) and (lastC[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =0; } //C43 if ((keysC[2][0] ==0) and (lastC[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][0] ==1) and (lastC[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =0; } //C44 if ((keysC[2][1] ==0) and (lastC[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][1] ==1) and (lastC[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =0; } //C45 if ((keysC[2][2] ==0) and (lastC[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][2] ==1) and (lastC[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =0; } //C46 if ((keysC[2][3] ==0) and (lastC[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][3] ==1) and (lastC[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =0; } //C47 if ((keysC[2][4] ==0) and (lastC[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][4] ==1) and (lastC[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =0; } //C48 if ((keysC[2][5] ==0) and (lastC[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][5] ==1) and (lastC[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =0; } //C49 if ((keysC[3][0] ==0) and (lastC[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][0] ==1) and (lastC[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =0; } //C50 if ((keysC[3][1] ==0) and (lastC[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][1] ==1) and (lastC[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =0; } //C51 if ((keysC[3][2] ==0) and (lastC[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][2] ==1) and (lastC[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =0; } //C52 if ((keysC[3][3] ==0) and (lastC[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][3] ==1) and (lastC[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =0; } //C53 if ((keysC[3][4] ==0) and (lastC[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][4] ==1) and (lastC[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =0; } //C54 if ((keysC[3][5] ==0) and (lastC[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][5] ==1) and (lastC[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =0; } //C55 if ((keysC[4][0] ==0) and (lastC[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][0] ==1) and (lastC[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =0; } //C56 if ((keysC[4][1] ==0) and (lastC[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][1] ==1) and (lastC[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =0; } //C57 if ((keysC[4][2] ==0) and (lastC[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][2] ==1) and (lastC[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =0; } //C58 if ((keysC[4][3] ==0) and (lastC[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][3] ==1) and (lastC[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =0; } //C59 if ((keysC[4][4] ==0) and (lastC[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][4] ==1) and (lastC[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =0; } //C60 if ((keysC[4][5] ==0) and (lastC[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][5] ==1) and (lastC[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =0; } //C61 if ((keysC[5][0] ==0) and (lastC[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][0] ==1) and (lastC[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =0; } //C62 if ((keysC[5][1] ==0) and (lastC[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][1] ==1) and (lastC[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =0; } //C63 if ((keysC[5][2] ==0) and (lastC[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][2] ==1) and (lastC[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =0; } //C64 if ((keysC[5][3] ==0) and (lastC[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][3] ==1) and (lastC[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =0; } //C65 if ((keysC[5][4] ==0) and (lastC[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][4] ==1) and (lastC[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =0; } //C66 if ((keysC[5][5] ==0) and (lastC[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][5] ==1) and (lastC[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =0; } //C67 if ((keysC[6][0] ==0) and (lastC[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][0] ==1) and (lastC[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =0; } //Expression pedal on analog pin 0 to Channel 6 int Cur6 =analogRead(0); int Map6 =map(Cur6, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur6 - LastPot6)>=8) { MidiSend(chan6,Exp,Map6); LastPot6 =Cur6; } //Expression pedal on analog pin 1 to Channel 7 int Cur7 =analogRead(1); int Map7 =map(Cur7, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur7 - LastPot7)>=8) { MidiSend(chan7,Exp,Map7); LastPot7 =Cur7; } }void MidiSend(int one, int two, int three) { Serial.write(one); Serial.write(two); Serial.write(three); }
Bussed Keyboard CodeArduino
Code to upload to the Arduino if you are following the Bussed Keyboard Schematic.
// Name:Arduino Mega Midi Controller 61x4 plus 3 potentiometers.// Version 1.0// Created:April 12, 2021// Author:Larason2// Acknowledgements:Bald Engineer, Amanda Ghassaei, jeffb42, GrumpyMike//Note Databyte keysA[11][6];byte keysB[11][6];byte keysC[11][6];byte keysD[11][6];//Last Key Statebyte lastA[11][6];byte lastB[11][6];byte lastC[11][6];byte lastD[11][6];//Midi Messages Sentint noteOn1 =144;int noteOff1 =128;int noteOn2 =145;int noteOff2 =129;int noteOn3 =146;int noteOff3 =130;int noteOn4 =147;int noteOff4 =131;int velocity =100;int chan6 =181;int chan7 =182;int chan8 =183;int Exp =11;//Last Potentiometer Stateint LastPot6 =1;int LastPot7 =1;int LastPot8 =1;void setup() { // Start Serial at Midi rate Serial.begin(31250); //Initialize Pins 1-10 pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT); pinMode(4, INPUT); pinMode(5, INPUT); pinMode(6, INPUT); pinMode(7, INPUT); pinMode(8, INPUT); pinMode(9, INPUT); pinMode(10, INPUT); pinMode(11, INPUT); //Pins 11-20 pinMode(12, INPUT); pinMode(13, INPUT); pinMode(14, INPUT); pinMode(15, INPUT); pinMode(16, INPUT); pinMode(17, INPUT); pinMode(18, INPUT); pinMode(19, INPUT); pinMode(20, INPUT); pinMode(21, INPUT); //Pins 21-30 pinMode(22, INPUT); pinMode(23, INPUT); pinMode(24, INPUT); pinMode(25, INPUT); pinMode(26, INPUT); pinMode(27, INPUT); pinMode(28, INPUT); pinMode(29, INPUT); pinMode(30, INPUT); pinMode(31, INPUT); //Pins 31-40 pinMode(32, INPUT); pinMode(33, INPUT); pinMode(34, INPUT); pinMode(35, INPUT); pinMode(36, INPUT); pinMode(37, INPUT); pinMode(38, INPUT); pinMode(39, INPUT); pinMode(40, INPUT); pinMode(41, INPUT); //Pins 41-50 pinMode(42, INPUT); pinMode(43, INPUT); pinMode(44, INPUT); pinMode(45, INPUT); pinMode(46, INPUT); pinMode(47, INPUT); pinMode(48, INPUT); pinMode(49, INPUT); pinMode(50, INPUT); pinMode(51, INPUT); //Pins 51-61 pinMode(52, INPUT); pinMode(53, INPUT); pinMode(A0, INPUT); pinMode(A1, INPUT); pinMode(A2, INPUT); pinMode(A3, INPUT); pinMode(A4, INPUT); pinMode(A5, INPUT); pinMode(A6, INPUT); pinMode(A7, INPUT); pinMode(A8, INPUT); //Column Pins pinMode(A9, INPUT); pinMode(A10, INPUT); pinMode(A11, INPUT); pinMode(A12, INPUT); //Pot Pins pinMode(A13, INPUT); pinMode(A14, INPUT); pinMode(A15, INPUT);}void loop() { // Setup pins for keyboards //Pins 1-10 pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 11-20 pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(14, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(15, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(16, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(17, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(18, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(19, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(20, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(21, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 21-30 pinMode(22, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(23, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(24, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(25, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(26, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(27, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(28, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(29, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(30, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(31, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 31-40 pinMode(32, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(33, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(34, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(35, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(36, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(37, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(38, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(39, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(40, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(41, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 41-50 pinMode(42, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(43, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(44, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(45, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(46, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(47, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(48, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(49, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(50, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(51, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 51-61 pinMode(52, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(53, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A7, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A8, INPUT_PULLUP); //Read Keyboard A pinMode(A9, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A9, LOW); //Keys 1-10 keysA[0][0] =digitalRead(2); keysA[1][0] =digitalRead(3); keysA[1][1] =digitalRead(4); keysA[1][2] =digitalRead(5); keysA[1][3] =digitalRead(6); keysA[1][4] =digitalRead(7); keysA[1][5] =digitalRead(8); keysA[2][0] =digitalRead(9); keysA[2][1] =digitalRead(10); keysA[2][2] =digitalRead(11); //Keys 11-20 keysA[2][3] =digitalRead(12); keysA[2][4] =digitalRead(13); keysA[2][5] =digitalRead(14); keysA[3][0] =digitalRead(15); keysA[3][1] =digitalRead(16); keysA[3][2] =digitalRead(17); keysA[3][3] =digitalRead(18); keysA[3][4] =digitalRead(19); keysA[3][5] =digitalRead(20); keysA[4][0] =digitalRead(21); //Keys 21-30 keysA[4][1] =digitalRead(22); keysA[4][2] =digitalRead(23); keysA[4][3] =digitalRead(24); keysA[4][4] =digitalRead(25); keysA[4][5] =digitalRead(26); keysA[5][0] =digitalRead(27); keysA[5][1] =digitalRead(28); keysA[5][2] =digitalRead(29); keysA[5][3] =digitalRead(30); keysA[5][4] =digitalRead(31); //Keys 31-40 keysA[5][5] =digitalRead(32); keysA[6][0] =digitalRead(33); keysA[6][1] =digitalRead(34); keysA[6][2] =digitalRead(35); keysA[6][3] =digitalRead(36); keysA[6][4] =digitalRead(37); keysA[6][5] =digitalRead(38); keysA[7][0] =digitalRead(39); keysA[7][1] =digitalRead(40); keysA[7][2] =digitalRead(41); //Keys 41-50 keysA[7][3] =digitalRead(42); keysA[7][4] =digitalRead(43); keysA[7][5] =digitalRead(44); keysA[8][0] =digitalRead(45); keysA[8][1] =digitalRead(46); keysA[8][2] =digitalRead(47); keysA[8][3] =digitalRead(48); keysA[8][4] =digitalRead(49); keysA[8][5] =digitalRead(50); keysA[9][0] =digitalRead(51); //Keys 51-61 keysA[9][1] =digitalRead(52); keysA[9][2] =digitalRead(53); keysA[9][3] =digitalRead(A0); keysA[9][4] =digitalRead(A1); keysA[9][5] =digitalRead(A2); keysA[10][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysA[10][1] =digitalRead(A4); keysA[10][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysA[10][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysA[10][4] =digitalRead(A7); keysA[10][5] =digitalRead(A8); pinMode(A9, INPUT); // Read Keyboard B pinMode(A10, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A10, LOW); //Keys 1-10 keysB[0][0] =digitalRead(2); keysB[1][0] =digitalRead(3); keysB[1][1] =digitalRead(4); keysB[1][2] =digitalRead(5); keysB[1][3] =digitalRead(6); keysB[1][4] =digitalRead(7); keysB[1][5] =digitalRead(8); keysB[2][0] =digitalRead(9); keysB[2][1] =digitalRead(10); keysB[2][2] =digitalRead(11); //Keys 11-20 keysB[2][3] =digitalRead(12); keysB[2][4] =digitalRead(13); keysB[2][5] =digitalRead(14); keysB[3][0] =digitalRead(15); keysB[3][1] =digitalRead(16); keysB[3][2] =digitalRead(17); keysB[3][3] =digitalRead(18); keysB[3][4] =digitalRead(19); keysB[3][5] =digitalRead(20); keysB[4][0] =digitalRead(21); //Keys 21-30 keysB[4][1] =digitalRead(22); keysB[4][2] =digitalRead(23); keysB[4][3] =digitalRead(24); keysB[4][4] =digitalRead(25); keysB[4][5] =digitalRead(26); keysB[5][0] =digitalRead(27); keysB[5][1] =digitalRead(28); keysB[5][2] =digitalRead(29); keysB[5][3] =digitalRead(30); keysB[5][4] =digitalRead(31); //Keys 31-40 keysB[5][5] =digitalRead(32); keysB[6][0] =digitalRead(33); keysB[6][1] =digitalRead(34); keysB[6][2] =digitalRead(35); keysB[6][3] =digitalRead(36); keysB[6][4] =digitalRead(37); keysB[6][5] =digitalRead(38); keysB[7][0] =digitalRead(39); keysB[7][1] =digitalRead(40); keysB[7][2] =digitalRead(41); //Keys 41-50 keysB[7][3] =digitalRead(42); keysB[7][4] =digitalRead(43); keysB[7][5] =digitalRead(44); keysB[8][0] =digitalRead(45); keysB[8][1] =digitalRead(46); keysB[8][2] =digitalRead(47); keysB[8][3] =digitalRead(48); keysB[8][4] =digitalRead(49); keysB[8][5] =digitalRead(50); keysB[9][0] =digitalRead(51); //Keys 51-61 keysB[9][1] =digitalRead(52); keysB[9][2] =digitalRead(53); keysB[9][3] =digitalRead(A0); keysB[9][4] =digitalRead(A1); keysB[9][5] =digitalRead(A2); keysB[10][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysB[10][1] =digitalRead(A4); keysB[10][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysB[10][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysB[10][4] =digitalRead(A7); keysB[10][5] =digitalRead(A8); pinMode(A10, INPUT); // Read Keyboard C pinMode(A11, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A11, LOW); //Keys 1-10 keysC[0][0] =digitalRead(2); keysC[1][0] =digitalRead(3); keysC[1][1] =digitalRead(4); keysC[1][2] =digitalRead(5); keysC[1][3] =digitalRead(6); keysC[1][4] =digitalRead(7); keysC[1][5] =digitalRead(8); keysC[2][0] =digitalRead(9); keysC[2][1] =digitalRead(10); keysC[2][2] =digitalRead(11); //Keys 11-20 keysC[2][3] =digitalRead(12); keysC[2][4] =digitalRead(13); keysC[2][5] =digitalRead(14); keysC[3][0] =digitalRead(15); keysC[3][1] =digitalRead(16); keysC[3][2] =digitalRead(17); keysC[3][3] =digitalRead(18); keysC[3][4] =digitalRead(19); keysC[3][5] =digitalRead(20); keysC[4][0] =digitalRead(21); //Keys 21-30 keysC[4][1] =digitalRead(22); keysC[4][2] =digitalRead(23); keysC[4][3] =digitalRead(24); keysC[4][4] =digitalRead(25); keysC[4][5] =digitalRead(26); keysC[5][0] =digitalRead(27); keysC[5][1] =digitalRead(28); keysC[5][2] =digitalRead(29); keysC[5][3] =digitalRead(30); keysC[5][4] =digitalRead(31); //Keys 31-40 keysC[5][5] =digitalRead(32); keysC[6][0] =digitalRead(33); keysC[6][1] =digitalRead(34); keysC[6][2] =digitalRead(35); keysC[6][3] =digitalRead(36); keysC[6][4] =digitalRead(37); keysC[6][5] =digitalRead(38); keysC[7][0] =digitalRead(39); keysC[7][1] =digitalRead(40); keysC[7][2] =digitalRead(41); //Keys 41-50 keysC[7][3] =digitalRead(42); keysC[7][4] =digitalRead(43); keysC[7][5] =digitalRead(44); keysC[8][0] =digitalRead(45); keysC[8][1] =digitalRead(46); keysC[8][2] =digitalRead(47); keysC[8][3] =digitalRead(48); keysC[8][4] =digitalRead(49); keysC[8][5] =digitalRead(50); keysC[9][0] =digitalRead(51); //Keys 51-61 keysC[9][1] =digitalRead(52); keysC[9][2] =digitalRead(53); keysC[9][3] =digitalRead(A0); keysC[9][4] =digitalRead(A1); keysC[9][5] =digitalRead(A2); keysC[10][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysC[10][1] =digitalRead(A4); keysC[10][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC[10][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysC[10][4] =digitalRead(A7); keysC[10][5] =digitalRead(A8); pinMode(A11, INPUT); // Read Keyboard D pinMode(A12, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A12, LOW); //Keys 1-10 keysD[0][0] =digitalRead(2); keysD[1][0] =digitalRead(3); keysD[1][1] =digitalRead(4); keysD[1][2] =digitalRead(5); keysD[1][3] =digitalRead(6); keysD[1][4] =digitalRead(7); keysD[1][5] =digitalRead(8); keysD[2][0] =digitalRead(9); keysD[2][1] =digitalRead(10); keysD[2][2] =digitalRead(11); //Keys 11-20 keysD[2][3] =digitalRead(12); keysD[2][4] =digitalRead(13); keysD[2][5] =digitalRead(14); keysD[3][0] =digitalRead(15); keysD[3][1] =digitalRead(16); keysD[3][2] =digitalRead(17); keysD[3][3] =digitalRead(18); keysD[3][4] =digitalRead(19); keysD[3][5] =digitalRead(20); keysD[4][0] =digitalRead(21); //Keys 21-30 keysD[4][1] =digitalRead(22); keysD[4][2] =digitalRead(23); keysD[4][3] =digitalRead(24); keysD[4][4] =digitalRead(25); keysD[4][5] =digitalRead(26); keysD[5][0] =digitalRead(27); keysD[5][1] =digitalRead(28); keysD[5][2] =digitalRead(29); keysD[5][3] =digitalRead(30); keysD[5][4] =digitalRead(31); //Keys 31-40 keysD[5][5] =digitalRead(32); keysD[6][0] =digitalRead(33); keysD[6][1] =digitalRead(34); keysD[6][2] =digitalRead(35); keysD[6][3] =digitalRead(36); keysD[6][4] =digitalRead(37); keysD[6][5] =digitalRead(38); keysD[7][0] =digitalRead(39); keysD[7][1] =digitalRead(40); keysD[7][2] =digitalRead(41); //Keys 41-50 keysD[7][3] =digitalRead(42); keysD[7][4] =digitalRead(43); keysD[7][5] =digitalRead(44); keysD[8][0] =digitalRead(45); keysD[8][1] =digitalRead(46); keysD[8][2] =digitalRead(47); keysD[8][3] =digitalRead(48); keysD[8][4] =digitalRead(49); keysD[8][5] =digitalRead(50); keysD[9][0] =digitalRead(51); //Keys 51-61 keysD[9][1] =digitalRead(52); keysD[9][2] =digitalRead(53); keysD[9][3] =digitalRead(A0); keysD[9][4] =digitalRead(A1); keysD[9][5] =digitalRead(A2); keysD[10][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysD[10][1] =digitalRead(A4); keysD[10][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysD[10][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysD[10][4] =digitalRead(A7); keysD[10][5] =digitalRead(A8); pinMode(A12, INPUT); //Return pins to Initialized state //Pins 1-10 pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT); pinMode(4, INPUT); pinMode(5, INPUT); pinMode(6, INPUT); pinMode(7, INPUT); pinMode(8, INPUT); pinMode(9, INPUT); pinMode(10, INPUT); pinMode(11, INPUT); //Pins 11-20 pinMode(12, INPUT); pinMode(13, INPUT); pinMode(14, INPUT); pinMode(15, INPUT); pinMode(16, INPUT); pinMode(17, INPUT); pinMode(18, INPUT); pinMode(19, INPUT); pinMode(20, INPUT); pinMode(21, INPUT); //Pins 21-30 pinMode(22, INPUT); pinMode(23, INPUT); pinMode(24, INPUT); pinMode(25, INPUT); pinMode(26, INPUT); pinMode(27, INPUT); pinMode(28, INPUT); pinMode(29, INPUT); pinMode(30, INPUT); pinMode(31, INPUT); //Pins 31-40 pinMode(32, INPUT); pinMode(33, INPUT); pinMode(34, INPUT); pinMode(35, INPUT); pinMode(36, INPUT); pinMode(37, INPUT); pinMode(38, INPUT); pinMode(39, INPUT); pinMode(40, INPUT); pinMode(41, INPUT); //Pins 41-50 pinMode(42, INPUT); pinMode(43, INPUT); pinMode(44, INPUT); pinMode(45, INPUT); pinMode(46, INPUT); pinMode(47, INPUT); pinMode(48, INPUT); pinMode(49, INPUT); pinMode(50, INPUT); pinMode(51, INPUT); //Pins 51-61 pinMode(52, INPUT); pinMode(53, INPUT); pinMode(A0, INPUT); pinMode(A1, INPUT); pinMode(A2, INPUT); pinMode(A3, INPUT); pinMode(A4, INPUT); pinMode(A5, INPUT); pinMode(A6, INPUT); pinMode(A7, INPUT); pinMode(A8, INPUT); //Column Pins pinMode(A9, INPUT); pinMode(A10, INPUT); pinMode(A11, INPUT); pinMode(A12, INPUT); //Pot Pins pinMode(A13, INPUT); pinMode(A14, INPUT); pinMode(A15, INPUT); /* //Invert Keyboard data only if needed. //Example only for 32 pedals of a pedalboard, first 32 keys of keyboard C. //Column 1 if (keysC[0][0] ==0) { keysC[0][0] =1; } else if (keysC[0][0] ==1) { keysC[0][0] =0; } //Column 2 if (keysC[1][0] ==0) { keysC[1][0] =1; } else if (keysC[1][0] ==1) { keysC[1][0] =0; } if (keysC[1][1] ==0) { keysC[1][1] =1; } else if (keysC[1][1] ==1) { keysC[1][1] =0; } if (keysC[1][2] ==0) { keysC[1][2] =1; } else if (keysC[1][2] ==1) { keysC[1][2] =0; } if (keysC[1][3] ==0) { keysC[1][3] =1; } else if (keysC[1][3] ==1) { keysC[1][3] =0; } if (keysC[1][4] ==0) { keysC[1][4] =1; } else if (keysC[1][4] ==1) { keysC[1][4] =0; } if (keysC[1][5] ==0) { keysC[1][5] =1; } else if (keysC[1][5] ==1) { keysC[1][5] =0; } //Column 3 if (keysC[2][0] ==0) { keysC[2][0] =1; } else if (keysC[2][0] ==1) { keysC[2][0] =0; } if (keysC[2][1] ==0) { keysC[2][1] =1; } else if (keysC[2][1] ==1) { keysC[2][1] =0; } if (keysC[2][2] ==0) { keysC[2][2] =1; } else if (keysC[2][2] ==1) { keysC[2][2] =0; } if (keysC[2][3] ==0) { keysC[2][3] =1; } else if (keysC[2][3] ==1) { keysC[2][3] =0; } if (keysC[2][4] ==0) { keysC[2][4] =1; } else if (keysC[2][4] ==1) { keysC[2][4] =0; } if (keysC[2][5] ==0) { keysC[2][5] =1; } else if (keysC[2][5] ==1) { keysC[2][5] =0; } //Column 4 if (keysC[3][0] ==0) { keysC[3][0] =1; } else if (keysC[3][0] ==1) { keysC[3][0] =0; } if (keysC[3][1] ==0) { keysC[3][1] =1; } else if (keysC[3][1] ==1) { keysC[3][1] =0; } if (keysC[3][2] ==0) { keysC[3][2] =1; } else if (keysC[3][2] ==1) { keysC[3][2] =0; } if (keysC[3][3] ==0) { keysC[3][3] =1; } else if (keysC[3][3] ==1) { keysC[3][3] =0; } if (keysC[3][4] ==0) { keysC[3][4] =1; } else if (keysC[3][4] ==1) { keysC[3][4] =0; } if (keysC[3][5] ==0) { keysC[3][5] =1; } else if (keysC[3][5] ==1) { keysC[3][5] =0; } //Column 5 if (keysC[4][0] ==0) { keysC[4][0] =1; } else if (keysC[4][0] ==1) { keysC[4][0] =0; } if (keysC[4][1] ==0) { keysC[4][1] =1; } else if (keysC[4][1] ==1) { keysC[4][1] =0; } if (keysC[4][2] ==0) { keysC[4][2] =1; } else if (keysC[4][2] ==1) { keysC[4][2] =0; } if (keysC[4][3] ==0) { keysC[4][3] =1; } else if (keysC[4][3] ==1) { keysC[4][3] =0; } if (keysC[4][4] ==0) { keysC[4][4] =1; } else if (keysC[4][4] ==1) { keysC[4][4] =0; } if (keysC[4][5] ==0) { keysC[4][5] =1; } else if (keysC[4][5] ==1) { keysC[4][5] =0; } //Column 6 if (keysC[5][0] ==0) { keysC[5][0] =1; } else if (keysC[5][0] ==1) { keysC[5][0] =0; } if (keysC[5][1] ==0) { keysC[5][1] =1; } else if (keysC[5][1] ==1) { keysC[5][1] =0; } if (keysC[5][2] ==0) { keysC[5][2] =1; } else if (keysC[5][2] ==1) { keysC[5][2] =0; } if (keysC[5][3] ==0) { keysC[5][3] =1; } else if (keysC[5][3] ==1) { keysC[5][3] =0; } if (keysC[5][4] ==0) { keysC[5][4] =1; } else if (keysC[5][4] ==1) { keysC[5][4] =0; } if (keysC[5][5] ==0) { keysC[5][5] =1; } else if (keysC[5][5] ==1) { keysC[5][5] =0; } //Column 7 if (keysC[6][0] ==0) { keysC[6][0] =1; } else if (keysC[6][0] ==1) { keysC[6][0] =0; } */ //Write Keyboard A //A36 if ((keysA[0][0] ==0) and (lastA[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 36, velocity); lastA[0][0] =7; } if ((keysA[0][0] ==1) and (lastA[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 36, velocity); lastA[0][0] =0; } //A37 if ((keysA[1][0] ==0) and (lastA[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 37, velocity); lastA[1][0] =7; } if ((keysA[1][0] ==1) and (lastA[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 37, velocity); lastA[1][0] =0; } //A38 if ((keysA[1][1] ==0) and (lastA[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 38, velocity); lastA[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][1] ==1) and (lastA[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 38, velocity); lastA[1][1] =0; } //A39 if ((keysA[1][2] ==0) and (lastA[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 39, velocity); lastA[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][2] ==1) and (lastA[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 39, velocity); lastA[1][2] =0; } //A40 if ((keysA[1][3] ==0) and (lastA[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 40, velocity); lastA[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][3] ==1) and (lastA[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 40, velocity); lastA[1][3] =0; } //A41 if ((keysA[1][4] ==0) and (lastA[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 41, velocity); lastA[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][4] ==1) and (lastA[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 41, velocity); lastA[1][4] =0; } //A42 if ((keysA[1][5] ==0) and (lastA[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 42, velocity); lastA[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][5] ==1) and (lastA[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 42, velocity); lastA[1][5] =0; } //A43 if ((keysA[2][0] ==0) and (lastA[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 43, velocity); lastA[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][0] ==1) and (lastA[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 43, velocity); lastA[2][0] =0; } //A44 if ((keysA[2][1] ==0) and (lastA[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 44, velocity); lastA[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][1] ==1) and (lastA[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 44, velocity); lastA[2][1] =0; } //A45 if ((keysA[2][2] ==0) and (lastA[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 45, velocity); lastA[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][2] ==1) and (lastA[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 45, velocity); lastA[2][2] =0; } //A46 if ((keysA[2][3] ==0) and (lastA[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 46, velocity); lastA[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][3] ==1) and (lastA[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 46, velocity); lastA[2][3] =0; } //A47 if ((keysA[2][4] ==0) and (lastA[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 47, velocity); lastA[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][4] ==1) and (lastA[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 47, velocity); lastA[2][4] =0; } //A48 if ((keysA[2][5] ==0) and (lastA[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 48, velocity); lastA[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][5] ==1) and (lastA[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 48, velocity); lastA[2][5] =0; } //A49 if ((keysA[3][0] ==0) and (lastA[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 49, velocity); lastA[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][0] ==1) and (lastA[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 49, velocity); lastA[3][0] =0; } //A50 if ((keysA[3][1] ==0) and (lastA[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 50, velocity); lastA[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][1] ==1) and (lastA[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 50, velocity); lastA[3][1] =0; } //A51 if ((keysA[3][2] ==0) and (lastA[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 51, velocity); lastA[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][2] ==1) and (lastA[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 51, velocity); lastA[3][2] =0; } //A52 if ((keysA[3][3] ==0) and (lastA[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 52, velocity); lastA[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][3] ==1) and (lastA[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 52, velocity); lastA[3][3] =0; } //A53 if ((keysA[3][4] ==0) and (lastA[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 53, velocity); lastA[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][4] ==1) and (lastA[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 53, velocity); lastA[3][4] =0; } //A54 if ((keysA[3][5] ==0) and (lastA[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 54, velocity); lastA[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][5] ==1) and (lastA[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 54, velocity); lastA[3][5] =0; } //A55 if ((keysA[4][0] ==0) and (lastA[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 55, velocity); lastA[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][0] ==1) and (lastA[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 55, velocity); lastA[4][0] =0; } //A56 if ((keysA[4][1] ==0) and (lastA[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 56, velocity); lastA[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][1] ==1) and (lastA[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 56, velocity); lastA[4][1] =0; } //A57 if ((keysA[4][2] ==0) and (lastA[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 57, velocity); lastA[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][2] ==1) and (lastA[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 57, velocity); lastA[4][2] =0; } //A58 if ((keysA[4][3] ==0) and (lastA[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 58, velocity); lastA[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][3] ==1) and (lastA[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 58, velocity); lastA[4][3] =0; } //59 if ((keysA[4][4] ==0) and (lastA[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 59, velocity); lastA[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][4] ==1) and (lastA[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 59, velocity); lastA[4][4] =0; } //A60 if ((keysA[4][5] ==0) and (lastA[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 60, velocity); lastA[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][5] ==1) and (lastA[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 60, velocity); lastA[4][5] =0; } //A61 if ((keysA[5][0] ==0) and (lastA[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 61, velocity); lastA[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][0] ==1) and (lastA[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 61, velocity); lastA[5][0] =0; } //A62 if ((keysA[5][1] ==0) and (lastA[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 62, velocity); lastA[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][1] ==1) and (lastA[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 62, velocity); lastA[5][1] =0; } //A63 if ((keysA[5][2] ==0) and (lastA[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 63, velocity); lastA[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][2] ==1) and (lastA[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 63, velocity); lastA[5][2] =0; } //A64 if ((keysA[5][3] ==0) and (lastA[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 64, velocity); lastA[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][3] ==1) and (lastA[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 64, velocity); lastA[5][3] =0; } //A65 if ((keysA[5][4] ==0) and (lastA[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 65, velocity); lastA[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][4] ==1) and (lastA[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 65, velocity); lastA[5][4] =0; } //A66 if ((keysA[5][5] ==0) and (lastA[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 66, velocity); lastA[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][5] ==1) and (lastA[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 66, velocity); lastA[5][5] =0; } //A67 if ((keysA[6][0] ==0) and (lastA[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 67, velocity); lastA[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][0] ==1) and (lastA[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 67, velocity); lastA[6][0] =0; } //A68 if ((keysA[6][1] ==0) and (lastA[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 68, velocity); lastA[6][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][1] ==1) and (lastA[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 68, velocity); lastA[6][1] =0; } //A69 if ((keysA[6][2] ==0) and (lastA[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 69, velocity); lastA[6][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][2] ==1) and (lastA[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 69, velocity); lastA[6][2] =0; } //A70 if ((keysA[6][3] ==0) and (lastA[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 70, velocity); lastA[6][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][3] ==1) and (lastA[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 70, velocity); lastA[6][3] =0; } //A71 if ((keysA[6][4] ==0) and (lastA[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 71, velocity); lastA[6][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][4] ==1) and (lastA[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 71, velocity); lastA[6][4] =0; } //A72 if ((keysA[6][5] ==0) and (lastA[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 72, velocity); lastA[6][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][5] ==1) and (lastA[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 72, velocity); lastA[6][5] =0; } //A73 if ((keysA[7][0] ==0) and (lastA[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 73, velocity); lastA[7][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][0] ==1) and (lastA[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 73, velocity); lastA[7][0] =0; } //A74 if ((keysA[7][1] ==0) and (lastA[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 74, velocity); lastA[7][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][1] ==1) and (lastA[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 74, velocity); lastA[7][1] =0; } //A75 if ((keysA[7][2] ==0) and (lastA[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 75, velocity); lastA[7][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][2] ==1) and (lastA[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 75, velocity); lastA[7][2] =0; } //A76 if ((keysA[7][3] ==0) and (lastA[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 76, velocity); lastA[7][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][3] ==1) and (lastA[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 76, velocity); lastA[7][3] =0; } //A77 if ((keysA[7][4] ==0) and (lastA[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 77, velocity); lastA[7][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][4] ==1) and (lastA[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 77, velocity); lastA[7][4] =0; } //A78 if ((keysA[7][5] ==0) and (lastA[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 78, velocity); lastA[7][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][5] ==1) and (lastA[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 78, velocity); lastA[7][5] =0; } //A79 if ((keysA[8][0] ==0) and (lastA[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 79, velocity); lastA[8][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][0] ==1) and (lastA[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 79, velocity); lastA[8][0] =0; } //A80 if ((keysA[8][1] ==0) and (lastA[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 80, velocity); lastA[8][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][1] ==1) and (lastA[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 80, velocity); lastA[8][1] =0; } //A81 if ((keysA[8][2] ==0) and (lastA[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 81, velocity); lastA[8][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][2] ==1) and (lastA[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 81, velocity); lastA[8][2] =0; } //A82 if ((keysA[8][3] ==0) and (lastA[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 82, velocity); lastA[8][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][3] ==1) and (lastA[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 82, velocity); lastA[8][3] =0; } //A83 if ((keysA[8][4] ==0) and (lastA[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 83, velocity); lastA[8][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][4] ==1) and (lastA[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 83, velocity); lastA[8][4] =0; } //A84 if ((keysA[8][5] ==0) and (lastA[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 84, velocity); lastA[8][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][5] ==1) and (lastA[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 84, velocity); lastA[8][5] =0; } //A85 if ((keysA[9][0] ==0) and (lastA[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 85, velocity); lastA[9][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][0] ==1) and (lastA[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 85, velocity); lastA[9][0] =0; } //A86 if ((keysA[9][1] ==0) and (lastA[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 86, velocity); lastA[9][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][1] ==1) and (lastA[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 86, velocity); lastA[9][1] =0; } //A87 if ((keysA[9][2] ==0) and (lastA[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 87, velocity); lastA[9][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][2] ==1) and (lastA[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 87, velocity); lastA[9][2] =0; } //A88 if ((keysA[9][3] ==0) and (lastA[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 88, velocity); lastA[9][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][3] ==1) and (lastA[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 88, velocity); lastA[9][3] =0; } //A89 if ((keysA[9][4] ==0) and (lastA[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 89, velocity); lastA[9][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][4] ==1) and (lastA[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 89, velocity); lastA[9][4] =0; } //A90 if ((keysA[9][5] ==0) and (lastA[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 90, velocity); lastA[9][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][5] ==1) and (lastA[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 90, velocity); lastA[9][5] =0; } //A91 if ((keysA[10][0] ==0) and (lastA[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 91, velocity); lastA[10][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][0] ==1) and (lastA[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 91, velocity); lastA[10][0] =0; } //A92 if ((keysA[10][1] ==0) and (lastA[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 92, velocity); lastA[10][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][1] ==1) and (lastA[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 92, velocity); lastA[10][1] =0; } //A93 if ((keysA[10][2] ==0) and (lastA[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 93, velocity); lastA[10][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][2] ==1) and (lastA[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 93, velocity); lastA[10][2] =0; } //A94 if ((keysA[10][3] ==0) and (lastA[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 94, velocity); lastA[10][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][3] ==1) and (lastA[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 94, velocity); lastA[10][3] =0; } //A95 if ((keysA[10][4] ==0) and (lastA[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 95, velocity); lastA[10][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][4] ==1) and (lastA[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 95, velocity); lastA[10][4] =0; } //A96 if ((keysA[10][5] ==0) and (lastA[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 96, velocity); lastA[10][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][5] ==1) and (lastA[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 96, velocity); lastA[10][5] =0; } //Write Keyboard B //B36 if ((keysB[0][0] ==0) and (lastB[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 36, velocity); lastB[0][0] =7; } if ((keysB[0][0] ==1) and (lastB[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 36, velocity); lastB[0][0] =0; } //B37 if ((keysB[1][0] ==0) and (lastB[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 37, velocity); lastB[1][0] =7; } if ((keysB[1][0] ==1) and (lastB[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 37, velocity); lastB[1][0] =0; } //B38 if ((keysB[1][1] ==0) and (lastB[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 38, velocity); lastB[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][1] ==1) and (lastB[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 38, velocity); lastB[1][1] =0; } //B39 if ((keysB[1][2] ==0) and (lastB[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 39, velocity); lastB[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][2] ==1) and (lastB[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 39, velocity); lastB[1][2] =0; } //B40 if ((keysB[1][3] ==0) and (lastB[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 40, velocity); lastB[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][3] ==1) and (lastB[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 40, velocity); lastB[1][3] =0; } //B41 if ((keysB[1][4] ==0) and (lastB[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 41, velocity); lastB[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][4] ==1) and (lastB[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 41, velocity); lastB[1][4] =0; } //B42 if ((keysB[1][5] ==0) and (lastB[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 42, velocity); lastB[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][5] ==1) and (lastB[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 42, velocity); lastB[1][5] =0; } //B43 if ((keysB[2][0] ==0) and (lastB[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 43, velocity); lastB[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][0] ==1) and (lastB[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 43, velocity); lastB[2][0] =0; } //B44 if ((keysB[2][1] ==0) and (lastB[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 44, velocity); lastB[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][1] ==1) and (lastB[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 44, velocity); lastB[2][1] =0; } //B45 if ((keysB[2][2] ==0) and (lastB[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 45, velocity); lastB[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][2] ==1) and (lastB[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 45, velocity); lastB[2][2] =0; } //B46 if ((keysB[2][3] ==0) and (lastB[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 46, velocity); lastB[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][3] ==1) and (lastB[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 46, velocity); lastB[2][3] =0; } //B47 if ((keysB[2][4] ==0) and (lastB[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 47, velocity); lastB[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][4] ==1) and (lastB[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 47, velocity); lastB[2][4] =0; } //B48 if ((keysB[2][5] ==0) and (lastB[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 48, velocity); lastB[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][5] ==1) and (lastB[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 48, velocity); lastB[2][5] =0; } //B49 if ((keysB[3][0] ==0) and (lastB[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 49, velocity); lastB[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][0] ==1) and (lastB[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 49, velocity); lastB[3][0] =0; } //B50 if ((keysB[3][1] ==0) and (lastB[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 50, velocity); lastB[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][1] ==1) and (lastB[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 50, velocity); lastB[3][1] =0; } //B51 if ((keysB[3][2] ==0) and (lastB[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 51, velocity); lastB[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][2] ==1) and (lastB[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 51, velocity); lastB[3][2] =0; } //B52 if ((keysB[3][3] ==0) and (lastB[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 52, velocity); lastB[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][3] ==1) and (lastB[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 52, velocity); lastB[3][3] =0; } //B53 if ((keysB[3][4] ==0) and (lastB[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 53, velocity); lastB[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][4] ==1) and (lastB[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 53, velocity); lastB[3][4] =0; } //B54 if ((keysB[3][5] ==0) and (lastB[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 54, velocity); lastB[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][5] ==1) and (lastB[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 54, velocity); lastB[3][5] =0; } //B55 if ((keysB[4][0] ==0) and (lastB[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 55, velocity); lastB[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][0] ==1) and (lastB[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 55, velocity); lastB[4][0] =0; } //B56 if ((keysB[4][1] ==0) and (lastB[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 56, velocity); lastB[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][1] ==1) and (lastB[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 56, velocity); lastB[4][1] =0; } //B57 if ((keysB[4][2] ==0) and (lastB[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 57, velocity); lastB[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][2] ==1) and (lastB[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 57, velocity); lastB[4][2] =0; } //B58 if ((keysB[4][3] ==0) and (lastB[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 58, velocity); lastB[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][3] ==1) and (lastB[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 58, velocity); lastB[4][3] =0; } //B59 if ((keysB[4][4] ==0) and (lastB[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 59, velocity); lastB[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][4] ==1) and (lastB[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 59, velocity); lastB[4][4] =0; } //B60 if ((keysB[4][5] ==0) and (lastB[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 60, velocity); lastB[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][5] ==1) and (lastB[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 60, velocity); lastB[4][5] =0; } //B61 if ((keysB[5][0] ==0) and (lastB[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 61, velocity); lastB[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][0] ==1) and (lastB[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 61, velocity); lastB[5][0] =0; } //B62 if ((keysB[5][1] ==0) and (lastB[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 62, velocity); lastB[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][1] ==1) and (lastB[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 62, velocity); lastB[5][1] =0; } //B63 if ((keysB[5][2] ==0) and (lastB[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 63, velocity); lastB[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][2] ==1) and (lastB[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 63, velocity); lastB[5][2] =0; } //B64 if ((keysB[5][3] ==0) and (lastB[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 64, velocity); lastB[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][3] ==1) and (lastB[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 64, velocity); lastB[5][3] =0; } //B65 if ((keysB[5][4] ==0) and (lastB[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 65, velocity); lastB[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][4] ==1) and (lastB[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 65, velocity); lastB[5][4] =0; } //B66 if ((keysB[5][5] ==0) and (lastB[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 66, velocity); lastB[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][5] ==1) and (lastB[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 66, velocity); lastB[5][5] =0; } //B67 if ((keysB[6][0] ==0) and (lastB[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 67, velocity); lastB[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][0] ==1) and (lastB[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 67, velocity); lastB[6][0] =0; } //B68 if ((keysB[6][1] ==0) and (lastB[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 68, velocity); lastB[6][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][1] ==1) and (lastB[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 68, velocity); lastB[6][1] =0; } //B69 if ((keysB[6][2] ==0) and (lastB[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 69, velocity); lastB[6][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][2] ==1) and (lastB[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 69, velocity); lastB[6][2] =0; } //B70 if ((keysB[6][3] ==0) and (lastB[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 70, velocity); lastB[6][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][3] ==1) and (lastB[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 70, velocity); lastB[6][3] =0; } //B71 if ((keysB[6][4] ==0) and (lastB[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 71, velocity); lastB[6][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][4] ==1) and (lastB[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 71, velocity); lastB[6][4] =0; } //B72 if ((keysB[6][5] ==0) and (lastB[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 72, velocity); lastB[6][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][5] ==1) and (lastB[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 72, velocity); lastB[6][5] =0; } //B73 if ((keysB[7][0] ==0) and (lastB[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 73, velocity); lastB[7][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][0] ==1) and (lastB[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 73, velocity); lastB[7][0] =0; } //B74 if ((keysB[7][1] ==0) and (lastB[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 74, velocity); lastB[7][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][1] ==1) and (lastB[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 74, velocity); lastB[7][1] =0; } //B75 if ((keysB[7][2] ==0) and (lastB[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 75, velocity); lastB[7][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][2] ==1) and (lastB[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 75, velocity); lastB[7][2] =0; } //B76 if ((keysB[7][3] ==0) and (lastB[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 76, velocity); lastB[7][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][3] ==1) and (lastB[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 76, velocity); lastB[7][3] =0; } //B77 if ((keysB[7][4] ==0) and (lastB[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 77, velocity); lastB[7][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][4] ==1) and (lastB[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 77, velocity); lastB[7][4] =0; } //B78 if ((keysB[7][5] ==0) and (lastB[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 78, velocity); lastB[7][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][5] ==1) and (lastB[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 78, velocity); lastB[7][5] =0; } //B79 if ((keysB[8][0] ==0) and (lastB[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 79, velocity); lastB[8][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][0] ==1) and (lastB[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity); lastB[8][0] =0; } //B80 if ((keysB[8][1] ==0) and (lastB[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 80, velocity); lastB[8][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][1] ==1) and (lastB[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 80, velocity); lastB[8][1] =0; } //B81 if ((keysB[8][2] ==0) and (lastB[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 81, velocity); lastB[8][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][2] ==1) and (lastB[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 81, velocity); lastB[8][2] =0; } //B82 if ((keysB[8][3] ==0) and (lastB[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 82, velocity); lastB[8][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][3] ==1) and (lastB[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 82, velocity); lastB[8][3] =0; } //B83 if ((keysB[8][4] ==0) and (lastB[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 83, velocity); lastB[8][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][4] ==1) and (lastB[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 83, velocity); lastB[8][4] =0; } //B84 if ((keysB[8][5] ==0) and (lastB[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 84, velocity); lastB[8][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][5] ==1) and (lastB[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 84, velocity); lastB[8][5] =0; } //B85 if ((keysB[9][0] ==0) and (lastB[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 85, velocity); lastB[9][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][0] ==1) and (lastB[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 85, velocity); lastB[9][0] =0; } //B86 if ((keysB[9][1] ==0) and (lastB[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity); lastB[9][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][1] ==1) and (lastB[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 86, velocity); lastB[9][1] =0; } //B87 if ((keysB[9][2] ==0) and (lastB[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 87, velocity); lastB[9][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][2] ==1) and (lastB[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 87, velocity); lastB[9][2] =0; } //B88 if ((keysB[9][3] ==0) and (lastB[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 88, velocity); lastB[9][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][3] ==1) and (lastB[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 88, velocity); lastB[9][3] =0; } //B89 if ((keysB[9][4] ==0) and (lastB[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 89, velocity); lastB[9][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][4] ==1) and (lastB[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 89, velocity); lastB[9][4] =0; } //B90 if ((keysB[9][5] ==0) and (lastB[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 90, velocity); lastB[9][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][5] ==1) and (lastB[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 90, velocity); lastB[9][5] =0; } //B91 if ((keysB[10][0] ==0) and (lastB[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 91, velocity); lastB[10][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][0] ==1) and (lastB[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 91, velocity); lastB[10][0] =0; } //B92 if ((keysB[10][1] ==0) and (lastB[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 92, velocity); lastB[10][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][1] ==1) and (lastB[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 92, velocity); lastB[10][1] =0; } //B93 if ((keysB[10][2] ==0) and (lastB[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 93, velocity); lastB[10][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][2] ==1) and (lastB[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 93, velocity); lastB[10][2] =0; } //B94 if ((keysB[10][3] ==0) and (lastB[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 94, velocity); lastB[10][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][3] ==1) and (lastB[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 94, velocity); lastB[10][3] =0; } //B95 if ((keysB[10][4] ==0) and (lastB[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 95, velocity); lastB[10][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][4] ==1) and (lastB[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 95, velocity); lastB[10][4] =0; } //B96 if ((keysB[10][5] ==0) and (lastB[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 96, velocity); lastB[10][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][5] ==1) and (lastB[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 96, velocity); lastB[10][5] =0; } //Write Keyboard C //C36 if ((keysC[0][0] ==0) and (lastC[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity); lastC[0][0] =7; } if ((keysC[0][0] ==1) and (lastC[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity); lastC[0][0] =0; } //C37 if ((keysC[1][0] ==0) and (lastC[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity); lastC[1][0] =7; } if ((keysC[1][0] ==1) and (lastC[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity); lastC[1][0] =0; } //C38 if ((keysC[1][1] ==0) and (lastC[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity); lastC[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][1] ==1) and (lastC[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity); lastC[1][1] =0; } //C39 if ((keysC[1][2] ==0) and (lastC[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][2] ==1) and (lastC[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =0; } //C40 if ((keysC[1][3] ==0) and (lastC[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][3] ==1) and (lastC[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =0; } //C41 if ((keysC[1][4] ==0) and (lastC[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][4] ==1) and (lastC[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =0; } //C42 if ((keysC[1][5] ==0) and (lastC[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][5] ==1) and (lastC[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =0; } //C43 if ((keysC[2][0] ==0) and (lastC[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][0] ==1) and (lastC[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =0; } //C44 if ((keysC[2][1] ==0) and (lastC[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][1] ==1) and (lastC[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =0; } //B45 if ((keysC[2][2] ==0) and (lastC[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][2] ==1) and (lastC[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =0; } //C46 if ((keysC[2][3] ==0) and (lastC[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][3] ==1) and (lastC[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =0; } //C47 if ((keysC[2][4] ==0) and (lastC[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][4] ==1) and (lastC[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =0; } //C48 if ((keysC[2][5] ==0) and (lastC[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][5] ==1) and (lastC[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =0; } //C49 if ((keysC[3][0] ==0) and (lastC[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][0] ==1) and (lastC[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =0; } //C50 if ((keysC[3][1] ==0) and (lastC[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][1] ==1) and (lastC[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =0; } //C51 if ((keysC[3][2] ==0) and (lastC[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][2] ==1) and (lastC[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =0; } //C52 if ((keysC[3][3] ==0) and (lastC[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][3] ==1) and (lastC[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =0; } //C53 if ((keysC[3][4] ==0) and (lastC[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][4] ==1) and (lastC[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =0; } //C54 if ((keysC[3][5] ==0) and (lastC[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][5] ==1) and (lastC[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =0; } //C55 if ((keysC[4][0] ==0) and (lastC[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][0] ==1) and (lastC[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =0; } //C56 if ((keysC[4][1] ==0) and (lastC[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][1] ==1) and (lastC[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =0; } //C57 if ((keysC[4][2] ==0) and (lastC[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][2] ==1) and (lastC[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =0; } //C58 if ((keysC[4][3] ==0) and (lastC[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][3] ==1) and (lastC[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =0; } //C59 if ((keysC[4][4] ==0) and (lastC[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][4] ==1) and (lastC[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =0; } //C60 if ((keysC[4][5] ==0) and (lastC[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][5] ==1) and (lastC[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =0; } //C61 if ((keysC[5][0] ==0) and (lastC[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][0] ==1) and (lastC[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =0; } //C62 if ((keysC[5][1] ==0) and (lastC[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][1] ==1) and (lastC[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =0; } //C63 if ((keysC[5][2] ==0) and (lastC[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][2] ==1) and (lastC[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =0; } //C64 if ((keysC[5][3] ==0) and (lastC[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][3] ==1) and (lastC[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =0; } //C65 if ((keysC[5][4] ==0) and (lastC[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][4] ==1) and (lastC[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =0; } //C66 if ((keysC[5][5] ==0) and (lastC[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][5] ==1) and (lastC[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =0; } //C67 if ((keysC[6][0] ==0) and (lastC[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][0] ==1) and (lastC[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =0; } //C68 if ((keysC[6][1] ==0) and (lastC[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 68, velocity); lastC[6][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][1] ==1) and (lastC[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 68, velocity); lastC[6][1] =0; } //C69 if ((keysC[6][2] ==0) and (lastC[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 69, velocity); lastC[6][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][2] ==1) and (lastC[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 69, velocity); lastC[6][2] =0; } //C70 if ((keysC[6][3] ==0) and (lastC[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 70, velocity); lastC[6][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][3] ==1) and (lastC[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 70, velocity); lastC[6][3] =0; } //C71 if ((keysC[6][4] ==0) and (lastC[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 71, velocity); lastC[6][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][4] ==1) and (lastC[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 71, velocity); lastC[6][4] =0; } //C72 if ((keysC[6][5] ==0) and (lastC[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 72, velocity); lastC[6][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][5] ==1) and (lastC[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 72, velocity); lastC[6][5] =0; } //C73 if ((keysC[7][0] ==0) and (lastC[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 73, velocity); lastC[7][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][0] ==1) and (lastC[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 73, velocity); lastC[7][0] =0; } //C74 if ((keysC[7][1] ==0) and (lastC[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 74, velocity); lastC[7][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][1] ==1) and (lastC[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 74, velocity); lastC[7][1] =0; } //C75 if ((keysC[7][2] ==0) and (lastC[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 75, velocity); lastC[7][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][2] ==1) and (lastC[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 75, velocity); lastC[7][2] =0; } //C76 if ((keysC[7][3] ==0) and (lastC[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 76, velocity); lastC[7][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][3] ==1) and (lastC[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 76, velocity); lastC[7][3] =0; } //C77 if ((keysC[7][4] ==0) and (lastC[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 77, velocity); lastC[7][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][4] ==1) and (lastC[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 77, velocity); lastC[7][4] =0; } //C78 if ((keysC[7][5] ==0) and (lastC[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 78, velocity); lastC[7][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][5] ==1) and (lastC[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 78, velocity); lastC[7][5] =0; } //C79 if ((keysC[8][0] ==0) and (lastC[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 79, velocity); lastC[8][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][0] ==1) and (lastC[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity); lastC[8][0] =0; } //C80 if ((keysC[8][1] ==0) and (lastC[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 80, velocity); lastC[8][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][1] ==1) and (lastC[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 80, velocity); lastC[8][1] =0; } //C81 if ((keysC[8][2] ==0) and (lastC[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 81, velocity); lastC[8][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][2] ==1) and (lastC[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 81, velocity); lastC[8][2] =0; } //C82 if ((keysC[8][3] ==0) and (lastC[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 82, velocity); lastC[8][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][3] ==1) and (lastC[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 82, velocity); lastC[8][3] =0; } //C83 if ((keysC[8][4] ==0) and (lastC[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 83, velocity); lastC[8][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][4] ==1) and (lastC[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 83, velocity); lastC[8][4] =0; } //C84 if ((keysC[8][5] ==0) and (lastC[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 84, velocity); lastC[8][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][5] ==1) and (lastC[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 84, velocity); lastC[8][5] =0; } //C85 if ((keysC[9][0] ==0) and (lastC[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 85, velocity); lastC[9][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][0] ==1) and (lastC[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 85, velocity); lastC[9][0] =0; } //C86 if ((keysC[9][1] ==0) and (lastC[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity); lastC[9][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][1] ==1) and (lastC[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 86, velocity); lastC[9][1] =0; } //C87 if ((keysC[9][2] ==0) and (lastC[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 87, velocity); lastC[9][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][2] ==1) and (lastC[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 87, velocity); lastC[9][2] =0; } //C88 if ((keysC[9][3] ==0) and (lastC[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 88, velocity); lastC[9][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][3] ==1) and (lastC[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 88, velocity); lastC[9][3] =0; } //C89 if ((keysC[9][4] ==0) and (lastC[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 89, velocity); lastC[9][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][4] ==1) and (lastC[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 89, velocity); lastC[9][4] =0; } //C90 if ((keysC[9][5] ==0) and (lastC[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 90, velocity); lastC[9][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][5] ==1) and (lastC[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 90, velocity); lastC[9][5] =0; } //C91 if ((keysC[10][0] ==0) and (lastC[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 91, velocity); lastC[10][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][0] ==1) and (lastC[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 91, velocity); lastC[10][0] =0; } //C92 if ((keysC[10][1] ==0) and (lastC[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 92, velocity); lastC[10][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][1] ==1) and (lastC[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 92, velocity); lastC[10][1] =0; } //C93 if ((keysC[10][2] ==0) and (lastC[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 93, velocity); lastC[10][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][2] ==1) and (lastC[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 93, velocity); lastC[10][2] =0; } //C94 if ((keysC[10][3] ==0) and (lastC[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 94, velocity); lastC[10][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][3] ==1) and (lastC[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 94, velocity); lastC[10][3] =0; } //C95 if ((keysC[10][4] ==0) and (lastC[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 95, velocity); lastC[10][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][4] ==1) and (lastC[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 95, velocity); lastC[10][4] =0; } //C96 if ((keysC[10][5] ==0) and (lastC[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 96, velocity); lastC[10][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][5] ==1) and (lastC[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 96, velocity); lastC[10][5] =0; } //Write Keyboard D //D36 if ((keysD[0][0] ==0) and (lastD[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 36, velocity); lastD[0][0] =7; } if ((keysD[0][0] ==1) and (lastD[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 36, velocity); lastD[0][0] =0; } //D37 if ((keysD[1][0] ==0) and (lastD[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 37, velocity); lastD[1][0] =7; } if ((keysD[1][0] ==1) and (lastD[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 37, velocity); lastD[1][0] =0; } //D38 if ((keysD[1][1] ==0) and (lastD[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 38, velocity); lastD[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][1] ==1) and (lastD[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 38, velocity); lastD[1][1] =0; } //D39 if ((keysD[1][2] ==0) and (lastD[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 39, velocity); lastD[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][2] ==1) and (lastD[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 39, velocity); lastD[1][2] =0; } //D40 if ((keysD[1][3] ==0) and (lastD[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 40, velocity); lastD[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][3] ==1) and (lastD[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 40, velocity); lastD[1][3] =0; } //D41 if ((keysD[1][4] ==0) and (lastD[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 41, velocity); lastD[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][4] ==1) and (lastD[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 41, velocity); lastD[1][4] =0; } //D42 if ((keysD[1][5] ==0) and (lastD[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 42, velocity); lastD[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][5] ==1) and (lastD[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 42, velocity); lastD[1][5] =0; } //D43 if ((keysD[2][0] ==0) and (lastD[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 43, velocity); lastD[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][0] ==1) and (lastD[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 43, velocity); lastD[2][0] =0; } //B44 if ((keysD[2][1] ==0) and (lastD[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 44, velocity); lastD[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][1] ==1) and (lastD[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 44, velocity); lastD[2][1] =0; } //D45 if ((keysD[2][2] ==0) and (lastD[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 45, velocity); lastD[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][2] ==1) and (lastD[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 45, velocity); lastD[2][2] =0; } //D46 if ((keysD[2][3] ==0) and (lastD[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 46, velocity); lastD[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][3] ==1) and (lastD[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 46, velocity); lastD[2][3] =0; } //D47 if ((keysD[2][4] ==0) and (lastD[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 47, velocity); lastD[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][4] ==1) and (lastD[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 47, velocity); lastD[2][4] =0; } //D48 if ((keysD[2][5] ==0) and (lastD[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 48, velocity); lastD[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][5] ==1) and (lastD[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 48, velocity); lastD[2][5] =0; } //D49 if ((keysD[3][0] ==0) and (lastD[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 49, velocity); lastD[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][0] ==1) and (lastD[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 49, velocity); lastD[3][0] =0; } //D50 if ((keysD[3][1] ==0) and (lastD[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 50, velocity); lastD[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][1] ==1) and (lastD[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 50, velocity); lastD[3][1] =0; } //D51 if ((keysD[3][2] ==0) and (lastD[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 51, velocity); lastD[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][2] ==1) and (lastD[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 51, velocity); lastD[3][2] =0; } //D52 if ((keysD[3][3] ==0) and (lastD[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 52, velocity); lastD[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][3] ==1) and (lastD[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 52, velocity); lastD[3][3] =0; } //D53 if ((keysD[3][4] ==0) and (lastD[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 53, velocity); lastD[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][4] ==1) and (lastD[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 53, velocity); lastD[3][4] =0; } //D54 if ((keysD[3][5] ==0) and (lastD[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 54, velocity); lastD[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][5] ==1) and (lastD[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 54, velocity); lastD[3][5] =0; } //D55 if ((keysD[4][0] ==0) and (lastD[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 55, velocity); lastD[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][0] ==1) and (lastD[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 55, velocity); lastD[4][0] =0; } //D56 if ((keysD[4][1] ==0) and (lastD[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 56, velocity); lastD[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][1] ==1) and (lastD[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 56, velocity); lastD[4][1] =0; } //D57 if ((keysD[4][2] ==0) and (lastD[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 57, velocity); lastD[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][2] ==1) and (lastD[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 57, velocity); lastD[4][2] =0; } //D58 if ((keysD[4][3] ==0) and (lastD[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 58, velocity); lastD[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][3] ==1) and (lastD[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 58, velocity); lastD[4][3] =0; } //D59 if ((keysD[4][4] ==0) and (lastD[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 59, velocity); lastD[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][4] ==1) and (lastD[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 59, velocity); lastD[4][4] =0; } //D60 if ((keysD[4][5] ==0) and (lastD[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 60, velocity); lastD[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][5] ==1) and (lastD[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 60, velocity); lastD[4][5] =0; } //D61 if ((keysD[5][0] ==0) and (lastD[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 61, velocity); lastD[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][0] ==1) and (lastD[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 61, velocity); lastD[5][0] =0; } //D62 if ((keysD[5][1] ==0) and (lastD[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 62, velocity); lastD[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][1] ==1) and (lastD[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 62, velocity); lastD[5][1] =0; } //D63 if ((keysD[5][2] ==0) and (lastD[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 63, velocity); lastD[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][2] ==1) and (lastD[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 63, velocity); lastD[5][2] =0; } //D64 if ((keysD[5][3] ==0) and (lastD[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 64, velocity); lastD[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][3] ==1) and (lastD[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 64, velocity); lastD[5][3] =0; } //D65 if ((keysD[5][4] ==0) and (lastD[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 65, velocity); lastD[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][4] ==1) and (lastD[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 65, velocity); lastD[5][4] =0; } //D66 if ((keysD[5][5] ==0) and (lastD[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 66, velocity); lastD[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][5] ==1) and (lastD[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 66, velocity); lastD[5][5] =0; } //D67 if ((keysD[6][0] ==0) and (lastD[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 67, velocity); lastD[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][0] ==1) and (lastD[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 67, velocity); lastD[6][0] =0; } //D68 if ((keysD[6][1] ==0) and (lastD[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 68, velocity); lastD[6][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][1] ==1) and (lastD[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 68, velocity); lastD[6][1] =0; } //D69 if ((keysD[6][2] ==0) and (lastD[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 69, velocity); lastD[6][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][2] ==1) and (lastD[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 69, velocity); lastD[6][2] =0; } //D70 if ((keysD[6][3] ==0) and (lastD[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 70, velocity); lastD[6][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][3] ==1) and (lastD[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 70, velocity); lastD[6][3] =0; } //D71 if ((keysD[6][4] ==0) and (lastD[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 71, velocity); lastD[6][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][4] ==1) and (lastD[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 71, velocity); lastD[6][4] =0; } //D72 if ((keysD[6][5] ==0) and (lastD[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 72, velocity); lastD[6][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][5] ==1) and (lastD[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 72, velocity); lastD[6][5] =0; } //D73 if ((keysD[7][0] ==0) and (lastD[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 73, velocity); lastD[7][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][0] ==1) and (lastD[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 73, velocity); lastD[7][0] =0; } //D74 if ((keysD[7][1] ==0) and (lastD[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 74, velocity); lastD[7][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][1] ==1) and (lastD[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 74, velocity); lastD[7][1] =0; } //D75 if ((keysD[7][2] ==0) and (lastD[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 75, velocity); lastD[7][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][2] ==1) and (lastD[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 75, velocity); lastD[7][2] =0; } //D76 if ((keysD[7][3] ==0) and (lastD[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 76, velocity); lastD[7][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][3] ==1) and (lastD[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 76, velocity); lastD[7][3] =0; } //D77 if ((keysD[7][4] ==0) and (lastD[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 77, velocity); lastD[7][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][4] ==1) and (lastD[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 77, velocity); lastD[7][4] =0; } //D78 if ((keysD[7][5] ==0) and (lastD[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 78, velocity); lastD[7][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][5] ==1) and (lastD[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 78, velocity); lastD[7][5] =0; } //D79 if ((keysD[8][0] ==0) and (lastD[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 79, velocity); lastD[8][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][0] ==1) and (lastD[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 79, velocity); lastD[8][0] =0; } //D80 if ((keysD[8][1] ==0) and (lastD[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 80, velocity); lastD[8][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][1] ==1) and (lastD[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 80, velocity); lastD[8][1] =0; } //D81 if ((keysD[8][2] ==0) and (lastD[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 81, velocity); lastD[8][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][2] ==1) and (lastD[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 81, velocity); lastD[8][2] =0; } //D82 if ((keysD[8][3] ==0) and (lastD[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 82, velocity); lastD[8][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][3] ==1) and (lastD[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 82, velocity); lastD[8][3] =0; } //D83 if ((keysD[8][4] ==0) and (lastD[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 83, velocity); lastD[8][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][4] ==1) and (lastD[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 83, velocity); lastD[8][4] =0; } //D84 if ((keysD[8][5] ==0) and (lastD[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 84, velocity); lastD[8][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][5] ==1) and (lastD[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 84, velocity); lastD[8][5] =0; } //D85 if ((keysD[9][0] ==0) and (lastD[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 85, velocity); lastD[9][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][0] ==1) and (lastD[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 85, velocity); lastD[9][0] =0; } //D86 if ((keysD[9][1] ==0) and (lastD[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 86, velocity); lastD[9][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][1] ==1) and (lastD[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 86, velocity); lastD[9][1] =0; } //D87 if ((keysD[9][2] ==0) and (lastD[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 87, velocity); lastD[9][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][2] ==1) and (lastD[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 87, velocity); lastD[9][2] =0; } //D88 if ((keysD[9][3] ==0) and (lastD[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 88, velocity); lastD[9][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][3] ==1) and (lastD[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 88, velocity); lastD[9][3] =0; } //D89 if ((keysD[9][4] ==0) and (lastD[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 89, velocity); lastD[9][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][4] ==1) and (lastD[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 89, velocity); lastD[9][4] =0; } //D90 if ((keysD[9][5] ==0) and (lastD[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 90, velocity); lastD[9][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][5] ==1) and (lastD[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 90, velocity); lastD[9][5] =0; } //D91 if ((keysD[10][0] ==0) and (lastD[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 91, velocity); lastD[10][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][0] ==1) and (lastD[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 91, velocity); lastD[10][0] =0; } //D92 if ((keysD[10][1] ==0) and (lastD[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 92, velocity); lastD[10][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][1] ==1) and (lastD[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 92, velocity); lastD[10][1] =0; } //D93 if ((keysD[10][2] ==0) and (lastD[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 93, velocity); lastD[10][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][2] ==1) and (lastD[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 93, velocity); lastD[10][2] =0; } //D94 if ((keysD[10][3] ==0) and (lastD[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 94, velocity); lastD[10][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][3] ==1) and (lastD[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 94, velocity); lastD[10][3] =0; } //D95 if ((keysD[10][4] ==0) and (lastD[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 95, velocity); lastD[10][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][4] ==1) and (lastD[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 95, velocity); lastD[10][4] =0; } //D96 if ((keysD[10][5] ==0) and (lastD[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 96, velocity); lastD[10][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][5] ==1) and (lastD[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 96, velocity); lastD[10][5] =0; } //Write Keyboard C, only for inverted switches, first 32 notes only. /* //C36 if ((keysC[0][0] ==0) and (lastC[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity); lastC[0][0] =7; } if ((keysC[0][0] ==1) and (lastC[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity); lastC[0][0] =0; } //C37 if ((keysC[1][0] ==0) and (lastC[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity); lastC[1][0] =7; } if ((keysC[1][0] ==1) and (lastC[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity); lastC[1][0] =0; } //C38 if ((keysC[1][1] ==0) and (lastC[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity); lastC[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][1] ==1) and (lastC[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity); lastC[1][1] =0; } //C39 if ((keysC[1][2] ==0) and (lastC[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][2] ==1) and (lastC[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =0; } //C40 if ((keysC[1][3] ==0) and (lastC[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][3] ==1) and (lastC[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =0; } //C41 if ((keysC[1][4] ==0) and (lastC[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][4] ==1) and (lastC[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =0; } //C42 if ((keysC[1][5] ==0) and (lastC[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][5] ==1) and (lastC[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =0; } //C43 if ((keysC[2][0] ==0) and (lastC[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][0] ==1) and (lastC[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =0; } //C44 if ((keysC[2][1] ==0) and (lastC[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][1] ==1) and (lastC[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =0; } //C45 if ((keysC[2][2] ==0) and (lastC[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][2] ==1) and (lastC[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =0; } //C46 if ((keysC[2][3] ==0) and (lastC[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][3] ==1) and (lastC[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =0; } //C47 if ((keysC[2][4] ==0) and (lastC[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][4] ==1) and (lastC[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =0; } //C48 if ((keysC[2][5] ==0) and (lastC[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][5] ==1) and (lastC[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =0; } //C49 if ((keysC[3][0] ==0) and (lastC[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][0] ==1) and (lastC[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =0; } //C50 if ((keysC[3][1] ==0) and (lastC[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][1] ==1) and (lastC[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =0; } //C51 if ((keysC[3][2] ==0) and (lastC[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][2] ==1) and (lastC[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =0; } //C52 if ((keysC[3][3] ==0) and (lastC[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][3] ==1) and (lastC[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =0; } //C53 if ((keysC[3][4] ==0) and (lastC[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][4] ==1) and (lastC[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =0; } //C54 if ((keysC[3][5] ==0) and (lastC[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][5] ==1) and (lastC[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =0; } //C55 if ((keysC[4][0] ==0) and (lastC[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][0] ==1) and (lastC[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =0; } //C56 if ((keysC[4][1] ==0) and (lastC[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][1] ==1) and (lastC[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =0; } //C57 if ((keysC[4][2] ==0) and (lastC[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][2] ==1) and (lastC[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =0; } //C58 if ((keysC[4][3] ==0) and (lastC[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][3] ==1) and (lastC[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =0; } //C59 if ((keysC[4][4] ==0) and (lastC[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][4] ==1) and (lastC[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =0; } //C60 if ((keysC[4][5] ==0) and (lastC[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][5] ==1) and (lastC[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =0; } //C61 if ((keysC[5][0] ==0) and (lastC[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][0] ==1) and (lastC[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =0; } //C62 if ((keysC[5][1] ==0) and (lastC[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][1] ==1) and (lastC[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =0; } //C63 if ((keysC[5][2] ==0) and (lastC[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][2] ==1) and (lastC[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =0; } //C64 if ((keysC[5][3] ==0) and (lastC[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][3] ==1) and (lastC[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =0; } //C65 if ((keysC[5][4] ==0) and (lastC[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][4] ==1) and (lastC[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =0; } //C66 if ((keysC[5][5] ==0) and (lastC[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][5] ==1) and (lastC[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =0; } //C67 if ((keysC[6][0] ==0) and (lastC[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][0] ==1) and (lastC[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =0; } */ //Expression Pedal controls //Expression pedal on analog pin A13 to Channel 6 int Cur6 =analogRead(13); int Map6 =map(Cur6, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur6 - LastPot6)>=8) { MidiSend(chan6,Exp,Map6); LastPot6 =Cur6; } //Expression pedal on analog pin A14 to Channel 7 int Cur7 =analogRead(14); int Map7 =map(Cur7, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur7 - LastPot7)>=8) { MidiSend(chan7,Exp,Map7); LastPot7 =Cur7; } //Expression pedal on analog pin A15 to Channel 8 int Cur8 =analogRead(15); int Map8 =map(Cur8, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur8 - LastPot8)>=8) { MidiSend(chan8,Exp,Map8); LastPot8 =Cur8; }}void MidiSend(int one, int two, int three) { Serial.write(one); Serial.write(two); Serial.write(three); }


Wiring diagram for 6x11 Matrix keyboards and pedalboard with potentiometer inputsWiring diagram for Bussed keyboards with potentiometer inputs

Proses manufaktur

  1. Sertifikasi ISO 26262 untuk Komponen Perangkat Lunak
  2. Eclipse Ditto 1.0:Kerangka kerja untuk pembuat kembar digital
  3. Komponen untuk pembaruan perangkat lunak berbasis cloud di IoT
  4. Solusi Pemotongan untuk Industri Karpet – Mesin Pemotong Digital
  5. Strategi untuk Manajemen Aset Digital
  6. UL:Menguji Komponen Plastik agar Mudah Terbakar
  7. PET Berisi Kaca untuk Komponen Eksterior Otomotif
  8. Tiga Tren Manufaktur Digital untuk 2020
  9. Rencanakan untuk sukses dalam transformasi digital
  10. Materi untuk Komponen Invar 36