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Contoh Interpolasi Silinder Fanuc G07.1

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Program CNC

O0002 (Cylindrical Interpolation)
N15 T0505
N25 M13 (Driven tool ON clockwise)
N30 G97 S2000
N32 M52 (Positioning of the spindle C-axis ON )
N35 G07.1 C19.1 (Start of the interpolation / blank part radius )
N37 G94 F200
N40 G0 X45 Z-5
N45 G1 X35 C0 Z-5
N50 G1 Z-15 C22.5
N55 Z-5 C45
N60 Z-15 C67.5
N65 Z-5 C90
N70 Z-15 C112.5
N75 Z-5 C135
N80 Z-15 C157.5
N85 Z-5 C180
N90 Z-15 C202.5
N95 Z-5 C225
N100 Z-15 C247.5
N105 Z-5 C270
N110 Z-15 C292.5
N115 Z-5 C315
N120 Z-15 C337.5
N125 Z-5 C360
N130 X45
N135 G07.1 C0 (End of interpolation)
N140 M53 (C-axis OFF)
N145 G0 X80 Z100 M15
N150 M30

Mesin CNC

  1. Contoh Program CNC Siklus Grooving Fanuc G75
  2. Contoh Program Fanuc CNC
  3. Fanuc G20 Mengukur dalam Inci dengan Contoh Program CNC
  4. Contoh Pemrograman Bubut Fanuc CNC
  5. Contoh Program CNC Interpolasi Melingkar G03
  6. Program Contoh Interpolasi Melingkar Kode G02 G03 G
  7. G90 Turning Cycle Fanuc – Kode Contoh Program CNC
  8. Fanuc G94 Menghadapi Program Contoh Siklus CNC
  9. Fanuc G72 Menghadapi Program Contoh Siklus Kalengan
  10. Contoh Program Contoh Fanuc G72 Facing Cycle Single-line-format