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CNC Mill Program Latihan Penggilingan Samping Pengeboran Slot Penggilingan

Dikirim oleh:BEATA


T. Tulis Program Komponen CNC untuk gambar yang ditampilkan

Untuk side milling, ambil kecepatan 1200 rpm &feed 100 mm/mnt
Untuk lubang bor, ambil kecepatan 1200rpm &feed 80mm/mnt
Untuk slot milling, ambil kecepatan 1200rpm &feed 120mm/mnt
Ambil diameter lubang sebagai 15mm
Gunakan sistem koordinat absolut.


Urutan pengoperasian:
1 Tetapkan titik referensi, sistem kordinasi, pahat, beri umpan &nilai kecepatan
2 Atur pemotong untuk kompensasi radius offset kiri
3 tetapkan pahat di A, mulai spindel &turunkan feed (-Z arah)
4 lanjutkan pemotongan side milling lebih lanjut dan hentikan spindel di A
5 Pindahkan pahat pada titik referensi &atur pahat untuk pemotongan slot
6 Pindahkan pahat ke P, mulai spindel &berikan umpan
7 Lanjutkan pemotongan slot milling lebih lanjut dan hentikan spindel di S
8 Pindahkan pahat pada titik referensi &atur pahat untuk pengeboran
9 Pindahkan pahat ke P, mulai spindel &berikan pemotongan kedalaman penuh
10 Pindahkan pahat ke atas &hentikan spindel.
11 Kembalikan pahat pada titik referensi.
12 Akhir program


Program CNC

N001 G71 G90 (Set dimension type mm, set absolute co-ordinate system)
N002 G92 X-15.0 Y-15.0 Z0.0 T01 F100 S1200 (Set reference point -15, -15, 0. Tool T01 side milling tool. Feed 100mm/rev, spindle speed 1200 rpm)
N003 G41 G00 X0.0 Y0.0 Z2.0 (Cutter radius compensation left ON, move the tool at A & give clearance of 2mm before starting spindle rotation)
N004 G01 Z-15.0 M03 (Start the spindle. Move tool down i.e. at Z direction for cut with feed here M03 will execute first)
N005 G01 X0.0 Y110.0 (Go to B linearly)
N006 G02 X10.0 Y120.0 R10.0 (Go to C with clockwise circular interpolation with radius = 10)
N007 G01 X75.0 (Go to D linearly)
N008 G01 X100.0 Y92.0 (Go to E linearly)
N009 G01 Y10.0 (Go to F linearly)
N010 G02 X90.0 Y0.0 R10.0 (Go to G with clockwise circular interpolation with radius = 10)
N011 G01 X0.0 (Go to A linearly)
N012 Z2.0 M05 (Go up 2mm in Z direction for clearance. Stop spindle rotation here M05 will execute last.)
N013 G40 G00 X-15.0 Y-15.0 (Cutter radius compensation OFF. Move tool to reference set point.)
N014 M06 T02 F120 (Change the tool & use tool T02 - here for slot mill tool with dia 6mm. Set feed as 120mm/rev.)
N015 G00 X15.0 Y55.0 (Move tool to 'P' rapidly.)
N016 G01 Z-5.0 M03 (Start the spindle. Move tool 5mm down i.e. at Z direction for cut with feed - here M03 will execute first)
N017 Y80.0 (Go to Q linearly.)
N018 X85.0 (Go to R linearly.)
N019 Y80.0 (Go to S linearly.)
N020 Z2.0 M05 (Go up 2mm in Z direction for clearance. Stop spindle rotation - here M05 will execute last.)
N021 G00 X-15.0 Y-15.0 (Move tool to reference set point.)
N022 M06 T03 F80 (Change the tool & use tool T03 - here for drill bit with dia 15mm. Set feed as 80mm/rev.)
N023 G00 X50.0 Y25.0 (Move tool to 'T')
N024 G01 Z-20.0 M03 (Go down 20mm for assuring full depth of hole.)
N024 Z2.0 M05 (Go up 2mm in Z direction for clearance. Stop spindle rotation - here M05 will execute last.)
N025 G00 X-15.0 Y-15.0 (Move tool to reference set point.)
N026 M30 (Stop the program)

Mesin CNC

  1. Bagaimana Cara Menggunakan Mesin Penggilingan CNC?
  2. Panduan Pemecahan Masalah Penggilingan Akhir dan Penggilingan
  3. Strategi Penggilingan CNC Penghapusan Bahan Massal
  4. Cara Memastikan Akurasi dan Presisi dalam Penggilingan CNC
  5. Pabrik vertikal CNC
  6. Butuh pabrik CNC?
  7. G81 Drilling Canned Cycle CNC Milling Program Program
  8. Contoh Program Siklus Pengeboran CNC G81
  9. Program Contoh Penggilingan CNC
  10. Isi Latihan Penggilingan Pemrograman CNC yang kosong