Apa profesi dan sektor yang paling banyak menggunakan pencetakan 3D?

Secara teknologi, printer 3D adalah salah satu perangkat paling canggih dan futuristik yang kami miliki saat ini. Karena akses ke peralatan ini semakin mudah dan murah, ada berbagai area dan sektor yang bertaruh pada teknologi ini.
Selanjutnya, mari kita bahas sedikit tentang area yang memanfaatkan printer 3D secara maksimal dan berikan gambaran umum tentang apa yang diharapkan di masa mendatang dari peralatan ini.
Mengapa perusahaan harus berinvestasi dalam pencetakan 3D?
Manfaat yang mengarahkan perusahaan untuk berinvestasi dalam pencetakan 3D beragam:
- Mengurangi biaya :Biaya pencetakan 3D suatu karya dapat mencapai 3 atau 4 kali lebih murah daripada membeli karya itu sendiri dari penyedia pencetakan 3D, selain memiliki karya tercepat dan juga menghemat kemungkinan biaya transportasi.
- Merampingkan proses produksi :Mampu membuang bagian apa pun kapan saja hampir merupakan mimpi bagi sebagian besar perusahaan, tanpa mengkhawatirkan tenggat waktu produksi, jasa kurir, permintaan per pesanan, dll.
- Kualitas, presisi, dan keserbagunaan :Dengan munculnya material baru, setiap hari semakin banyak objek yang dapat diproduksi menggunakan printer 3D. Benda-benda tersebut berkisar dari prostetik dan organ hingga perhiasan. Keserbagunaan adalah hal yang tidak kurang saat berinvestasi dalam teknologi ini.
Ini hanyalah beberapa alasan mengapa berinvestasi pada printer 3D adalah sesuatu yang sangat menguntungkan bagi banyak perusahaan. Namun, jika engoque Anda bukan untuk penggunaan bisnis, sebagai pengguna pribadi, ada beberapa cara menghasilkan uang dengan printer 3D tanpa perlu memiliki perusahaan besar atau investasi besar.
Tips menghasilkan uang dengan printer 3D
Menjadi bagian dari perusahaan atau menjadi profesional independen yang ingin menagih di pasar ini dengan inovasi terus-menerus, memilih pendekatan tindakan yang baik dapat menjadi pembeda antara keberhasilan dan kegagalan investasi Anda.
Di bawah ini Anda akan menemukan 5 kiat tentang cara memasuki pasar ini yang menyoroti persaingan:
- Jadilah kreatif :Kreativitas adalah poin utama bagi siapa saja yang ingin menghasilkan uang di pasar ini. Accompanying market trends is another key to raising the billing ceiling by dedicating itself to 3D printing.
- Provide training courses :Being a relatively new technology in the market, 3D printing courses are scarce. Betting on making video-courses and marketing them online, or offering face-to-face courses are also an excellent way to earn income with your knowledge of 3D printing.
- Learn how to model and create your own 3D models :Learning to use Blender or similar softwares is almost mandatory in that sector, since that way you can create your own models and sell them printed in 3D or the online models themselves on websites like TurboSquid and CGTrader.
- Promote your products on social networks :Disseminate your work. As "an image is worth a thousand words", social networks like Pinterest or Instagram are ideal to promote your business by publishing striking images of your models. In addition, reaching a good number of followers, it is possible to sell your models and your courses through these channels.
- Choosing a niche market :Choosing a niche market and specializing in the 3D printing market, instead of "manufacturing and selling everything a bit", can be the key to success in this sector. The possibilities are very diverse and vary from the sale of Action Figures to the part of accessories for drones.
What are the most promising sectors for the 3D printing market?
The engineers are specific professionals who act in certain branch in the market. However, no matter how specific its area of action, 3D printing can greatly benefit its services, since it can print spare parts for its products, models to show its projects to clients and even allows the creation of prototypes for presentations and samples
One of the main uses for a 3D printer in this area is the printing of ready-to-use parts in the production of certain products such as electronic components, gear printing, lace and parts with the function of complementing or integrating the internal (or even external) part. ) of some product.
The engineering companies that most use 3D printing would be:electronic engineering, computing, mechatronics, civil engineering, production and automation.
The possibility of printing models instantly to present to their clients is an interesting differential value for architectural professionals.
Contrary to what many professionals believe, it is not necessary to invest in an absurdly large and expensive 3D printer model for that purpose. You can choose a model with better cost-benefit and manually make the final adjustments in the printed model.
The use of 3D printing in the medicinal area is still in an initial phase, but it is undoubtedly a sector with a lot of potential for 3D printing.
For doctors, dentists or veterinarians, the possibility of printing prostheses under measure in a short period of time to treat their patients is something very desired in these and many other branches of medicine.
Pieces in plaster made from shapes are becoming obsolete to give place to pieces made of biocompatible materials with our organism, little invasive with the human and animal body, and with very reduced manufacturing times.
Arts and fashion
Artists and stylists are already using 3D printers to print their sculptures, jewelry, shoes, pieces of clothing, etc.
These professionals can also work with the post-printing of the piece, giving adjustments and adjustments to adapt them to the requirements of their clients.
Space research
NASA has tried to send 3D printers into space, mainly because of its ability to replicate replacement parts for aircraft in space in record time.
Instead of making the pieces here on Earth and sending them to the orbiting aircraft, the idea is to send only the material needed to print the piece in space by 3D printing.
Conclusion:A bit about the 3D printing market
According to a study conducted by Markets and Markets, the 3D printing market will move close to 32.7 billion per year until 2023, growing close to 25% annually.
Undoubtedly, these figures are excellent and open doors for a series of improvements, refinements and innovations within this area, taking into account that it is a growing technology and that it is far from its high point yet.
If you are thinking about betting on 3D printing for your company, the best time to start is now, while the market is not yet well established. Thus, by learning and taking advantage of the innovations that are emerging, you will be able to take advantage of its maximum present and future potential of this technology that will revolutionize many sectors.