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Pasar visi mesin 3D di AS:Wawancara dengan Dave Sexton dari North Coast Technical

Teknis Pantai Utara adalah mitra jangka panjang kami dan distributor terpercaya teknologi kami di pasar A.S. Kami berbicara dengan Dave Sexton, Presiden di North Coast Technical , tentang pasar AS dan permintaannya akan teknologi penglihatan 3D.

Bagaimana pasar Amerika Utara mengadopsi teknologi penglihatan 3D? Apakah menurut Anda permintaan akan visi 3D dan otomatisasi cerdas akan meningkat di masa mendatang?

D.S.:Ketertarikan pada teknologi visi 3D dan solusi otomasi yang diaktifkan oleh robotika yang dipandu visi sangat besar di AS. Produk-produk baru diperkenalkan setiap hari sebagai respons terhadap tren yang meningkat untuk berinovasi dan meningkatkan produksi dengan otomasi kelas atas. Permintaan akan visi 3D dan otomatisasi cerdas berkembang pesat dan pada akhirnya akan menggantikan visi 2D seiring waktu. Ini karena penglihatan 3D dapat memberikan lebih banyak informasi dan manfaat daripada penglihatan 2D.

Skema standar untuk mengadopsi teknologi visi 3D oleh bisnis AS bekerja sebagai berikut:Sebagian besar proyek visi 3D dimulai dengan uji kelayakan untuk menguji teknologi dan memastikannya bekerja dengan baik dan dapat diterapkan pada lini produksi nyata. Setelah pengujian berhasil, solusi dapat diluncurkan dalam skala yang lebih besar.

Di mana Anda melihat kekuatan terbesar dari teknologi Photoneo? Mengapa menurut Anda ini lebih baik daripada solusi kompetitif yang tersedia di pasar?

D.S.:Photoneo menyediakan teknologi penginderaan 3D unik yang memberikan keunggulan dibandingkan teknologi lain di pasaran. Ini menawarkan kepada pelanggan sesuatu yang tidak dapat diberikan oleh solusi lain, yaitu kemampuan untuk menangkap dan membuat rekonstruksi 3D objek yang bergerak cepat dengan kualitas sempurna – dan sekarang juga dalam warna. Itu adalah proposisi nilai unik yang membuat teknologi Photoneo menonjol dari yang lain.

Keuntungan besar lainnya adalah Photoneo menyediakan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Solusi otomasinya terdiri dari visi 3D serta perangkat lunak kecerdasan robotik dan AI untuk menyediakan kumpulan teknologi lengkap di bawah satu atap. Pelanggan menghargai ketika mereka tidak perlu mencari vendor yang berbeda untuk mengembangkan satu solusi.

Kelebihan lainnya adalah teknologi Photoneo kompatibel dengan perangkat lunak pihak ketiga seperti Matrox, misalnya.

Dan terakhir, Photoneo menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi yang berfungsi! Berkat peringkat IP65 dan kalibrasi termal, perangkat penglihatan 3D Photoneo memberikan kinerja yang kuat dan andal bahkan di lingkungan industri yang menantang. Ini adalah aset penting bagi pelanggan kami karena banyak proyek diterapkan persis di jenis lingkungan ini.

« Photoneo menyediakan teknologi penginderaan 3D unik yang memberikan keunggulan dibandingkan teknologi lain di pasar. It offers customers something that other solutions cannot provide, which is the ability to capture and make the 3D reconstruction of fast-moving objects in perfect quality – and now also in color.»

— Dave Sexton, President at North Coast Technical —

What were the most important factors in your decision to distribute Photoneo products? How do you benefit from this partnership?

D.S.:One of the most important factors that we have seen as a great advantage is the flexibility of Photoneo technology and the wide range of application areas that it can cover. The technology is being used in bin picking applications, pick &place tasks, 3D inspection and quality control, manufacturing, 3D recognition for decision-making applications, palletization and depalletization, 3D model creation, and countless others.

This also means that Photoneo technology can be used for automation in many different sectors, such as the automotive industry, manufacturing, food &beverage, agriculture, medicine, logistics, and others.

Photoneo’s wide product portfolio and large applicability range enable us to satisfy more customers.

Now, let’s talk about MotionCam-3D and the patented Parallel Structured Light technology. Where do you see its greatest strengths compared to other technologies available on the market?

D.S.:Well, there is nothing like MotionCam-3D on the market that could compare to its capabilities. Photoneo developed a unique technology that gives it a great competitive advantage in the market.

Like with all new technologies, it will take some time for the market to adopt the technology but it is already happening and the traction is significant!

What are the most common projects and sectors that use Photoneo technology?

D.S.:The most common applications that use Photoneo 3D vision technology include line tracking and robot guidance in the automotive sector, robotic welding and weld quality inspection, or real-time, colorful 3D model creation of moving objects in aerospace applications.

What do you think about the new version of MotionCam-3D that can capture color information? Where do you see its strengths and best use cases?

D.S.:The combination of 3D data, color, and motion in a single device is absolutely unique in the marketplace and enables customers to do applications that were not possible before.

I see a huge potential in the food &beverage industry, where the camera can be used for the detection of specific qualities, such as if a food product is burnt or undercooked, or if a piece of fruit or vegetable is ripe or not.

The need for this kind of application has been unmet by now as there was no technology that could provide satisfactory results.

MotionCam-3D Color enables high-quality, colorful 3D model creation of objects in motion that can have any shape, size, color, or material. This new machine vision capability enables customers to see features they were not able to recognize before with standard machine vision technologies.

What have been the most memorable projects for you that utilize Photoneo technology?

D.S.:Very impressive projects can be found in the automotive sector – for instance, robotic wheel alignment, line tracking, or automated car underbody inspection.

I can also see a huge potential in Photoneo’s advanced bin picking tool Bin Picking Studio or Locator Studio for fast piece picking in collision-free environments.

Very unique applications can also be expected from PhoXi 3D Meshing, which takes the stream of colorized point clouds and instantly creates a full 3D model of the scene while integrating together 3D data and color information.

About North Coast Technical, Inc.:

North Coast Technical was founded in 1997 to distribute machine vision solutions for OEMs and system integrators. The company is headquartered in Chesterland, OH, with offices in Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, and Detroit. You can contact them at [email protected] or at (440) 729-7540.

Sistem Kontrol Otomatisasi

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