3 Keuntungan Membuat Tim Pakar Otomasi yang Diberdayakan
Mari kita hadapi itu—perubahan itu sulit. Sebagai makhluk kebiasaan, kami merasa nyaman dalam rutinitas. Perubahan dapat dengan cepat membuat kita tersentak dari zona nyaman kita, mewujudkan ketidakpastian yang dapat menggagalkan momentum positif. Namun, jika dilakukan dengan benar, perubahan dapat mendorong kemajuan dan potensi ke level baru.
Di pabrik manufaktur, fasilitas logistik, atau pusat distribusi, menerapkan teknologi baru, seperti robot seluler otonom (AMR) atau kendaraan berpemandu otomatis (AGV), membawa perubahan pada alur kerja, proses, dan prosedur. Tenaga kerja manusia harus merasa nyaman dan percaya diri bekerja bersama dan berkolaborasi dengan teknologi otomasi saat mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan proses baru mereka.
Manajer fasilitas harus bertujuan untuk meminimalkan ketidaknyamanan perubahan untuk mendapatkan penerimaan dari pekerja manusia dan memaksimalkan nilai investasi otomasi. Selanjutnya, manajer perlu memastikan bahwa operator tetap percaya diri sepanjang perjalanan otomatisasi. Cara yang paling efektif adalah melalui satu kata:pemahaman. Dengan dukungan dan pemberdayaan struktural, yang menawarkan pendidikan, pelatihan, dan informasi, Anda dapat memberdayakan karyawan untuk mencapai tingkat kesuksesan yang lebih tinggi.
Ada beberapa manfaat untuk mengembangkan tenaga kerja berpengetahuan. Berikut adalah tiga keuntungan yang dapat Anda peroleh dengan memastikan karyawan Anda memiliki informasi yang mereka butuhkan untuk mendorong hasil.
1. Tingkatkan Adopsi dan Pengetahuan untuk Mempercepat Keberhasilan Otomasi Industri Anda
Untuk mencapai sasaran otomasi Anda secara efektif, karyawan harus memanfaatkan teknologi otomasi dengan benar. Dengan perubahan alur kerja sehari-hari, wajar bagi karyawan untuk awalnya menolak proses baru. Orang suka melakukan hal-hal dengan cara yang biasa mereka lakukan.
Untuk mengatasinya, berdayakan karyawan Anda untuk memahami, menggunakan, merangkul, memelihara, dan mengelola teknologi. Saat fasilitas memberikan akses yang cepat dan mudah ke informasi, pelatihan, sumber daya, dan penguatan yang tepat untuk membantu karyawan bangkit dan bekerja, tingkat adopsi dan dukungan keseluruhan untuk teknologi akan meningkat.
Berikan informasi yang relevan dengan aplikasi karyawan, dan pastikan mereka dapat dengan mudah memahami mengapa teknologi diterapkan, cara menggunakan dan memelihara teknologi dengan benar, dan bagaimana hal itu dapat bermanfaat secara positif bagi mereka dalam peran mereka. Keyakinan dapat menciptakan rasa memiliki dan membangun kepercayaan. Pastikan bahwa operator memiliki akses ke informasi yang mereka perlukan, kapan pun mereka membutuhkannya, dengan sumber daya dan dukungan langsung yang terpusat.
Orang ingin menjadi bagian dari tim pemenang yang sukses. Manfaatkan vendor AMR yang menyediakan layanan, seperti pelatihan di tempat, sumber daya pendidikan mandiri, portal pengetahuan sesuai permintaan, dan dukungan berkelanjutan untuk membantu karyawan menjadi lebih terampil, terlibat, dan fokus. Developing a confident, knowledgeable team will fast-track your automation success for a faster return on investment.
2. Elevate Productivity and Evolve to Grow
As your workforce begins using the AMR technology effectively, you will quickly see major improvements in your performance metrics, including reduced costs, improved safety, boosted throughput, and improved worker productivity. But it doesn’t have to stop there.
Employees can become material handling automation experts by sharpening their skills and expanding their knowledge to safely operate, maintain, and manage their AMR fleet. After learning how to use the technologies, then they can identify, recommend, and put automation solutions into action based on their new skillset and first-hand knowledge of your business priorities and goals.
For example, employees can learn how to utilize AMR fleet analytics software, like Fleet Geek®, applying their competency in the mobile robot fleet and leveraging actionable insights from the software platform to continue advancing. When companies establish an environment where teaching and learning are embraced, facilities will continuously improve, driving safety, efficiency, and growth even further.
3. Empower Teams for Operational Agility
When teams have the ability to access the information they need, when they need it, and at a pace and format that complements individual learning styles, knowledge becomes a support system for both employee development and operational agility.
Levels of expertise will vary across a material handling facility, which is why it’s important to provide a wide range of educational resources. For example, new employees can easily be brought up to speed with introductory, on-demand training courses. More experienced employees who are already collaborating with mobile robots can quickly find and implement a solution when faced with a new challenge, ensuring that production doesn’t get disrupted. Advanced users can discover new ways to optimize workflows by accessing on-demand, interactive learning modules specifically focused on interpreting fleet data.
Other team members may prefer to self-serve to find answers to their questions. A knowledge base, like Seegrid Help Center, offers immediate responses to a variety of questions, sourced from the combined expertise of Seegrid engineers, service, and support teams. With the ability to access a centralized resource center of information, your team can tap into automation expert tips, tricks, and best practices that are accurate and easy-to-understand—around the clock. When teams have the flexibility to access resources, they, in turn, become a more agile team that is armed to overcome any operational hurdles.
Create a Winning Automation Team for Fast-Tracked Success
Seegrid understands that automation is paramount to productivity and growth, and that success with technology initiatives comes from building a confident workforce. Knowing that humans play a huge factor in enabling success with mobile automation technology, we offer a number of ways to ensure our customers have teams that are confident and capable from day one. During deployment, our implementation specialists work alongside your employees, providing them with the information, hands-on training, and support they need to feel comfortable and confident working alongside the robots and managing their AMR fleet.
Once up and running, your teams have access to Seegrid Learning, an extensive selection of courses and materials that provide customers with critical knowledge about the use, performance, and maintenance of Seegrid Palion™ AMRs to streamline adoption and ensure ongoing optimal fleet management. Seegrid customers have 24/7 access to our robust online training portal—a user-friendly centralized library that contains Seegrid Learning courses, materials, and resources to help you and your company benefit quickly from the use of your Seegrid mobile automation solutions.
We know questions come up, so we’re ready to help in many ways. In addition to our dedicated support team—committed to rapid responses to inbound inquiries—Seegrid also offers customers self-service assistance through Seegrid Help Center. Seegrid Help Center enables self-service access to timely, relevant, and expertly sourced information on the use, maintenance, and management of Seegrid Palion AMRs and Fleet Central™ enterprise software solutions. The user-friendly, online knowledge base is available 24/7, and helps customers quickly identify, troubleshoot, and resolve issues to optimize your entire team’s ability to move material safely and efficiently with Seegrid mobile automation solutions.
Power your facility with a confident, knowledgeable workforce by partnering with an AMR provider that offers the right resources and tools. Educational support can facilitate employee adoption of the technology, create a skilled workforce of automation experts to drive continuous improvement, and help you create operational agility to achieve both short-term and long-term goals. Ensure that your workforce is confident in using and maintaining the automation technology to maximize your investment and streamline for even stronger performance in the future.