24 Ahli Gudang Mengungkapkan Aspek Penting yang Perlu Dipertimbangkan Saat Merancang &Meletakkan Gudang
Saat merancang gudang dan meletakkan denah lantai Anda, ada banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan, mulai dari rak gudang hingga memungkinkan ruang yang cukup untuk forklift, lalu lintas pejalan kaki, dan peralatan lainnya, sambil juga mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan ruang. Dengan kata lain, ini adalah tindakan penyeimbangan yang rumit yang mengharuskan Anda mempertimbangkan berbagai kebutuhan dengan hati-hati dan menemukan solusi ideal yang menawarkan manfaat paling banyak – mulai dari rekan gudang Anda hingga operator peralatan, dan, tentu saja, intinya.
Untuk membantu Anda membuat keputusan desain dan tata letak yang cerdas, kami menghubungi panel profesional gudang dan meminta mereka untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini:
“Apa aspek terpenting yang harus dipertimbangkan saat merancang dan meletakkan gudang?”
Temui Panel Ahli Gudang Kami:
- Tandai Aselstin
- Tom Wilkerson
- Doug Orlove
- Merampok Mericle
- Mickey Luongo
- Kriti Agarwal
- Jeff Neal
- John Anton
| - Jesse Karban
- Arthur Smith
- Kelly Bedrich
- Tim Trampedach
- Ed Klimek
- Andrew Rawson
- Robert Lomax
- Dan Sabia
| - Arlinda Copani
- Khris Bhattan
- Jessica Thompson
- Justin Riordan
- Emna Everard
- Darren Cottingham
- Singkat Doherty
- George Keliher
Baca terus untuk mengetahui pendapat profesional kami tentang aspek terpenting yang harus dipertimbangkan saat merancang dan menata gudang.
Tandai Aseltine
Mark Aselstine memulai klub anggur online bernama Uncorked Ventures, hampir satu dekade lalu, jauh sebelum bisnis berlangganan begitu populer. Karena anggur diatur dengan sangat ketat, mereka memilih untuk memenuhinya sendiri sejak awal.
“Saat kami mendesain ruang gudang pertama kami, kami memiliki area dengan pengontrol suhu di bagian belakang….”
Masuk akal pada saat itu.
Ketika kami semakin sibuk, anggur kami dikirim dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak dan lebih banyak, yang berarti bahwa alih-alih beberapa kotak, kami mendapatkan palet seperempat, yang secara signifikan lebih besar. Masalah kami menjadi bahwa untuk sampai ke bagian yang dikontrol suhu, anggur harus dibawa dalam peningkatan 1-2 kasus. Begitu juga saat keluar untuk dikemas.
Jadi sungguh, itu saran saya. Cobalah dan pikirkan tidak hanya jangka pendek, tetapi juga jangka panjang. Apa yang terjadi jika bisnis Anda berkembang? Akankah desain yang Anda maksudkan tetap layak?
Tom Wilkerson
Tom Wilkerson adalah CEO ForkliftCertification.com, pemimpin nasional dalam sertifikasi forklift online yang sesuai dengan OSHA. Tom dan karyawannya telah membantu ribuan perusahaan menemukan cara mudah untuk mensertifikasi sendiri operator forklift mereka sendiri.
“Salah satu aspek terpenting yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat merancang dan meletakkan gudang adalah…”
Lebar lorong, karena berdampak pada bagaimana orang dan mesin akan bermanuver di seluruh ruang. Cara terbaik untuk membuat keputusan lebar lorong didasarkan pada jenis forklift dan truk pengangkat yang Anda miliki. Tidak praktis untuk mengubah lebar lorong gudang Anda jika peralatan Anda tidak muat. Jika Anda membeli peralatan baru atau memiliki berbagai opsi peralatan, Anda memiliki lebih banyak fleksibilitas dalam mengatur gudang dan lebar lorong yang Anda pilih.
Doug Orlove
Doug Orlove adalah Wakil Presiden Operasi di Amify. Sebagai VPO, dia mengawasi operasi dan logistik serta mengelola gudang di kantor kami. Dia memiliki pengalaman hampir 20 tahun yang berfokus pada Manajemen dan Operasi Gudang di Pepsico dan Dole, dan sekarang di Amify.
“Salah satu keputusan awal yang paling penting adalah lokasi…”
Analisis jaringan dapat digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi geografis yang optimal berdasarkan penyeimbangan investasi persediaan dengan biaya transportasi inbound dan outbound. Ukuran dan tata letak gudang harus disesuaikan dengan volume penerimaan, penyimpanan, dan pengiriman yang diantisipasi, perputaran persediaan, proses kerja, dan karakteristik barang. Misalnya, beberapa item mungkin memerlukan kondisi penyimpanan khusus seperti kontrol suhu. Barang harus diatur di gudang untuk memudahkan proses kerja. Membagi item cepat, sedang, dan berkecepatan rendah ke dalam zona terpisah dapat membantu meningkatkan efisiensi pemenuhan pesanan.
Rob Mericle
Robert K. Mericle menjabat sebagai Presiden dan CEO Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc., yang berspesialisasi dalam properti pialang komersial dan industri. Dia memiliki lebih dari 30 tahun pengalaman dalam layanan real estat komersial dan merupakan kontraktor umum berlisensi dengan latar belakang yang luas dalam pengembangan real estat komersial, konstruksi, pialang, dan keuangan. Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services adalah salah satu pengembang komersial/industri terbesar di Pennsylvania dan mengoperasikan salah satu perusahaan pialang komersial terbesar dan paling kompetitif di kawasan ini.
“Selain memilih situs yang…”
Menawarkan akses cepat ke sistem antar negara bagian di dekat pusat populasi, pengembang ruang gudang pada tahun 2018 perlu menyediakan ketinggian langit-langit minimal 35 kaki, lantai beton bertulang minimal 7", jarak kolom 50' x 50' dengan 60 ' di ruang muat, pencahayaan LED hemat energi, proteksi kebakaran ESFR, penyediaan daya hingga 4.000 amp, dan parkir di lokasi yang berlimpah untuk trailer dan kendaraan karyawan.
Mickey Luongo
Mickey Luongo adalah Wakil Presiden Total Pasokan Rumah. Mickey telah terlibat dalam industri HVAC selama 14 tahun dan telah membantu banyak perusahaan merancang solusi pemanas dan pendingin untuk berbagai aplikasi.
“Salah satu hal terpenting yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat menata gudang adalah…”
Pemanasan dan pendinginan ruangan. Kenyamanan karyawan penting untuk produktivitas dan tergantung pada apa yang disimpan, itu juga penting untuk produk. Setiap gudang harus dipanaskan. Ada berbagai cara untuk melakukan ini seperti pemanas unit gas, pemanas listrik, dan pemanas berseri-seri. Pemanas ini harus ditempatkan sedemikian rupa sehingga mereka fokus pada bagian gudang yang ditempati untuk membuat orang tetap hangat. Di area pemuatan, tirai udara dapat digunakan untuk menahan udara dingin dan memungkinkan pemanas bekerja lebih efisien. Di musim panas, kebanyakan orang memilih untuk tidak mendinginkan gudang, tetapi kipas angin dapat digunakan untuk membantu menjaga aliran udara. Kipas HVLS (kecepatan tinggi, kecepatan rendah) biasanya digunakan untuk memindahkan udara dalam jumlah besar dengan satu kipas. Kipas ini menciptakan efek pendinginan yang dirasakan, memungkinkan orang untuk tetap tenang sambil menekan biaya. Tirai udara juga dapat digunakan di musim panas untuk membantu menahan panas. Penyiapan HVAC yang sempurna dapat menghasilkan gudang yang lebih efisien secara keseluruhan dengan produktivitas lebih dan karyawan yang lebih bahagia.
Kriti Agarwal
Kriti Agarwal adalah Penulis Konten di Orderhive.
“Gudang adalah salah satu aset terbesar untuk bisnis apa pun…”
Biasanya diabaikan dalam hal investasi dan pentingnya dalam rantai pasokan. Gudang berdiri di tengah seluruh proses rantai pasokan, menerima dan mendistribusikan produk untuk menjaga bisnis tetap berjalan. Oleh karena itu, merancang tata letak gudang sangat penting untuk kelancaran operasi rantai pasokan.
Beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat mendesain gudang:
1. Alur
Flow adalah perputaran dan sirkulasi barang yang mudah di dalam ruang gudang. Ini mencakup semua gerakan yang dilalui produk, termasuk pengiriman, penerimaan, dan persiapan pesanan. Hal ini juga terkait dengan pengetahuan tentang lokasi material dan peralatan dan media penanganan.
2. Aksesibilitas
Ini memungkinkan operator gudang akses cepat dan mudah ke setiap palet di dalam gudang. Ruang di gudang harus diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga memberikan kemudahan dalam memperoleh dan mengidentifikasi barang.
3. Spasi
Dimensi dan peruntukan ruang untuk barang memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan tata letak gudang. Hal ini berdampak pada desain rak, penghitungan kapasitas instalasi, dan distribusi barang di dalam gudang.
4. Throughput
Untuk menghitung tingkat throughput, Anda perlu melacak pergerakan barang melalui gudang untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Bagilah jumlah barang yang dipindahkan melalui gudang dengan jumlah jam kerja yang dikonsumsi. Ini adalah waktu throughput per item. Secara alami, ini adalah karakteristik penanganan, dimensi, dan faktor lain yang akan memengaruhi cara produk bergerak melalui arus seperti bahaya, curah, kerapuhan, persyaratan keamanan, dan kompatibilitas dengan produk lain.
5. Personil
Jumlah personel yang bekerja di gudang merupakan faktor penentu dalam merancang tata letak gudang. Jumlah orang, tingkat pelatihan mereka, dan shift kerja mereka dapat membantu menentukan desain gudang. Jika Anda memiliki sistem otomatis atau perangkat lunak manajemen gudang, Anda perlu memastikan bahwa staf mengetahui cara mengoperasikannya. Standar keselamatan dan kesehatan serta kondisi kerja bagi staf dapat membantu menentukan tata letak gudang.
6. Lokasi dan anggaran
Lokasi di mana gudang perlu didirikan merupakan pertimbangan penting. Baik itu terletak di dekat dok pengiriman, lokasi pemasok, atau toko. Konektivitas dan kemudahan distribusi barang akan membantu dalam menentukan tata letak.
Faktor terpenting dalam menentukan tata letak gudang adalah anggaran. Seluruh fungsi gudang dan operasinya akan tergantung pada berapa banyak uang yang dapat dikeluarkan oleh bisnis untuk mempertahankan fungsi gudang. Anggaran tersebut akan mencakup sewa, biaya pemeliharaan, biaya inventaris, fasilitas penyimpanan produk, dan banyak lagi.
Merancang gudang adalah tugas yang kompleks. Diperlukan informasi yang akurat tentang lokasi, anggaran, jumlah inventaris yang akan disimpan, dan jumlah orang yang dibutuhkan. Karena gudang merupakan investasi besar untuk bisnis apa pun, tata letak harus dibuat dengan sangat jelas.
Jeff Neal
Jeff Neal adalah Manajer Proyek/Penaksir untuk PennCoat, Inc., kontraktor pengecatan komersial dan lantai epoksi. Mereka sering berada di gudang, menyediakan layanan pengecatan dan lantai epoksi.
“Salah satu fitur penting dari gudang adalah…”
Jalur pejalan kaki, yang merupakan cara terbaik untuk mengarahkan lalu lintas pejalan kaki, memudahkan operator fork lift untuk memprediksi di mana orang mungkin berjalan di sepanjang gudang. Fitur-fitur ini dapat mengurangi cedera dan meningkatkan keamanan di setiap gudang.
John Anton
John Anton adalah Pendiri Anton Sport, DesignAShirt.com, dan Anton Uniforms. Dia adalah pengusaha serial, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pakaian khusus, produk promosi, dan seragam sekolah ritel.
“Pertama adalah memilih arsitek dan insinyur sipil yang tepat dan…”
Memastikan bahwa mereka tidak menentukan hal-hal yang akan membuat Anda melebihi anggaran. Anda sedang membangun gudang, bukan rumah besar. Ini adalah hal-hal sederhana seperti membiarkan alat pemadam kebakaran digantung di dinding dibandingkan dengan terbungkus dalam kotak dengan pintu kaca. Perbedaan per lokasi bisa menjadi $350.
Tata letak dan aliran adalah hal berikutnya yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Dengan gudang yang baru saja kami selesaikan, kami membuat bagan skala di mana satu persegi sama dengan satu kaki. Kami kemudian mengukur peralatan, rak, meja, forklift, dll. dan melakukan pemotongan untuk setiap ukuran sehingga mereka secara akurat mewakili ruang yang akan mereka pakai. Dengan meletakkannya di selembar karton, kami dapat bermain dengan tata letak bangunan untuk melihat bagaimana item yang berbeda di ruang yang berbeda akan mempengaruhi aliran kerja, arus lalu lintas, pencahayaan, dan bahkan aliran udara dari sistem pendingin.
Akses ke gudang adalah sesuatu yang kami menghabiskan banyak waktu. Bagaimana truk akan mengirimkan, dan setelah pengiriman dilakukan, bagaimana kami ingin produk mengalir melalui ruang kami.
Saya tahu ini mungkin terdengar gila, tetapi salah satu pengalaman pembelajaran terbaik kami untuk menjadikan gudang kami lebih baik adalah mengunjungi pusat pemenuhan Amazon dan melihat bagaimana mereka melakukan tata letak, alur, dan aksesnya. Untungnya, karena jarak kami kurang dari 30 mil, itu bukan perjalanan yang sulit setelah kami dapat mengamankan tiket. Ada 10 dari kami yang pergi dan setelah itu kami pergi makan siang dan mencatat semua yang telah kami lihat dan pelajari, apa yang kami suka dan tidak suka.
Intinya:hal terbesar dan terbaik yang dapat dilakukan seseorang saat mendesain gudang adalah menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk perencanaan, pemikiran, dan mengutak-atik tata letak. Jam-jam yang dihabiskan di front end akan menghemat ribuan karena tidak ada perintah perubahan, penyelesaian masalah, dan tingkat frustrasi yang tinggi.
Jesse Karban
Jesse Karban memiliki pengalaman bertahun-tahun bekerja dalam industri keamanan dalam penjualan dan pemasaran. Dia telah bergabung dengan Safe and Sound Security sejak 2017 dan tumbuh menjadi manajer pemasaran.
“Banyak pemilik dan manajer gudang sekarang beralih ke…”
Sistem keamanan untuk mencegah pencurian, kecelakaan, dan untuk dapat membantah klaim pertanggungjawaban. Sering kali ada banyak potensi ancaman di gudang karena mesin berat bergerak di sekitar orang, rak tinggi, potensi bahaya dari atas, dan tentu saja setiap kali Anda menyimpan barang berharga ada kemungkinan pencurian.
The first thing to consider when thinking about security for your warehouse is the amount of space in the building and what material the building itself is made out of. Most warehouses cannot support wireless systems that rely on radio, Wi-Fi, and cellular signals to communicate with each other. This means that the systems that will work reliably in a warehouse are hard wired systems.
The first and most obvious solution is security cameras. When thinking about the layout of the warehouse security cameras and wire placement should be considered to maximize the field of view and make sure that every area is covered in case of theft or incident. Often times warehouse owners or managers opt to use pan tilt zoom (PTZ) cameras to be able to move the field of view or zoom in on things happening in real time. There will be a wire, often a CaT 5 cable, running from the camera back to the NVR (the recording device). When considering the layout of the warehouse, it should be noted that the wire runs should be thought of as well as the area where the NVR is housed.
When laying out doors within a warehouse, people often opt to allow or restrict access to important doors with access control systems. These access control systems have a reader for a credential (like a pin code, or a card swipe) that runs back to the main access control panel. When planning the layout, the locations of readers and the location of the main panel should be considered.
Finally, when thinking about alarm systems for warehouses, placement of sensors should be taken into consideration. There are many different types of sensors including motion detection, glass break detectors, and door break sensors. Just like the other two systems, all of these sensors will need to be wired back to a main panel and the wire runs should be thought about in detail prior to installation.
Planning security system during the layout stage of moving into a new warehouse or constructing a new warehouse will save companies tens of thousands of dollars when installing a comprehensive security system.
Arthur Smith
Arthur Smith is the lead editor of LEDwatcher.com, a blog that focuses on solar and LED lighting. With years of experience working in both solar and lighting industries, Arthur knows the ins and outs of them and has now turned to blogging to help others learn more about them as well.
“When it comes to the design and layout of a warehouse…”
Lighting, in my opinion, is one of the most important aspects to consider. But sadly, not many warehouse owners think about lighting since often storage solutions and warehouse management systems are the main things they are concerned with.
There are a couple of reasons why you should invest in proper warehouse lighting, the first being that good lighting will simply make your employees more productive. Because without good, bright lighting your staff will not only have a hard time seeing what they are doing, but it can also increase the risk of accidents. And who wants injured, unproductive workers if instead, you can get a healthy, hard-working staff that get things done quickly and efficiently?
The second reason for investing in good warehouse lighting is that this way you can actually save a lot of money on energy. The older your lighting is, the more watts it chews up and the more you have to pay for electricity each month. So consider installing newer, more energy-efficient lamps in your warehouse and you will see your energy bill decreasing.
Kelly Bedrich
Kelly Bedrich is the Co-founder of ElectricityPlans.com and President of Cypress Capital Ventures. He is an IT entrepreneur focused on acquiring, marketing, and improving e-commerce sites. His current emphasis is on taking ideas from startup to maturity with sustainable business benefits.
“One frequently overlooked aspect of warehouse layout and design is…”
Energy efficiency. Lack of insulation, poor airflow, outdated lighting, or inadequate heating/cooling can lead to higher-than-expected energy bills which can cut into your company’s margin. By simply designing a warehouse layout to promote better airflow and using ultra-efficient HVAC systems, a company can significantly reduce their long-term energy expenses and increase comfort by avoiding hot spots in the warehouse.
Tim Trampedach
Tim Trampedach is the president of Torqued, the premier retailer of motorsports and auto racing parts. They believe in 100% accurate stock, fast shipping from an efficient warehouse, great customer service and a no BS return policy.
“We recently went through an extensive warehouse layout and design process, which taught us a few lessons…”
But thankfully, not through mistakes.
Laws and regulations:Make sure to check with local code, state law and fire code before you begin. A good rack installer should also be able to help with most of these. Our experience was that we wanted to maximize our 20’ ceilings, but thankfully the reputable installer we went with told us there’s as 15’ limit in California. There’s also a mandatory 5’ spacing between racks.
Fire code and sprinklers:We were considering using our 20’ ceilings to create two levels of racks. Most systems would require additional sprinklers with two levels, which significantly upped the cost.
Drawing for a landlord (and yourself!):At the time it felt like excess paperwork, but we drew a layout of where racks are being installed, documented the method in which they’re fixed together, and stated the licensed vendor we used to do it. Not only is this important for potential liability, but also once we vacate the property, it’s clear where the anchors in the concrete and walls are.
Rack height &flexibility:Our products are not at all in uniform shapes, ranging from little bags to boxes for car seats. We took an educated guess at what kinds of rack heights we might need. So far, so good, but the beauty of boltless racks is that it would be easy to change rack heights or add additional shelving. As long as that’s being tracked and updated in the Warehouse Management System, having this flexibility is key.
Think quick access vs storage and ergonomics:We ended up creating fairly low rack heights from waist to slightly above head height for easy access. Above head height is for parts which we don’t plan to access daily and below waist is for larger items.
Buy some carts and a rolling ladder:Don’t carry the stuff around. Get some rolling cars and perhaps a rolling ladder for accessing the storage up high. Protect your health and that of your team.
Don’t build it all in advance:We looked at setting up racks in the entire warehouse vs just the section we need for the next 6 months. At least for us, there was no additional cost in building out capacity as we need. This allowed us to deploy cash towards other opportunities for now and also allowed us to learn a little bit with the racks we do have right now.
Be organized:We’re extremely pedantic about labeling and have a clear row, section, rack + location system. For example, when something is in “A-3-5-1”, it means row A, the third section, fifth shelf from the bottom, first thing on the shelf.
Overall, we are very happy with the outcome and wouldn’t do it any different. Soon we’ll be building out phase two!
Ed Klimek
Ed Klimek, AIA, NCARB, Partner at KSS Architects, has 30+ years of experience. Ed’s passion is the Architecture of Commerce. With clients like Coca-Cola, Mercedes-Benz, McKesson as well as nationally-recognized developers like Prologis, Forsgate, and Innovo Property Group, Klimek is a frequent contributor to NAIOP, has lectured at MIT, and has been a consultant to the USGBC.
“A few important considerations in designing and laying out a warehouse are…”
- Limit clear height:Typically, these facilities only require between 18-24’ clear.
- Organize site development to amortize ramp infrastructure over more than one building.
- Organize ramps to in relationship to ground traffic circulation, minimizing turns.
- Take advantage of excess pile capacity by considering pile types.
- Limit structural loading:A typical terminal facility only requires a floor loading of 250 pounds per square foot for palletized storage as opposed to racked buildings that may require 500 to 750 pounds per square foot floor loading.
- Understand deflection:A floor can be designed as a good, hard, and even surface for fork lift traffic while still allowing for deflection. Deflections in a terminal building can be up to L/360 as opposed to racked buildings that would be limited to L/600 or even less.
- Keep the column bays reasonably tight:This is also a marketing factor that must be carefully considered. Spans that are closer to 40 to 50 feet are more economically delivered.
- Use readily available steel sizes:At smaller bay sizes with the greater allowable deflection, multistory terminal buildings can even utilize joists and joist-girders. Where this is not possible, however, special steel shapes should be avoided due to limited steel runs.
- Keep the building light! A greater factor in multistory buildings is the impact of building mass on seismic design. Also needing to be accounted for is the weight of product in the building. While utilizing pre-cast, tilt-up, or masonry construction can be considered for lower floors, consider the use of lighter materials such as metal panels for upper stories.
Andrew Rawson
Andrew Rawson is the Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer at Traliant. He came to Traliant with more than 25 years of experience in strategy, operations, and marketing. Most recently, Andrew served as the Global Head of Compliance Learning (eLearning) at Thomson Reuters, an information, technology, and services company with more than 60,000 employees.
“One of the most important aspects to consider when designing and laying out a warehouse is…”
Logistics. First, you want to consider the flow of work that needs to be done in the warehouse. For instance, you want to make sure the warehouse is laid out in such a way that each sequence in whatever process you are carrying out is conveniently located to one another. Second, you want to make sure your warehouse design and layout is accessible for the product you are moving. Finally, make sure you have enough space in your warehouse design. If you do not have enough space for your product or processes then that particular design or layout will not work for your purposes.
Robert Lomax
Robert Lomax is a director of RSL Educational, an educational publishing company.
“For smaller businesses which may not have the most advanced warehouse management technology…”
Reorganizing warehouse space can be extremely costly and time-consuming. Therefore, it’s important to form your initial layout with an eye to the longer term. An easy mistake is to prioritize access to goods which are currently in demand, relegating slower-moving stock to inaccessible areas of the building. This can create chaos as your business grows and patterns of demand change. Instead, ensure reasonably easy access to all stock, even if this means that your current best-sellers are a little less convenient to access than they might be. This will reduce the need for major reorganization in the medium- to long-term.
Dan Sabia
Dan Sabia is the founder and CEO of Built Well Solar Corp., located on Long Island, New York, in the business of capturing the power of the sun since 2001. He has been featured as a true “solar pioneer” in various solar and other publications. With a background in facilities management and home improvement, he holds a B.S. in Architecture/Occupational Education from the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). He is also retired Major in the U.S. Army National Guard, called back to serve as a first responder after the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
“Aside from laying out inventory in keeping basic common-sense logistics, access, and safety…”
Energy efficiency measures matter most and are often overlooked.
One great choice is LED lighting. This does not give off heat so, in addition to savings in labor and materials in not needing ongoing bulb replacement, it reduces air conditioning costs.
Probably the most cost-savings measure long term is to map out the roof to fit solar panels. This really should be included in any current design, because flat rooftops are just begging for them. The 30% federal tax credit for commercial solar drops to 10% in 2021, so timing right now is everything. Additionally, depreciation often applies.
Depending on the size of the roof area, solar photovoltaic systems can offset a tremendous percentage of a warehouse’s electricity costs using dollars that are tossed out the window to the local utility. The quickest payback ever possible today means free electricity in no time.
Arlinda Copani
Arlinda Copani is the CEO of Copani Advisory Group.
“Your business competitiveness will be affected by its locations…”
It will also have an impact on costs such as transportation and labor. The location of the warehouse is also costly and time consuming to change. That makes the election of location of the warehouse a key decision.
One of the features is the efficiency with which the products will be transported to customers.
Also, handling of the product is the costly part in the warehouse. Do not try to use one warehouse process for all order types whatever size and service requirements they might have. Segmentation and integration of processes are key.
Khris Bhattan
As the President of RTG Solutions Group, Khris K. Bhattan’s passion and success lies in leading teams that solve problems, eliminate waste, reduce costs and increase efficiencies. Khris is the impetus to change as he identifies, develops, trains and implements systems that ensure organizations’ success in a competitive marketplace.
“The most important aspects when developing a layout for a warehouse include…”
The flow of material, inventory, or product into and out of the warehouse. A flow analysis should be developed to understand the most efficient method of moving material, inventory, or product through the various processes and staging areas. In addition, a capacity analysis should be done to ensure proper capacity requirements for inventory, equipment, and industrial requirements for the people who are working in the warehouse environment. Lastly, but certainly not least, is safety. In my experience, safety requirements sometimes fall to the bottom of the design requirements package listing. However, this should be built into the design, rather than added to the design after the warehouse is complete.
Jessica Thompson
Jessica Thompson is the CEO of YOGO.
“There are several important considerations in designing and laying out a warehouse…”
- What activities does the warehouse need to serve? If it is distribution, there might not be as many long pick and pack hours. Are you doing computer work here? You need a pleasant work area that is temperature controlled and has ample electricity, Wi-Fi, the ability for workers to sit or stand comfortably, and good lighting. If you are doing B2C distribution, you will need a large staging area/table and racks with tools, supplies, and stock within one or two steps from there. Plus, a snack area and possibly tunes! Happy warehouse workers =happy boss =happy customers!
- Cost per square foot versus the cost of putting things upwards:You can save on a lot of rent if you install large industrial racks and stack vertically. This is good for long term storage but involves a fair amount of labor to get it up there. The higher your rent, the more likely it makes sense to go vertical. This also makes FIFO rotations more expensive.
- Where is the work area? You want to reduce the number of movements and steps for daily routines. Try to locate all the daily items (and especially things you do several times a day!) in the desk or work area.
- Staging area and egress clear for pallets.
- Best shape/orientation of the pallets versus pallet jack and forklift entry. Puzzling pallets in allows for paying less rent, but it might take more labor to access them later.
- Make sure to store things so that you have access to all SKUs.
- It’s recommended to have a small stock of all SKUs at the pick and pack table if that is what you are doing.
- Plan out where things go BEFORE the inventory shows up.
- Security. There may be a need to reposition for security optimization (for example, if part of the area is visible to a camera).
Justin Riordan
Justin Riordan is the Founder of Portland-based Spade and Archer Design Agency with offices in Portland, Seattle, and Palm Springs.
“When planning our space, our first concern was…”
That the largest, bulkiest items were closest to the door, and from there we worked our way back to the smallest items being furthest from the door.
Our second concern was for appropriate shelving systems being created from scratch in order to hold items in an efficient way. We custom built shelving 12’ apart and 8’ deep to hold our area rugs. Large arms extend out from the wall to hold bed frames. Triangle posts extend from wall to floor at an angel to prop up dining room table tops. Each time we custom build a shelving system, we find our efficiency has grown exponentially.
The last item we take great concern for is organizing our items by colors and neutrals. Neutrals are ordered from darkest to lightest (black, brown, grey, silver, tan, cream, white) and our colors are organized in rainbow order (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). We do this because the items are selected by a team of designers whose work is highly concerned with each color going into each room. This helps them to organize their thoughts and design cohesive and thoughtful spaces.
Emna Everard
Emna Everard is the CEO and founder of Kazidomi.
“There are a few important aspects to consider in designing and laying out a warehouse…”
1. Best sellers at hand reach size:You’ll sell them more so make sure there are easy to get.
2. Fragile and heavy stuff at the bottom to avoid breaking them.
3. Always make sure there is nothing that is actually on the floor (to make cleaning very fast and avoid damage in case you have flooding issues).
4. Think about the returns and keep a space for it, because you’ll not be able to manage them in real time and it takes up a massive amount of space quickly.
5. You should optimize both the way you put the products in the boxes (the best path for your pick and pack) and the best path to put the products on the shelves. That depends on whether you have many SKUs, but if you do and you are not following a chaos-type of allocation of your goods, you’ll most likely take quite a bit of time for each supplier unless you order products by supplier.
6. If you ship products once per day, make sure you have enough space to have all your orders ready to ship together and that the accumulation is not going to be an issue.
7. Leave some empty spaces in your shelves to make easy changes in case it’s necessary.
8. Space between shelves:There is a trade-off because you can lose a massive amount of space there, but at the same time it needs to be easy to navigate. Most likely you’ll be using a cart or something similar, so make sure it easily fits in there.
9. Temperature and light, which depends on type of products (e.g., wine, medicals, food, colored goods, etc.), but some rooms may be exposed to it less or more and you should definitely think about that when you start allocating the different positions.
10. Automation:Make sure it’s easy to continuously improve your automation levels and think early on if you want to apply a more men to goods vs. goods to men model (see robots picking or AGVs from Amazon and Alibaba).
Darren Cottingham
Darren Cottingham is director of DT Driver Training, Australasia’s largest provider of online training for forklift operators and drivers of work vehicles.
“Safety-conscious design will minimize the risk of injury or death where pedestrians and vehicles intersect in work areas…”
Separating pedestrian traffic and vehicle traffic where possible is essential to minimize the risk of injuries. Pedestrians include workers working in the warehouse, site visitors, clients, contractors, and suppliers. Vehicles include lift trucks (forklifts, order pickers, etc.), elevated work platforms, delivery trucks, cleaning equipment, and more.
Forklift accidents can happen due to inattention by the driver, when the pedestrian is obscured by the load, if a pedestrian is walking where they shouldn’t be, or if they are standing too close to an operating forklift. Solutions for separating pedestrians from forklifts include:
- Signage at the site gate and the entry to any areas where forklifts are operating
- Painted walkways
- Bollards and rails (or cones for temporary workspaces)
- Designated crossing points with clear instructions
Solutions for improving the interaction between vehicles and pedestrians include:
- Convex mirrors at the ends of aisles or at other tight turning points
- Company policies on using warning lights and audible devices such as horns, especially where drivers are going from strong light to low light or visibility is compromised
- Mandatory exclusion zones around vehicles (e.g., three meters unless the vehicle is in neutral with the handbrake on)
- One-way traffic systems
- Mandatory high-visibility clothing when in vehicle zones
Anticipate which areas might be busy pedestrian areas, for example:
- Where do trucks deliver to or collect from your premises and where should the truck driver wait
- How are materials brought into the warehouse?
- What type of lift trucks are being used, (e.g., counterbalance, order pickers) and how much aisle space do they need?
- What areas can authorized site visitors access, for example, a prospective client who is being shown around the company?
- What areas are designated for maintenance of forklifts?
- Where are the emergency exits?
Safety around forklifts is critical. Provide health and safety training for people who work in the warehouse and develop solid health and safety policies for visitors.
Each forklift should have a designated parking space which is away from emergency exits and doesn’t block ramps or passageways. A separate space for storing forklift keys should be provided and all drivers and operators should know the correct method of storing the forklift.
Curt Doherty
Curt Doherty is the CEO at CNC Machines Network.
“It’s essential to have…”
ERP and other systems in place that help employees be efficient and minimize workflow interruptions and mistakes. However, one of the biggest issues we see is in training employees and operators.
Operating a warehouse isn’t very complicated when systems are in place with continuous training to help inventory and processes be completed on time with very little delay.
The key is making sure you have the right people and train them to be efficient and use technology systems to ensure smooth operation. Automation mixed with highly competent, trained employees is the competitive edge in the 21st century.
George Keliher
George Keliher has been involved in the making and stocking of parts for over 30 years, both as an entrepreneur and as a small business consultant specializing in inventory management. George is having so much fun with LOCATE Inventory that his retirement plans have been put on hold. In addition to growing and expanding LOCATE, George keeps himself busy with a regimen that includes inline skating and standup paddleboarding.
“One of the most important aspects to consider is…”
Figuring out what your top moving parts are. You want to make sure those parts are in an easy-to-get-to location, since they will be picked upon the most. This will help speed up the picking process. Something else to consider is looking at the size of items you plan to store. Are they large and heavy? You’ll want to make sure to store big, bulky items in easy-to-get-to areas that are close to the ground, while keeping the smaller, lighter items at the top. This will go a long way toward helping to prevent injuries during the picking process.