50 Artikel Informatif tentang Praktik Terbaik dalam Manajemen Aset, Pengadaan, Pelaporan, dan Lainnya untuk Pendidik
Dari standar pemerintah dan peraturan kepatuhan, hingga akuntabilitas kepada dewan pengatur, pemangku kepentingan, dan pembayar pajak, sekolah negeri dan universitas serta lembaga pendidikan swasta memiliki banyak hal yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan dalam hal pengadaan dan pengelolaan aset. Fasilitas dan peralatan juga perlu dipelihara dan dilaporkan dengan baik. Semua orang ingin memastikan bahwa uang dibelanjakan dengan bijak dan tepat, dan tidak ada ruang untuk sumber daya yang terbuang, keuangan yang salah penanganan, atau aset yang salah kelola. Itulah mengapa sangat penting bagi para pendidik dan lembaga pendidikan untuk memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang praktik terbaik untuk pengelolaan dan pengadaan aset.
Ada banyak informasi yang tersedia tentang pengadaan dan pengelolaan aset, dan kami telah menyertakan artikel teratas dan sumber daya untuk membantu pendidik dan lembaga mereka memahami topik ini. Artikel-artikel yang tercantum berasal dari outlet media, publikasi, dan pemimpin terkemuka di bidangnya sehingga Anda dapat yakin bahwa Anda membaca informasi yang paling relevan dan mendapatkan saran terbaik tentang pengadaan dan manajemen aset yang tersedia. Lebih baik lagi, semua sumber daya yang telah kami daftarkan tentang pengadaan dan pengelolaan aset untuk pendidik tersedia secara gratis. Harap perhatikan, kami telah mencantumkan 50 artikel teratas kami di tidak ada yang khusus pesan .
1. Cabang Co-Ops Pengadaan Pendidikan Tinggi

University Business (UB) mencakup teknologi pendidikan tinggi, berita, keuangan, fasilitas, dan banyak lagi. Dalam artikel tentang pengadaan dan manajemen aset ini, penulis Nancy Mann Jackson mengeksplorasi bagaimana koperasi pembeli memutuskan kategori baru mana yang akan ditawarkan dan manfaat yang dapat diperoleh institusi sebagai hasilnya.
Tiga tip utama yang kami sukai dari Higher Ed Procurement Cabang Co-Ops:
- Universitas dapat menghemat ribuan dolar dengan membuat perjanjian dengan koperasi pembelian untuk mengamankan kontrak dengan vendor untuk kategori non-konvensional selain produk massal seperti perlengkapan kantor
- Universitas yang mengadakan perjanjian dengan koperasi untuk menangani pemeliharaan peralatan terkadang menghemat ratusan ribu dolar
- Departemen pengadaan menghemat waktu dan uang dengan membeli koperasi yang membantu mengelola proses kontrak
2. Kekuatan Pengadaan

Jurnal berupaya mengubah pendidikan melalui teknologi. Dalam artikel tentang pengadaan untuk pendidik ini, penulis Dian Schaffhauser melihat tantangan yang dihadapi sekolah terutama dengan mengikuti praktik pengadaan yang sudah ketinggalan zaman. Scaffhauser menggunakan contoh Los Angeles Unified School District dan praktik pengadaannya terkait dengan pembelian iPad dan kurikulum.
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Procurement Power:
- Distrik sekolah harus memastikan bahwa mereka mematuhi hukum saat melakukan praktik pengadaan
- Sulit untuk menerapkan teknik pengadaan tradisional pada teknologi, jadi penting untuk menyederhanakan koordinasi informasi pembelian perangkat
- Mungkin bermanfaat bagi distrik kecil yang tidak memiliki departemen pengadaan atau TI sendiri untuk menggunakan kesepakatan pengadaan negara untuk menghemat waktu dan uang
3. Menghindari Krisis Anggaran Sekolah dengan Manajemen Aset

Wasp Barcode membuat solusi efisiensi untuk usaha kecil. Artikel mereka tentang pengelolaan aset untuk pendidik membahas cara pengelolaan aset yang tepat dapat membantu distrik sekolah menghindari krisis anggaran.
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Menghindari Krisis Anggaran Sekolah dengan Pengelolaan Aset:
- Solusi pelacakan aset efektif yang fungsional, mutakhir, dan mudah digunakan adalah solusi peralatan pelacakan yang ditangani oleh siswa
- Sistem manajemen aset otomatis membantu sekolah umum mengelola peralatan TI bernilai jutaan dolar secara efektif dari satu database pusat
- Pendekatan terpadu untuk pengelolaan aset juga membantu kabupaten mengurangi waktu audit secara drastis
4. Menemukan Kepala Bagian Pengadaan yang Tepat – Pendidikan Tinggi

Lutzer Global adalah perusahaan pencarian butik yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pengadaan, sumber strategis, dan rantai pasokan. Dalam artikel tentang pengadaan untuk pendidik yang awalnya diterbitkan di Supply Demand Chain Executive ini, pendiri Lutzer Global dan ahli manajemen rantai pasokan/sumber global Steven Lutzer membahas tiga bidang utama keberhasilan yang diperlukan untuk seorang chief procurement officer (CPO).
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Menemukan Chief Procurement Officer yang Tepat – Pendidikan Tinggi:
- Eksekutif pengadaan harus memiliki ciri-ciri utama dan keterampilan interpersonal, seperti menjadi pendengar yang baik dan memiliki tingkat kerendahan hati yang tinggi, yang akan memastikan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan yang sukses
- CPO harus mengembangkan analisis pembelanjaan yang berarti
- CPO harus memiliki visi untuk menciptakan infrastruktur organisasi baru untuk mendukung proses pengadaan baru
5. Menyelaraskan Pengadaan dengan Sasaran Pelanggan dan Nilai Strategi Hubungan

Asosiasi Nasional Pengadaan Pendidikan (NAEP) membantu profesional pengadaan di pendidikan tinggi. Mereka merilis Jurnal Pengadaan Pendidikan untuk menyoroti isu-isu yang relevan dengan profesi pengadaan. Ditulis oleh Finish Colton-Lee, mantan asisten direktur operasi pengadaan untuk Emory University, dan Roy Anderson, wakil presiden eksekutif MetaProcure, Aligning Procurement with Customer Goals and the Value of Relationship Strategy mengusulkan bahwa profesional pengadaan harus fokus pada hubungan internal dan menyelaraskan mereka tujuan dengan Dewan Pengawas dan Presiden lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang mereka layani.
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Menyelaraskan Pengadaan dengan Sasaran Pelanggan dan Nilai Strategi Hubungan:
- Profesional pengadaan harus mengetahui tujuan tiga sampai lima tahun dari lembaga pendidikan dengan berbicara dengan rektor, dekan, kepala fasilitas, dan pemimpin universitas lainnya
- Profesional pengadaan memiliki kewajiban untuk mendidik pejabat universitas agar mereka mempertimbangkan untuk membeli barang dan jasa dari perspektif holistik
- Agar strategi hubungan berhasil dalam pengadaan, tim pengadaan perlu mengubah, merangkul teknologi, dan mendorong inovasi dan kolaborasi dari basis pemasok
6. Transparansi Sekarang Menjadi Raja:Mendefinisikan Ulang Pengadaan Pendidikan Tinggi

Dalam artikelnya untuk The Guardian tentang pengadaan pendidik, direktur pelaksana Pengadaan CEL Steve Malone menjelaskan bahwa universitas berada di bawah tekanan yang luar biasa untuk melakukan penghematan. Malone menyadari bahwa mengubah praktik pengadaan dapat membantu universitas-universitas ini menemukan efisiensi.
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Transparency is Now King:Mendefinisikan Ulang Pengadaan Pendidikan Tinggi:
- Universitas perlu waspada terhadap hubungan antara institusi dan pemasok mereka yang menjadi permusuhan karena kontrak hilang dan pemasok membawa pengacara untuk mencari masalah tentang bagaimana mereka menjalankan proses pengadaan
- Transparansi adalah kunci untuk mengurangi meningkatnya ancaman proses pengadilan terkait praktik pengadaan
- Kepatuhan sama pentingnya dengan transparansi dalam hal praktik pengadaan pendidikan tinggi
7. Mengatasi Tantangan Pengadaan
@CPM Web

Perencanaan &Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi adalah publikasi industri terkemuka yang mencakup fasilitas, keamanan, teknologi, dan masalah bisnis di perguruan tinggi dan universitas. Dalam artikel CPM tentang pengadaan untuk pendidik, penulis Ellen Kollie menjelaskan bahwa profesional pengadaan menghadapi lebih banyak tantangan daripada sebelumnya, karena anggaran yang ketat dan vendor yang kompetitif. Kollie juga berbagi solusi dari para profesional pengadaan di pendidikan tinggi ini.
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Mengatasi Tantangan Pengadaan:
- Pengadaan perlu dilihat sebagai penyedia layanan, bukan sebagai hambatan
- Menggunakan kontrak pembelian kooperatif membantu profesional pembelian menghemat waktu dalam proses penawaran agar dapat menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk menemukan produk yang tepat yang diinginkan berbagai departemen
- Profesional pengadaan harus memiliki keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengelola informasi dan mengumpulkan data pengeluaran untuk mengurangi biaya
8. Pengadaan:Prioritas Baru di Pendidikan Tinggi

Supply &Demand Chain Executive (SDCE) menyediakan cakupan eksklusif pada layanan global, solusi, tren, dan tantangan di seluruh rantai pasokan dan permintaan ujung ke ujung. Dalam artikel pengadaannya untuk SDCE, Eric Zoetmulder menjelaskan bagaimana pengadaan menjadi prioritas untuk pendidikan tinggi.
Tiga fakta utama yang kami sukai dari Pengadaan:Prioritas Baru di Pendidikan Tinggi:
- Pendidikan tinggi terpaksa mengubah proses pengadaan karena kenaikan biaya kuliah, kekurangan anggaran, penurunan dana abadi, dan kenaikan biaya
- Infrastruktur lembaga pendidikan tinggi menyiapkan mereka untuk mendapatkan manfaat besar dari teknik pengadaan strategis yang dimungkinkan oleh teknologi pengadaan modern
- Sekolah yang memimpin transformasi pengadaan menyadari penurunan sebesar 20% atau lebih pada biaya persediaan
9. Bisakah Higher Ed Memimpin Pengadaan Hijau Institusional ke Era Baru?

Asosiasi untuk Kemajuan Keberlanjutan di Perguruan Tinggi (AASHE) adalah asosiasi perguruan tinggi dan universitas bekerja untuk menciptakan masa depan yang berkelanjutan. Artikel tentang pengadaan untuk pendidik ini memperkenalkan proyek percontohan pendidikan tinggi untuk menciptakan program pengenalan kepemimpinan pengadaan berkelanjutan yang bermaksud untuk “secara radikal mempercepat adopsi dan efektivitas pengadaan berkelanjutan di sektor-sektor yang jauh melampaui pendidikan tinggi”.
Tiga kunci tips yang kami sukai dari Bisakah Perguruan Tinggi Memimpin Pengadaan Ramah Lingkungan Institusional ke Era Baru?:
- Pengadaan yang berkelanjutan perlu memperhitungkan dampak produk di seluruh siklus hidupnya
- Pengadaan berkelanjutan juga melibatkan dampak ekonomi dan sosial produk selain dampak lingkungan sepanjang siklus hidupnya
- Staf pengadaan harus siap untuk melaporkan data pembelanjaan keberlanjutan kepada pihak ketiga
10. Rencana Senator untuk Pendidikan Tinggi Menghubungkan Pendanaan yang Dipulihkan ke Reformasi Pengadaan

Dalam artikel pengadaan Radio Publik Utara ini, Jim Meadows mengeksplorasi implikasi dari ketiadaan negara pendanaan untuk universitas negeri, community college, dan hibah Monetary Award Program (MAP). Senator Republik Illinois Tengah Chapin Rose telah mengusulkan pemulihan pendanaan pendidikan tinggi yang mengaitkan pendanaan dengan langkah-langkah untuk melembagakan reformasi pengadaan.
Tiga fakta utama yang kami sukai dari Rencana Senator untuk Pendidikan Tinggi Menghubungkan Pendanaan yang Dipulihkan ke Reformasi Pengadaan:
- Praktik terbaik untuk pengadaan dapat membantu institusi pendidikan tinggi menghemat uang dengan menyederhanakan cara mereka membeli barang dan jasa
- Universitas telah mengupayakan reformasi pengadaan karena peraturan dan kebijakan pengadaan saat ini menambah biaya yang cukup besar
- Presiden universitas dan pejabat pengadaan menghadapi tantangan dan tekanan terkait dengan pemenuhan kepatuhan pengadaan
11. Perguruan Tinggi Melihat Penghematan Besar dalam Pembelian Terpusat

The Chronicle of Higher Education adalah sumber berita terkemuka untuk pendidikan tinggi. Dalam artikelnya tentang pengadaan untuk pendidik, Scott Carlson mengeksplorasi manfaat pembelian terpusat untuk perguruan tinggi dan universitas.
Tiga ide utama yang kami sukai dari Perguruan Tinggi Lihat Penghematan Besar dalam Pembelian Terpusat:
- Pembelian adalah bagian terbesar dari pengeluaran lembaga pendidikan, yang umum bagi perguruan tinggi untuk menempatkan departemen pengadaan di bawah manajemen baru, memulai program sumber strategis, dan menetapkan tujuan jutaan dolar untuk penghematan
- Jauh lebih mudah bagi institusi pendidikan untuk menangani pengadaan cerdas dengan teknologi cerdas
- Pemimpin universitas harus melihat nilai dalam memusatkan keputusan pembelian perguruan tinggi untuk mulai mengubah praktik pengadaan di institusi mereka
12. Tiga Pelajaran dari Pembelanjaan yang Efisien di Pendidikan Tinggi

Pemimpin Pengadaan, bagian dari Jaringan Intelijen Global, adalah majalah pengadaan terkemuka. Dalam posting blognya tentang pengadaan untuk pendidikan tinggi, wakil rektor The University of Northampton dan ketua Procurement UK Nick Petford membahas praktik pengadaan pendidikan tinggi dan pelajaran yang dapat diambil oleh sektor swasta darinya.
Tiga pelajaran utama yang kami sukai dari Tiga Pelajaran dari Pembelanjaan yang Efisien di Pendidikan Tinggi:
- Daya beli kolaboratif harus menjadi prioritas
- Komunikasikan harapan pengadaan dan praktik terbaik dengan semua karyawan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik dan pengambilan keputusan yang efektif
- Lebih banyak upaya perlu dilakukan untuk berkolaborasi, baik dalam hal pengadaan aktual maupun dalam hal berbagi praktik terbaik, untuk mencapai model bisnis yang efektif dan efisien
13. Sekolah Dapat Meregangkan Anggarannya dengan Manajemen Aset

Artikel Tawon Barcode Paul Trujillo tentang manajemen aset untuk pendidik menjelaskan bahwa kekurangan anggaran mengharuskan distrik sekolah untuk memperluas dolar mereka dengan cerdas. Namun, ini tidak berarti penggunaan sumber daya gratis atau murah oleh guru secara tidak bertanggung jawab karena pada akhirnya biaya pencetakan dan pengunduhan materi digital.
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Sekolah Dapat Meregangkan Anggaran dengan Manajemen Aset:
- Sangat penting bagi sekolah untuk mengetahui secara pasti berapa biaya sumber daya yang akan dikeluarkan kabupaten, termasuk biaya di muka dan biaya selama masa manfaatnya
- Manajemen aset dapat menjadi penentu keberhasilan dan kegagalan sekolah dan anggarannya
- Nilai manajemen aset otomatis dengan sistem berbasis kode batang terintegrasi diwujudkan oleh beberapa sekolah yang paling efisien dijalankan
14. Althoff:Reformasi Pengadaan Illinois Beralih dari Konsep ke Perundang-undangan

Chicago Tribune telah menawarkan berita, fitur, dan banyak lagi sejak tahun 1847. Di Chicago Tribune ini artikel, kontributor komunitas Tim Bryers melaporkan paket reformasi pengadaan komprehensif yang dikembangkan oleh anggota parlemen Illinois, kepala lembaga, dan pemangku kepentingan. Tujuannya adalah agar paket pengadaan dapat menghemat uang pembayar pajak Illinois karena universitas di Illinois menurunkan biaya.
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Althoff:Reformasi Pengadaan Illinois Beralih dari Konsep ke Perundang-undangan:
- Akan bermanfaat ketika semua pemangku kepentingan memiliki klaim dalam mengubah praktik pengadaan
- Ketika institusi pendidikan diberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih besar dalam pembelian dan pengadaan, peluang untuk menabung meningkat
- Pengecualian kode pengadaan berguna saat menangani kontrak layanan, pameran dagang, dan unit pendidikan tinggi
15. Panduan Hibah Seragam dalam Fokus:Pengadaan

Moss Adams, LLP adalah perusahaan konsultan akuntansi dan bisnis terkemuka. Dalam artikel tentang pengadaan ini oleh Kinman Tong dan Aparna Venkateswaran, manajer senior praktik nirlaba dan perawatan kesehatan, membahas mengapa panduan hibah seragam menantang bagi lembaga pendidikan yang mencoba menerapkan praktik terbaik pengadaan.
Tiga tips utama yang kami sukai dari Uniform Grant Guidance in Focus:Pengadaan:
- Lembaga pendidikan perlu menyadari perubahan pedoman pengadaan agar tetap patuh
- Lembaga pendidikan yang mengubah sistem, proses, dan dokumentasi seputar pengadaan lebih mampu memenuhi pedoman baru untuk praktik pengadaan
- Mengikuti prosedur pengadaan terdokumentasi yang mencerminkan hukum dan peraturan negara bagian dan lokal adalah kuncinya
16. Tantangan Masa Depan untuk Pengadaan di Sektor Pendidikan Tinggi

Efficiency Exchange berusaha untuk “menemukan dan berbagi ide, praktik yang baik, dan sumber daya untuk yang lebih cerdas, universitas yang lebih kuat.” Di luar London, Efficiency Exchange menawarkan artikel tentang pengadaan di pendidikan tinggi ini dari Peter Smith. Artikel ini membahas dengan baik mengapa tim pengadaan universitas harus menghadapi tantangan untuk mempertahankan posisi mereka sebagai pemimpin dunia.
Tiga kiat utama yang kami sukai dari Tantangan Pengadaan di Sektor Pendidikan Tinggi di Masa Depan:
- Agar pengadaan berhasil, itu harus menunjukkan bahwa itu berkontribusi pada tujuan strategis universitas yang lebih luas
- Pengadaan tidak bisa hanya didasarkan pada penghematan biaya
- Pengadaan yang berhasil memerlukan alat dan teknologi yang tepat, termasuk untuk pembelian, analisis pembelanjaan, manajemen pemasok, dan banyak lagi
17. 5 Tren Teratas dalam Teknologi Pengadaan Sektor Publik

Forum Belanja Publik memiliki misi untuk menciptakan pasar yang terbuka, efisien, dan didorong oleh inovasi untuk sektor publik. Artikel mereka tentang pengadaan untuk pendidik menyajikan tren terbaru yang membentuk pengadaan.
Tiga fakta utama yang kami sukai dari 5 Tren Teratas dalam Pengadaan Sektor Publik:
- Big Data menawarkan peluang untuk meningkatkan pengadaan dengan analisis pengeluaran dan alat intelijen bisnis
- Pendidikan tinggi menganggap pengadaan dan pengadaan lebih serius dari sebelumnya
- Alat sumber generasi berikutnya akan menghasilkan kontrak yang lebih baik berdasarkan nilai total dan akan membantu pejabat pengadaan pendidikan memanfaatkan intelijen pasar dengan lebih baik
18. Loyola U Maryland Memperbarui Proses Pengadaan

Teknologi Kampus adalah sumber utama untuk berita dan sumber daya teknologi pendidikan tinggi. Dalam artikel Teknologi Kampusnya tentang pengadaan untuk pendidik, Michael Hart melihat cara Loyola University Maryland meningkatkan proses pengadaan manualnya dengan perangkat lunak baru.
Tiga ide utama yang kami sukai dari Loyola U Maryland Memperbarui Proses Pengadaan :
- Universitas yang meningkatkan ke sistem pengadaan terpusat menikmati kemampuan untuk menggunakan satu antarmuka untuk mengelola pengadaan
- Mengakses data aktivitas pengadaan pada satu platform menghasilkan efisiensi dan penghematan dengan pemanfaatan sumber daya yang lebih strategis
- Program manajemen aset dan otomatisasi pengadaan terbaik mencakup alat untuk mengelola pengeluaran, pemasok, kontrak, pengadaan, inventaris, dan hutang usaha
19. Perguruan Tinggi Mengontrol Biaya dengan Perangkat Lunak Manajemen Aset

Fokus EdTech pada Pendidikan Tinggi mencakup isu-isu teknologi yang dihadapi para pemimpin TI dan pendidik pendidikan tinggi. Dalam artikel EdTech-nya tentang manajemen aset untuk pendidik, jurnalis Steve Zurier melihat cara Universitas Seattle di Washington menggunakan perangkat lunak manajemen aset untuk menghemat uang dan mengendalikan biaya.
Tiga tip utama yang kami sukai dari Colleges Control Biaya dengan Perangkat Lunak Manajemen Aset:
- Perangkat lunak manajemen aset dapat menghemat beberapa ribu dolar universitas setiap tahun
- Solusi perangkat lunak manajemen aset terbaik untuk institusi pendidikan tinggi mencakup kontrol inventaris, manajemen aset, dan banyak lagi
- Perangkat lunak manajemen aset juga membantu universitas tetap patuh
20. Membangun atau Tidak Membangun:Memenuhi Kebutuhan Fasilitas Sambil Mengontrol Biaya

From Change, the magazine of higher learning, James Kadamus’ article on asset management for educators focuses on facilities management and controlling costs. Educational institutions cannot overlook their buildings and equipment when it comes to asset management.
Three key tips we like from To Build or Not to Build:Addressing Facilities Needs While Controlling Costs:
- Universities and colleges need to determine how to balance investments in modern facilities while keeping costs in check
- At most colleges and universities, facilities are the largest asset; this means that keeping them u to date and having top-quality facilities is key
- Universities must determine whether it is in their best interests to conduct major renovations on their facilities or to replace them
21. Another Brick in the Wall? Increased Challenges Face the Physical Campus

In this article on asset management for educators for the New England Board of Higher Education, James Kadamus explains that presidents, trustees, and administrators realize they need to keep tuition costs low while ensuring their physical campuses draw in new students. The problem is that budget limitations often cause investment in facilities to be cut first.
Three key facts we like from Another Brick in the Wall? Increased Challenges Face the Physical Campus:
- Universities and colleges are faced with needing to do “catch-up” renovation on buildings that are reaching 50 years old and “keep-up” on facilities built in the 1990s, while realizing they lack the funds needed to do so
- The growth of online learning is a disruptive innovation that is challenging the physical campus and its assets
- Deferred maintenance is having a negative impact on college and university assets
22. The Financially Sustainable University

Bain &Company serves global citizens on issues of strategy, operations, technology, organization, and mergers and acquisitions. The Financially Sustainable University, by Jeff Denneen and Tom Dretler, is one of their articles on procurement and asset management for educators that focuses on the need for innovation and change as college and universities face the rumored higher education “bubble.”
Three key facts we like from The Financially Sustainable University:
- Educational institutions now have more liabilities, higher debt service, and increasing expense without the revenue or cash reserves to back them up than ever before
- Asset management and streamlined procurement processes are critical for universities and colleges that are in financial trouble
- Innovative college and university presidents and officials are developing a clear strategy for sustainability, reducing support and administrative costs, freeing up capital in non-core assets, and strategically investing in innovative models
23. Physical Asset Management:Past, Present and Future

APPA, formerly known as the Association of Physical Plant Administrators, today is known as APPA:Leadership in Educational Facilities. APPA seeks to provide excellence in today’s educational environment and to adapt, enhance, and transform the facilities of the future in order to create positive impact in educational facilities. In his APPA article on asset management for educators, chair for the Facilities Management Program at Brigham Young University Jeff Campbell examines the practice of physical asset management as a professional discipline in higher education.
Three key points we like from Physical Asset Management:Past, Present and Future:
- Physical asset management is beginning to fall outside the realm of accounting and finance to have a holistic, life-cycle approach
- An asset lifecycle should not be confused with useful life
- Asset management in terms of buildings and facilities should be approached from a perspective of systems management, i.e. roofing systems, mechanical systems, flooring systems, etc.
24. Special Asset Management Considerations for Educational Facilities

FMLink Group, LLC is a comprehensive resource for facilities management. They share e-publications, leading magazines, and information from associations to help readers understand more about responsible facilities management. For example, Special Asset Management Considerations for Educational Facilities, is an article that discusses how schools, colleges, and universities must deal with the challenges of robust facilities and asset management systems and processes.
Three key points we like from Special Asset Management Considerations for Educational Facilities:
- Educational institutions face challenges in managing and controlling assets and equipment that are geographically dispersed
- Schools, colleges, and universities must know how to responsibly manage expensive facilities and equipment as part of their asset management practices
- Many educational institutions utilize barcode systems for automated asset management to streamline annual physical asset inventory procedures
25. How One Institution is Monetizing its Physical Assets

Academic Impressions helps higher education institutions improve quality and lower costs in order to achieve sustainability. In this article on asset management, Academic Impressions highlights the Ohio State University as a leader in monetizing their assets as a means of counterbalancing their increasingly depleted revenue streams.
Three key tips we like from How One Institution is Monetizing its Physical Assets:
- Universities can benefit from identifying campus assets that are non-mission critical in order to monetize them
- By bringing in a partner, universities can monetize physical assets, such as parking, golf courses, and real estate, more easily
- Educational institutions must realize that monetizing physical assets requires a significant shift in mindset and culture
26. MDM vs. Physical Asset Management:What’s the Difference, and Do I Need Both?

Hayes Software offers inventory control solutions for school administration, including textbook management, one-to-one device management, IT asset management, and more, specifically designed for K-12 schools. In this Hayes Software article on asset management, writer Megan White considers the difference between mobile device management (MDM) systems and asset management systems for schools.
Three key points we like from MDM vs. Physical Asset Management:What’s the Difference, and Do I Need Both?:
- School districts, especially, face challenges with managing mobile technology in classrooms and tracking devices in a secure, efficient way
- Educational institutions need to safeguard their investment in mobile technology, and utilizing MDM software is not enough to ensure proper physical asset management
- Physical asset management systems are crucial for tracking devices, giving districts insight into how devices are being utilized, and more
27. It’s 3PM:Do You Know Where Your School Assets Are?

In this Wasp Barcode article on asset management for educators, Brian Sutter explains how barcode technology saves taxpayer money, district officials’ time, and helps districts educate large student populations. The article explores how schools handle IT asset management issues, textbook control, and more with quality barcoding and asset management systems.
Three key points we like from It’s 3PM:Do You Know Where Your School Assets Are?:
- Schools must manage assets appropriately even when their teachers, administrators, support staff, part-time workers, volunteers, and students may not take asset control seriously
- Some schools effectively take an integrated approach to asset management issues in order to allocate resources well enough so that students, rather than equipment, has the highest priority
- Barcode labels and handheld scanners make it possible for schools to manage assets and handle inventory control and monitoring in a streamlined fashion
28. Center-Led Procurement for Higher Education

In this article on procurement for educators, Steven Lutzer of Lutzer Global explains that universities and colleges seek innovative organizational models of procurement to decrease costs while maintaining high internal customer satisfaction. As Lutzer demonstrates, chief financial offers of academic institutions are increasingly showing interest in the hybrid model of center-led procurement.
Three key points we like from Center-Led Procurement for Higher Education:
- Center-led procurement has been an effective model in the for-profit sector for many years
- Center-led procurement enables higher education financial leaders to aggregate categories of spend across the institution
- Center-led procurement requires a systematic cultural shift in the attitudes toward reducing costs and the benefits for internal stakeholders that result from cost reduction
29. An Asset Management Plan Can Help Modernize Public School Facilities

GenesisSolutions offers best-in-class enterprise asset management, computerized maintenance management systems, and asset reliability services. In this article on asset management for educators, GenesisSolutions demonstrates the dire need public school districts have for an effective asset management program.
Three key points we like from An Asset Management Plan Can Help Modernize Public School Facilities:
- Public school asset managers face difficulty in ensuring that asset lifecycle are maximized without incurring necessary costs, because budgets are extremely tight
- Public schools increasingly bring new assets onboard that do not fit into the traditional asset management procedures of the past
- Public school building managers and asset managers face tough decisions when public school buildings, HVAC systems, IT infrastructure, etc. ages and needs to be replaced but the districts can only afford to retrofit or repair them
30. Why Higher Education is a Bright Green Market

GreenBiz is working to advance “the opportunities at the intersection of business, technology, and sustainability.” In this GreenBiz article on procurement and asset management for educators, writer Lyn Meany examines why academic institutions have been at the head of the sustainability movement.
Three key points we like from Why Higher Education is a Bright Green Market:
- Schools undertake sustainability initiatives often because it boosts institutional image
- More higher education procurement offices are operating with a mandate to prioritize green purchasing today than ever before
- Focal points of green procurement include paper products, general office supplies and equipment, janitorial supplies, appliance, computers, construction materials, renewable energy, and local and organic food
31. How to Improve Your School’s Asset Borrow, Disposal and Transfer Processes

ProcessMaker helps educational organizations run more smoothly by simplifying workflow, automating tasks, increasing visibility, reducing costs, and more. Their article on asset management for educators explains how K-12 schools can improve their processes for borrowing, disposing of, and transferring their assets.
Three key points we like from How to Improve Your School’s Asset Borrow, Disposal and Transfer Processes:
- Tracking assets is critical to preventing theft, loss, and damage
- Spreadsheets are an outdated method for asset tracking and management
- Schools that use asset management solutions to assign responsibility for assets and track them have better control over expensive assets than schools that do not
32. Asset Management Software Helps Districts Save Time, Money

Education Dive delivers daily education news and covers K-12, higher education, MOOCs, blended learning, EdTech, school administration, testing, education policy, and much more. In her EducationDive article on asset management for educators, Erin McIntyre considers how various school districts use asset management tracking software to streamline their accounting and inventory processes.
Three key points we like from Asset Management Software Helps Districts Save Time, Money:
- School districts that utilize asset management solutions and hire staff to oversee asset management ultimately save hundreds of thousands of dollars
- Asset management processes often result in the elimination of antiquated devices and streamlined requests for new assets, simplifying communication overall
- Asset management solutions also save a great deal of time, in addition to a great deal of money
33. Tracking Devices in School Badges Raise Concerns

The Houston Chronicle is a leading source of news. In her article on privacy concerns relating to asset management and tracking in school districts, Jennifer Radcliffe explains how tracking devices utilizing RFID technology are upsetting parents and privacy advocates alike.
Three key points we like from Tracking Devices in School Badges Raise Concerns:
- Schools need to keep in mind which technology is the best choice when tracking students and assets; RFID solutions raise privacy concerns while barcodes do not
- Schools need to conduct thorough research into asset tracking and management systems to ensure student privacy and safety
- All stakeholders should be included in asset management decision-making processes
34. Automating Attendance, Visitor and Asset Tracking in University Environments:Taking Attendance Like Never Before

Private University Products and News (PUPN) magazine focuses on news, products, and more for higher education institutions. In this PUPN article on asset management for educators, Jolly Technologies senior marketing manger Chris Arnwine explores how universities can take advantage of advanced technology for asset tracking and attendance taking.
Three key points we like from Automating Attendance, Visitor and Asset Tracking in University Environments; Taking Attendance Like Never Before:
- Automated asset tracking and attendance systems save professors time and help to eliminate human error
- Educational institutions must be able to track valuable equipment and know exactly who has it and where; asset management systems automate that process
- Fixed assets and university property easily may be checked in and out with barcodes and an asset management solution
35. How the Largest School District in Arizona Successfully Deploys, Tracks Thousands of Devices

K-12 Tech Decisions (K-12TD) is a resource for K-12 A/V and IT decision makers looking for insights, opinions, and answers into solutions, products, and services to make A/V and IT integration decisions. In her K-12TD article on asset management for educators, Rachel Quetti highlights the processes Mesa Public Schools has implemented in order to assign and manage 17,000 devices.
Three key points we like from How the Largest School District in Arizona Successfully Deploys, Tracks Thousands of Devices:
- IT managers and specialists often unfairly bear the great responsibility of efficiently assigning and tracking assets that typically include thousands of devices to students via one-to-one programs and initiatives
- Schools often need fixed asset systems for tracking devices even when students and faculty members take them home
- Several asset management solutions for school districts include mobile apps for scanning and registering devices and an online asset management system
36. Keeping Track of Technology

EdTech Digest tells “the story of 21st-century education transformation.” In this EdTech Digest article on asset tracking for educators, writer Brian Sutter explains that schools face more challenges than ever before in tracking assets, but technology solutions are available to help.
Three key points we like from Keeping Track of Technology:
- Schools now face the challenge of tracking computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other devices
- Schools are responsible for knowing who is using equipment, where it is at any given point in time, and ensuring that only authorized users take possession of it
- If schools are using outdated asset tracking systems, like handwritten records or Excel spreadsheets, they are wasting too much time, energy, and money
37. Four Ways Asset Management Can Help With Your Federal Grant Money

From School Planning &Management, this article on asset management for educators explains that asset management not only can reduce costs and save time, but can also help with federal grant money. Asset management helps educational institutions to achieve the necessary transparency for spend that is tied to federal grant money.
Three key points we like from Four Ways Asset Management Can Help With Your Federal Grant Money:
- Asset management systems make it possible for schools to account for every penny
- Asset management solutions give schools the tools they need to record the tracking process and ensure detailed documentation for compliance auditing
- Asset management solutions assist schools that handle grant money by helping them to manage funding, establish accountability, and avoid forced repayment, and save money
38. Guiding Your District to More Effective Resource Management

In this asset management article for educators, Annie Teich, K-12 marketing consultant, explores how asset management systems are helping schools track expensive mobile devices and manage software licenses, purchase and repair history, warranties, service plans, physical locations of devices, and the people using devices. Teich outlines the benefits of efficient asset tracking for schools and districts and explores the advantages of a centralized asset management system for schools.
Three key points we like from Guiding Your District to More Efficient Resource Management:
- New mobile devices and laptops make asset management strategies critical for school districts looking to reduce losses and earn savings
- Asset management systems that account for fixed, digital, and instructional resources are most beneficial to educational institutions
- Asset management solutions help school districts responsibly manage assets and resources during a time when school budgets are extremely tight and the need for transparency and accountability is higher than ever before
39. A Blueprint for Effective and Adaptable School District Procurement

The Center on Reinventing Public Education at the University of Washington Bothell conducts independent research and policy analysis on K-12 public education issues. The center works to develop system-wide solutions for K-12 public education. Their report on procurement for educators, A Blueprint for Effective and Adaptable School District Procurement, by research analyst Tricia Maas and CRPE director Robin Lake, explains why schools can not afford to ignore the need for procurement reform.
Three key points we like from A Blueprint for Effective and Adaptable School District Procurement:
- Emerging technological solutions and the need for school redesign mean that procurement practices must also transform to meet the demands of the 21st century
- Significantly complex procurement policies and long wait periods hinder school districts
- “Outdated procurement policies coupled with the risk-averse cultures and habits of central office staff present real barriers to school change and improvement efforts. This results in significant costs and wasted time as schools struggle to get what they need and central offices shuffle proposals and requests between departments”
40. K-12 Procurement is Hell. Let’s Fix It.

HuffPost Education is an education news source and online hub for those passionate about education. In his article on procurement for educators, The Noodle Companies founder and CEO John Katzman explains that it is nearly impossible to sell to K-12 schools because of current procurement policies and procedures.
Three key points we like from K-12 Procurement is Hell. Let’s Fix It.:
- Procurement at the K-12 level involves an extensive amount of complex, bureaucratic, expensive, and opaque processes
- The complex procurement processes also impede school districts, as they only have a few products and services from which to choose
- Educators and providers need a centralized destination for purchasing, in order to introduce real competition and transparency in K-12 procurement
41. 20% Book to Floor Inventory Discrepancy Ratio – Should We Accept That in Our County School Systems?

eQuip! is easy-to-use, flexible software for managing physical and IT assets. CEO of E-ISG Asset Intelligence, Jackie Luo works to provide innovative solutions, like eQuip!, for managing physical assets to schools. In her asset management article for educators, Luo examines the cases of school systems that lose millions of dollars because of inadequate and ineffective asset management policies and procedures.
Three key points we like from 20% Book to Floor Inventory Discrepancy Ratio – Should We Accept That in Our County School Systems?:
- Schools should examine their own asset management systems, in light of the emerging stories about school districts losing millions due to ineffective asset management policies and procedures
- There is an urgent need for improving asset management practices in public schools
- Best practices in asset management will help school districts reduced their book to floor and floor to book inventory discrepancy ratio
42. Challenges That Education Procurement Officers Face

BidSync provides suppliers with daily government and public agency bid notifications and an easy-to-use platform for responding to the most attractive, relevant bids. In this article on procurement for educators, BidSync examines the challenges that procurement professionals face every day in the field of education.
Three key points we like from Challenges That Education Procurement Officers Face:
- Procurement officers in education face unique challenges that procurement departments in other sectors do not have to face
- Education procurement officers lack flexibility because of tight budgets
- Centralized procurement is one solution for school districts and universities because it enhances buying power and competitive bids and gives the better control of contracting
43. Improving Procurement and IT Efficiency Critical for Institutional Success

EvoLLLution is an online newspaper that challenges traditional ideas about higher education and features opinions of industry leaders. In this EvoLLLution article on procurement for educators, Bain &Company’s global higher education practice leader Jeff Denneen explains how some educational institutions are improving operational efficiency by improving procurement practices.
Three key points we like from Improving Procurement and IT Efficiency Critical for Institutional Success:
- Higher education institutions are under extreme pressure to streamline internal processes and reduce operational costs, which can occur with improve procurement practices
- Universities and other education institutions should begin with procurement and determine how much money they can see by spending less on onsite vendors and by making better decisions about what they buy and how they buy it
- Schools within universities should work together to build scale and capability to gain an advantage in purchasing and procurement
44. Device Management 101:Starting from Scratch

EdSurge helps educators find and use the right tools to support all learners. Their asset management article for educators, Device Management 101:Starting from Scratch, examines exactly what it takes for schools and teachers to manage one-to-one technology and device initiatives.
Three key tips we like from Device Management 101:Starting from Scratch:
- Institute a check out/check in procedure
- Assign devices to students for each class
- Identify a secure location for storing devices when they are not in use
45. Power in Numbers:Group Purchasing for Healthier School Meals

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation works to eliminate childhood obesity and inspire all young people in the United States to develop lifelong, healthy habits. In conjunction with ChangeLab Solutions and NPLAN, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation presents Power in Numbers:Group Purchasing for Healthier School Meals, a resource on procurement for educators.
Three key points we like from Power in Numbers:Group Purchasing for Healthier School Meals:
- School food authorities (SFA) increase their buying power by entering into cooperative purchasing agreements with one another, other institutions, and purchasing organizations
- Any time a school or SFA enters into a cooperative agreement with any non-public entity, a competitive procurement of that entity’s services is required
- SFAs enter into cooperative purchasing arrangements to obtain the best products at the lowest prices in the easiest way
46. Saving Big with Cooperative Purchasing

In her article on procurement for educators, Ellen Kollie explores how K-12 schools realize substantial savings by joining cooperatives. Kollie points out that cooperative purchasing can benefit school districts of all sizes.
Three key points we like from Saving Big with Cooperative Purchasing:
- Cooperative purchasing gives schools the products they want at volume pricing
- Schools today have several choices in cooperative purchasing and can find those that meet their needs the best
- School districts may use more than one cooperative
47. Why Building Level Asset Management is the Perfect Complement to Your Fixed Asset System

In this asset management article for educators from Hayes Software, writer Anna Maxin examines the advantages of managing assets at the building level, within the context of a broader fixed asset system. For accurate asset tracking and increased accountability, education institutions are choosing building level asset management systems.
Three key points we like from Why Building Level Asset Management is the Perfect Complement to Your Fixed Asset System:
- School principals benefit from building level asset management systems because they are designed to track real-time assignment and movement of assets across the district
- Building level asset management systems provide data integration options
- By combining building level asset management and fixed asset management systems, schools are able to communicate asset information across the district, ensure asset data accuracy, automate inventory tracking, and ensure the accuracy of the district’s property listing
48. 7 Benefits of School Inventory/Asset Management Software

Awapal Solutions is an IT company that provides software development, web development, online marketing, and corporate branding solutions to small to medium enterprises. Their article on asset management for educators imparts the importance of asset management and inventory control for education institutions.
Three key points we like from 7 Benefits of School Inventory/Asset Management Software:
- Without proper asset management systems in place, education institutions suffer asset loss and inaccurate records for reporting
- Asset management systems for schools lead to better resource management
- Asset management systems for schools improve accountability across the institution
49. Seven Questions Every District Should Ask about Asset &Inventory Management Solutions

CrossTec Software is an industry-leading provider of school and classroom management software. Their white paper on asset management for educators examines how schools successfully automate inventory and asset management tasks with asset management software solutions.
Three key points we like from Seven Questions Every District Should As about Asset &Inventory Management Solutions:
- Asset tracking software solutions save technology coordinators and district IT departments, among others, time and money
- Asset management solutions help school districts manage physical devices and laptops in addition to software license compliance, in order to prevent licensing penalties
- Asset management software solutions provide accurate asset information for budgeting and tech planning and help education institutions save time on audits
50. Developing an Asset Management System for Schools and Academies

CSE delivers technology for education and specializes in providing top quality and best value ICT systems to educational establishments. Developing an Asset Management System for School and Academies is their white paper on asset management for educators. The paper highlights the advantages of implementing asset management in schools.
Three key points we like from Developing an Asset Management System for Schools and Academies:
- Asset management systems lead to cost savings, simplified administration, and improved efficiency in education institutions
- Regulations and requirements make accurate, up-do-date asset and equipment inventories a must
- Traditional methods of asset management no longer are adequate for education institutions that need to track and monitor assets, manage and model costs, manage maintenance and leases, mange vendors and contacts, etc.
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