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Cara Mengurangi Biaya Logistik:19 Pakar Mengungkapkan Cara Organisasi Dapat Memotong Biaya Transportasi dan Pengiriman Logistik

Mengurangi biaya logistik seringkali menjadi prioritas nomor satu untuk keuntungan bisnis. Ada banyak metode yang dapat membantu meningkatkan proses rantai pasokan dan pada gilirannya menghemat uang bisnis. Metode pengurangan biaya logistik dapat berkisar dari mengoptimalkan tingkat inventaris, menyusun ulang jaringan pengiriman yang lebih baik, hingga menciptakan proses yang lebih baik, hingga meningkatkan hubungan pemasok/pihak ketiga, dan seterusnya.
Untuk membantu Anda menemukan lebih banyak ide, kami meminta 19 logistik pakar pertanyaan berikut:
“Apa kiat #1 Anda tentang bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengurangi biaya logistik (biaya transportasi atau biaya pengangkutan atau biaya pergudangan, dll)?”
Lihat apa yang dikatakan pakar kami:

Temui Panel Ahli Logistik Kami:

  • David Martinelli
  • Brian Stutzman
  • Romy Taormina
  • Tom Wilkins
  • Bryan Mattimore
  • Batu Skotlandia
  • Lisa Henthorn
  • Brian Sutter
  • Olivier Larue
  • Shel Horowitz
  • Andrea Stroud
  • Dennis Maliani
  • Richard McGirr
  • Bob Shirilla
  • Chuck Intrieri
  • Martin Murray
  • Suresh Iyer dan Advait Rahalkar
  • Rob O'Byrne
  • Alex Stark

David Martinelli

David Martinelli David adalah Prinsipal independen dengan Blossom Growth dan berspesialisasi dalam:Manufaktur dan efisiensi operasional, efektivitas rantai pasokan, implementasi dan peningkatan ERP dan perangkat lunak, Uji tuntas transaksional dan integrasi merger. David tidak hanya mendukung Blossom Growth, dia juga seorang wirausahawan dan sedang dalam pengembangan dengan perusahaan rintisan keduanya, Hydrate Technologies, di mana dia menjabat sebagai pendiri dan presiden. Sebelum waktunya dengan Blossom dan Hydrate, David telah bekerja sebagai eksekutif perangkat lunak dengan NEWSCYCLE Solutions &Vista Equity Partners dan sebagai Manajer dengan Alvarez &Marsal. David meraih gelar MBA dari University of Chicago, Booth School of Business dan B.S. di Teknik Kimia dari University of Illinois di Champaign, IL. Dia juga telah memperoleh sertifikasi sebagai Six Sigma Black-Belt, di Lean Manufacturing, dan sebagai responden medis pertama yang terlatih.
Kiat #1 tentang bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengurangi biaya logistik adalah…
“Identifikasi dan hilangkan ruang terbuka secara terorganisir dan rajin. Pernyataan sederhana ini, ketika dijalankan, mendorong hasil bisnis berikut:
1. Meningkatkan kepadatan penyimpanan di tempat sampah &rak dengan meningkatkan pemanfaatan ruang vertikal atau profil ulang tempat sampah sebagai sarana untuk mencapainya2. Mengurangi biaya pengiriman melalui pemanfaatan truk yang lebih baik secara penuh.
2. Mengurangi biaya pengiriman melalui pemanfaatan truk yang lebih baik baik dalam pengiriman penuh (FTL) dan kurang dari (LTL).
3. Mengurangi kerusakan pada palet yang diambil dengan kotak dengan menghilangkan pergerakan saat transit.
4. Lebih baik memanfaatkan ruang lantai yang tersedia untuk meningkatkan kepadatan penyimpanan.
5. Mendorong operasi yang terorganisir, yang secara langsung terkait dengan tenaga kerja.
efisiensi, pemanfaatan aset, dan akurasi inventaris.

Brian Stutzman

Brian baru-baru ini berinvestasi dalam kepemilikan waralaba dengan BlueGrace Logistics. Dengan lokasi operasi di Indianapolis, IN tetapi dengan jangkauan di seluruh dunia, Brian dan timnya berfokus untuk menjadi bagian dari standar baru dalam industri logistik pihak ketiga. Melalui komunikasi yang transparan, menyediakan berbagai pilihan, dan teknologi kelas satu, BlueGrace Logistics Indy siap untuk benar-benar berkonsultasi dengan pelanggan mereka dan memberikan manfaat nyata bagi layanan mereka.
Kiat #1 tentang bagaimana perusahaan dapat memotong biaya logistik adalah…
Ada beberapa hal yang terlintas dalam pikiran ketika memikirkan bagaimana perusahaan dapat menghemat biaya logistik. Sebagai penyedia logistik pihak ketiga, kami mendengar berbagai alasan mengapa prospek tidak ingin menggunakan solusi nyata untuk membantu menghemat uang mereka. Namun sejauh ini, satu respons yang benar-benar membebani perusahaan setiap hari adalah kami selalu melakukannya dengan cara itu atau kami sudah memiliki penetapan harga yang sangat baik. Dalam beberapa kasus, ya, operasi dan kesepakatan mereka saat ini adalah kesepakatan yang bagus, tetapi dalam banyak kasus, pernyataan ini tidak diinformasikan dan dilatih. Ya, pasar memiliki sejumlah besar perusahaan yang membantu dalam kebutuhan logistik tetapi apa yang tidak disadari oleh beberapa orang adalah bahwa ada lebih banyak penghematan yang sebenarnya daripada pada barang yang sebenarnya dipindahkan atau disimpan. Mampu menerapkan lebih banyak proses stream-line atau pelaporan yang menghemat waktu tim transportasi dan akuntansi Anda telah terbukti menghemat uang. Jika setiap bulan, saat menerapkan proses ini, perusahaan mungkin dapat menghemat waktu tim mereka dalam tugas operasional, memungkinkan mereka untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu berkualitas menangani tugas lainnya. Itu hanyalah salah satu contoh bagaimana proses merampingkan menghemat biaya keseluruhan daripada hanya biaya pengiriman atau penyimpanan.”

Romy Taormina

Romy Taormina adalah CEO/Kepala Pereda Mual Psi Bands. Psi Band dijual di lebih dari 10.000 lokasi AS, termasuk CVS, Target, Babies R Us, REI, dll. Kami mengimpor produk kami. Dengan semua penundaan Pelabuhan, perencanaan stok pengaman telah menjadi komponen kunci untuk mengurangi biaya pemenuhan, kesalahan gudang, dan stres! Romy menulis bersama blog dengan Vanessa Ting, mantan pembeli Target, yang disebut Kedua Sisi Meja Ritel di mana kami memberikan kiat dan sumber daya pengusaha tentang cara mendapatkan dan menyimpan produk mereka di rak ritel. Baru-baru ini kami menyoroti kebutuhan akan persediaan pengaman sebagai komponen penting untuk menekan biaya – dan mengapa!
Kiat #1 tentang cara perusahaan dapat mengurangi biaya logistik adalah…
“Orang bisa berargumen bahwa membawa safety stock akan meningkatkan biaya gudang. Ya. Namun, pertimbangkan alternatifnya dan bagaimana uang, waktu, dan hubungan sebenarnya dapat dihemat:
* Anda TIDAK menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam per hari untuk mencari tahu pengecer mana yang akan menerima barang terbatas Anda dan mana yang tidak. Dengan demikian, Anda menghemat waktu dengan TIDAK harus menghubungi pengecer Anda untuk mencoba dan membenarkan mengapa Anda tidak mengirimkan jumlah yang diinginkan kepada mereka dan meminta mereka untuk menerbitkan kembali PO dengan tanggal pengiriman baru.
* Anda TIDAK membahayakan hubungan dengan pembeli Anda – dan mempertaruhkan mereka menghentikan bisnis mereka dengan Anda.
* Anda TIDAK dikenakan biaya ketidakpatuhan pengecer untuk PO yang tidak terkirim.
* Anda TIDAK harus mempercepat pengiriman ke gudang Anda dari pabrikan Anda dengan biaya yang mahal harga pengiriman karena Anda memiliki barang di tangan.
* Anda TIDAK harus mempercepat pengiriman dari gudang ke pengecer Anda dengan tarif pengiriman 2 atau 3 hari yang mahal vs tarif dasar standar. ”

Tom Wilkins

Tom Wilkins adalah pemilik Metano IBC Services, Inc. Metano memasok wadah curah menengah (intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)) ke produk konsumen, kimia, dan perusahaan manufaktur lainnya yang perlu memindahkan cairan curah dalam proses produksi mereka.
Yang #1 tip tentang cara memangkas biaya logistik adalah…
“Untuk produsen yang perlu memindahkan cairan curah, wadah curah menengah (IBC) adalah solusi transportasi yang ekonomis dan efisien dibandingkan drum standar. Satu IBC menampung setara dengan 6 drum, namun memiliki footprint yang 33% lebih kecil. Dengan memilih IBC persegi daripada drum bundar, Anda dapat memindahkan lebih banyak cairan dalam wadah yang lebih sedikit dan mewujudkan penghematan besar dalam biaya tenaga kerja, pergudangan, dan pengiriman. IBC baja tahan karat juga bisa disewa untuk fleksibilitas dan penghematan tambahan.”

Bryan Mattimore

Bryan Mattimore adalah Cofounder dan Chief Idea Guy di Growth Engine, Innovation Agency. Dia penulis “Idea Stormers, How to Lead and Inspire Creative Breakthroughs (Wiley Jossey-Bass).”
Kiat #1 tentang bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengurangi biaya logistik adalah…
“Tips logistik/rantai pasokan terbaik kami adalah:Gunakan pemasok untuk membantu mengurangi biaya. Pemasok terkadang dapat menyerap biaya logistik langsung, tetapi juga dapat menjadi mitra dalam pengurangan biaya. Satu ide, misalnya, adalah untuk membuat konsorsium pembeli (klien kami dan beberapa pemasok mereka) untuk membeli persediaan logistik yang dibutuhkan (yaitu bahan bakar transportasi) dengan biaya yang lebih rendah yang disertai dengan pembelian dalam jumlah yang lebih besar. ”

Lisa Henthorn

Lisa Henthorn adalah Lisa Henthorn; Wakil Presiden, Komunikasi Pemasaran di Eyefreight. Lisa Henthorn adalah profesional pemasaran dan SDM berpengalaman dengan lebih dari 16 tahun pengalaman dalam penjualan, pemasaran, dan konsultasi. Sebagai wakil presiden komunikasi pemasaran, Lisa memandu komunikasi
korporat di Eyefreight, di mana dia bertanggung jawab atas strategi dan perencanaan pemasaran. Sebelum Eyefreight, Lisa adalah wakil presiden, pemasaran dan sumber daya manusia di PartnerData. Di sana, ia menjalankan strategi pertumbuhan organisasi melalui pemasaran produk dan layanan PartnerData serta desain dan implementasi semua strategi, kebijakan, dan proses sumber daya manusia. Lisa saat ini tinggal di Evanston, IL bersama ketiga putrinya. Dia adalah seorang penulis dan kontributor blog yang rajin.
Kiat #1 tentang bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengurangi biaya logistik adalah…
“Bagi perusahaan untuk mengurangi biaya logistik, otomatisasi adalah kuncinya. Mengatur, mengotomatisasi, dan mengoptimalkan proses manual dapat mengurangi kebutuhan staf, memusatkan operasi produksi ke area berbiaya lebih rendah, dan menciptakan pendekatan yang lebih proaktif untuk memastikan kepuasan pelanggan, sambil menyediakan skala dan mengendalikan biaya. Dengan sistem transportasi dan logistik otomatis yang hemat biaya, perusahaan dapat menerapkan perubahan strategis besar untuk memberikan visibilitas, mengurangi biaya, dan meningkatkan tingkat layanan pelanggan. Ditambah munculnya teknologi berbasis cloud telah membuat ini jauh lebih mudah/lebih terjangkau daripada sebelumnya; sehingga perusahaan kecil pun dapat mengambil keuntungan.
Menjaga agar biaya per pesanan untuk dukungan logistik tetap rendah membutuhkan kepuasan pelanggan (sehingga perusahaan mempertahankan mereka sebagai pelanggan). Dengan menjaga kepuasan pelanggan, perusahaan dapat mempertahankan bisnis dan karenanya, menyebarkan biaya dukungan logistik ke lebih banyak pesanan/pelanggan. Karena korelasi langsung antara kepuasan pelanggan dan pengurangan biaya secara keseluruhan, layanan pelanggan harus diperhitungkan dalam setiap pengukuran perubahan biaya logistik yang sesuai.
Ketika alat yang tepat untuk mengelola kompleksitas dan menjamin visibilitas tersedia, organisasi memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk terus menciptakan efisiensi operasional, membuat pelanggan senang, dan meningkatkan laba.”

Scott Stone

Scott Stone adalah Direktur Pemasaran Cisco-Eagle, penyedia sistem penanganan material terintegrasi untuk operasi industri. Scott memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 23 tahun dalam operasi industri dan pemasaran.
Kiat #1 tentang bagaimana perusahaan dapat menurunkan biaya logistik adalah…
“Hal pertama yang harus dilakukan perusahaan mana pun adalah berusaha untuk benar-benar memahami
biayanya—per palet, per sku, per pesanan yang dikirim, dll. Dengan asumsi itu dipahami, jawaban atas pertanyaan ini mungkin lebih mudah. Namun, secara umum, biaya tenaga kerja selalu menjadi yang teratas, atau mendekati puncak untuk setiap operasi pergudangan. Setiap proyek harus dilihat melalui prisma biaya tenaga kerja yang dapat diatasi dengan berbagai cara. Program insentif untuk karyawan pergudangan, jika terstruktur dengan baik, benar-benar berfungsi. Begitu juga proyek yang mengotomatiskan tugas terstruktur yang berulang—hal-hal seperti ligh atau voice direct picking,
penyimpanan carousel, robotika, dll. Jawaban yang jauh lebih rumit adalah meninjau penempatan produk untuk mengurangi biaya pengambilan dan pembuangan. Apa pun yang mengurangi pengembalian benar-benar dapat memberikan dampak juga.”

Brian Sutter

Brian Sutter adalah Direktur pemasaran di Wasp Barcode Technologies.
Kiat #1 tentang bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengecilkan biaya logistik adalah…
“Biaya persediaan didefinisikan sebagai biaya penyimpanan barang dalam persediaan. Jika Anda mencari cara untuk mengurangi biaya inventaris Anda, kemungkinan Anda menyimpan terlalu banyak inventaris. Terlalu banyak persediaan yang ada akan meningkatkan biaya penyimpanan Anda—sehingga harga pokok penjualan Anda—dan mengikat kas cair.
Berikut adalah tiga cara untuk mendapatkan kembali uang tunai tersebut dan mengurangi biaya persediaan Anda:
Know Your Up- Level Inventaris Terkini:
Melacak level inventaris Anda adalah cara paling mudah untuk mencegah inventaris berlebih dan, sebagai akibatnya, mengurangi biaya inventaris. Meskipun sistem manajemen inventaris berbasis spreadsheet mungkin memberi Anda gambaran umum tentang berapa banyak inventaris yang Anda miliki pada suatu titik waktu tertentu, solusi seperti Perangkat Lunak Tawon dan sistem Manajemen Inventaris, membantu menjaga agar informasi tersebut selalu diperbarui secara otomatis; memungkinkan bisnis kecil membuat keputusan strategis dan cepat tentang jumlah inventaris yang harus dimiliki.
Evaluasi SKU Anda:
Sederhananya, intensitas SKU adalah jumlah SKU yang dimiliki bisnis Anda per unit. Jika bisnis Anda menjual barang seperti hadiah, Anda mungkin hanya memiliki satu SKU per item. Namun, jika bisnis Anda menjual barang seperti pakaian, yang bisa datang dalam berbagai warna dan ukuran, satu barang dapat memiliki banyak SKU, yang dapat menyebabkan intensitas SKU yang lebih tinggi. Apakah Anda tidak menjual dua gaun ukuran apa pun karena tidak ada permintaan ukuran dua gaun atau karena Anda tidak memiliki stok dua gaun? Mengetahui perbedaannya akan membantu bisnis Anda tidak hanya menghindari
kehabisan stok tetapi juga menghindari kelebihan stok barang yang tidak laku. Informasi yang diperlukan untuk memahami intensitas SKU Anda tersedia di file riwayat sistem inventaris Anda, tetapi Anda juga perlu memahami apa yang dikatakan sistem Anda kepada Anda. Sesuaikan intensitas SKU Anda dengan mengumpulkan informasi penjualan dan inventaris untuk mengetahui dengan tepat apa yang terjadi dengan inventaris Anda.
Lacak Pergerakan Inventaris untuk Memesan Ulang Secara Otomatis:
Seberapa cepat Anda bisa mendapatkan barang dagangan pengganti saat kehabisan ? Semakin lama waktu yang dibutuhkan, semakin banyak barang yang harus Anda simpan dan, akibatnya, semakin tinggi biaya Anda. Implementing a perpetual inventory system will allow you to track sales and inventory movements in real-time—allowing you to automatically re-order stock when it makes the most sense for your business..

Olivier Larue

Olivier Larue has 20 years of experience in the hands-on implementation of Lean/TPS
(Toyota Production System). He joined the Toyota Supplier Support Center (TSSC, Inc.) following a successful consulting career in California’s Silicon Valley. Eventually, Olivier decided to fuse his unique style of shop floor-based teaching with his proficiency in TPS to create Ydatum Operations Management Engineering, Inc. Olivier is a guest lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley School of Engineering and has been a presenter for SME. His expertise also includes Six-Sigma, Hoshin Kanri, and a proven ability to help companies achieve sustainable, system-wide improvements and customer satisfaction that is measured in terms of improved quality, cost and lead time.
The #1 tip on how companies can reduce logistics costs is…
“The best thing companies can do to reduce warehouse inventory is to make a choice between fixing quantity or fixing time — not both. Let me explain:One purpose of the pull system is to act as a
countermeasure against the effects of processes that can’t be located near each other. Ideally, there is no need for inventory due to conveyance because processes are co-located and they work at the same pace. But in those instances when processes are actually far apart and conveyance is required, if the pace of
conveyance is equal to the pace of production, then all the material will in route and the quantity of material transported will be determined by the conveyance time divided by the rate of pull.
However, batch conveyance might be necessary to reduce the cost, and the rate of supply will not equal to the rate of pull. In this case, some inventory will be in the stock and in the store.
*Fix quantity, variable time*
There are two methods used to trigger the conveyance of parts from a process that is far away. One is to deliver a fixed quantity, but at variable intervals. The trigger is when the quantity left in the stock gets
down to a certain point, whether that’s tomorrow or next month. The timing depends on the rate of consumption of the following process. The ideal demand quantity is one part, with one kanban for every part.
*Fix time, variable quantity*
The other method is to deliver at a regular interval but in variable quantities. The choice depends on the situation, as supply chains involve too many variables — cost and size of parts, distance, shared processes, transportation method, and so on — to allow for a general solution. However, the closer we come to the ideal condition, the less difference there is between the two methods.
But even when one-by-one is not achieved, there are some basic rules to follow and basic errors to avoid.
For example, it is a mistake to fix both time and quantity. This is an error we often see with automated material replenishment process such as MRP and other IT-based solutions. Fixing time and quantity may be practical, but it falsely assumes that over time there are no changes in customer demand. This invites —actually, it begs for —both overproduction and shortages. These, in turn, will later necessitate large adjustments. Not only are large adjustments a pain, but they violate Toyota Production System thinking, which seeks to reduce fluctuations through frequent small adjustments.
Here’s a simple example that will illustrate the difference:If you live close to the grocery store, you are likely to choose a fixed quantity/variable time method of shopping, since it’s so easy to just go
get something when you need it. If you live far away from the grocery store, you are likely to choose a fixed time/variable quantity method, so you can combine your grocery shopping with other errands in town, saving on time and gas. Once you have chosen the correct method for your situation, you need to calculate the lead-time in order to have the correct inventory to support it.

Shel Horowitz

Shel Horowitz is a green business profitability consultant, copywriter, speaker, and author, currently introducing a new aspect to his work:showing businesses how they can profit while making a difference on such issues as turning hunger and poverty into sufficiency, war into peace, and catastrophic climate change into planetary balance–and going beyond sustainability to the world we all want.
The best way to lower an organization’s logistics costs is…
“As a green profitability consultant, I always look at how to cut costs by going greener. For logistics, I’d look at the overall area of fuel costs and examine reducing fuel consumption–by streamlining routes, making vehicles more aerodynamic, changing bad driver habits (like long idles), and perhaps fuel remixes that include vegetable oil.”

Andrea Stroud

Andrea Stroud is the Research Program Manager for APQC’s supply chain management, product development, and innovation research. She conducts research and publishes relevant, meaningful content for APQC members and other clients.
The #1 tip on how companies can cut logistics costs is…
“The #1 way to reduce warehouse inventory/carry costs is to improve inventory accuracy and visibility throughout the supply chain. Here are some of her findings and insights from her research (it’s a bit long but has great data points in it):This is an important part of supply chain management because organizations that allow their inventory accuracy to drop run several risks. Misleading inventory levels may make it seem that these organizations have more inventory than they actually do, which leads the organizations to sell stock that is not there and can result in dissatisfied customers. Inaccurate inventory data may also mask inventory that is actually there, which can lead to stock remaining in a warehouse until it becomes obsolete.
A related issue is increased inventory carrying cost. To get a better idea of how much additional cost can be related to carrying inventory, APQC reviewed data from its Open Standards Benchmarking(r) in logistics. The data shows a $101 difference between top-performing ($51.89) and bottom-performing ($153.33) organizations regarding inventory value per $1,000 in revenue. For an organization with $5 billion in revenue, this difference translates into $505 million worth of inventory stored in warehouses.
Aside from lower inventory value and more satisfied customers, higher inventory accuracy can lead to improved performance in other logistics processes.. APQC’s Open Standards Benchmarking(r) data indicates that an increase in inventory accuracy from 98 percent to 99 percent is associated with a decrease in the pick-to-ship cycle time for customer orders, a decrease in the percentage of orders expedited, and an increase in the amount of sales orders delivered on time. When the organization spends less time picking materials ordered by customers it needs to expedite fewer orders. Faster processing and delivery of products leads to more satisfied customers and lower inventory carrying cost.”

Dennis Maliani

Dennis Maliani is a Business/Technology Executive who is innovative and results-oriented leader with extensive experience defining business strategies and developing transformative solutions that deliver immediate results and improvements across enterprise-level environments. Proven track record of designing and executing new initiatives that optimize IT operations, elevate service and support delivery, and strengthen technology capabilities. He’s an exemplary leader with a tactical background in lean business processes, system infrastructure, and technical support. He holds MBA with dual emphasis in International Business and Information Technology from University of LaVerne.
The #1 tip on how companies can reduce logistics transportation and carry costs is…
“The number one thing companies can do to reduce warehouse inventory errors (transportation costs or carry costs or warehousing costs etc.) organizations as a whole have to adopt and apply lean principles to their company’s business and workflow processes. The principles include:
1. Value:Solicit feedback from their clients or tap into their company’s’ knowledge base. Based on their past business demands and supply needs define what is of most value to their customers.
Ex:If its product quality issues based on their customers feedback then they have to work on their Quality assurance and quality control standards to ensure they produce a superior product. Customer loyalty is critical, on average it costs five times more to acquire a customer than to retain a customer.
2. Value Stream:Work with their teams to identify the company’s value and eliminate waste. Analyze their processes against the types of wastes below and remove them.
a. Transport – unnecessary movement of materials from one location to another.
b. Inventory – over production of goods which might require huge costs in storage, space consumption, packaging costs etc.
c. Motion – unnecessary movement if workers have to access equipment or tools in various locations of the company to do their job – time and money wasted. At times, it requires to redesign the warehouse floor plans and have everything thing at their disposal in one location.
d. Waiting – Due to un-synchronized or breakdown in interdependent processes, poor technical support etc. leads to loss of time and missed opportunities.
e. Over-Processing – Caused at times by lack of standard operating procedures every employee performing a task as they see fit or using wrong equipment for a task.
f. Overproduction – Too much inventory causing inventory costs due to lack of demand &supply data.
g. Defects – Due to poor quality control and quality assurance measures results in defective products, returns, law suites.
3. Flow:Create constant flow and strive to a attain balance between their supply and demand needs.
4. Pull:A company should produce based on demand. This in most cases requires having a supply chain management system that’s well integrated with their back-end warehouse, suppliers/vendors and their front eCommerce for their clients. With all those integration points in place when a customer places an order the entire works are just in time.
5. Perfection:Continuous mechanics or tools must be put in place like the PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust) the Deming cycle.”

Richard McGirr

Richard McGirr is the marketing manager at floship, an e-commerce logistics company based in Hong Kong. I have worked in venture capital and venture backed start-ups for the past 4 years.
The #1 tip on how companies can reduce logistics costs is…

“In our experience one of the best things companies can do to reduce the cost, complexity, and logistics headaches in general is centralizing their distribution.
Oftentimes companies have products in an unnecessarily high number of warehouses. This makes inventory management much more complicated due to constantly having to manage and transfer stock between warehouses around the globe. It is better to have one distribution center in a major logistics hub, such as Hong Kong, that can service a very large area or possibly even the entire world from one location.
For example, a company that manufactures in China only has to send their goods to a Hong Kong warehouse and from there can effectively handle most if not all B2C and B2B shipments worldwide quickly and cost-effectively. This leads to a simpler supply chain and having inventory on the books for only a few days in transit compared to having their inventory in an ocean container for a month, and then waiting another 2 or 3 weeks to clear customs.”

Bob Shirilla

Bob Shirilla is the Owner / Manager – Simply Bags – Leading US distributor of personalized and custom tote bags.
The #1 tip on how companies can reduce logistics costs is…
Consider Supplier Location:Our marketing starts with an analysis of supplier locations and potential clients in the same region. For example, we are doing a marketing campaign targeting Beach Wedding Planners and have developed a business relationship with two manufactures in Florida. This gives us a competitive price advantage over other suppliers that have higher shipping cost.

Chuck Intrieri

Chuck is a management consultant at Charles M. Intrieri Consulting. A highly experienced supply chain professional, Chuck is recognized as a thought leader and innovator in supply chain optimization, 3PL, international purchasing and importing, requests for quotation (RFQ) generation, and inventory and management, among other areas of the field. Chuck focuses on cost reduction and continuous improvement in the supply chain and logistics, with an eye toward lean initiatives.
NOTE:The following information is excerpted from Logistics Cost Reduction:6 Focuses to Create More Profit via Cerasis.
An essential ingredient to logistics is cost reduction:‘Treat people well and profits will follow.’ Listen to your people. They have great ideas…
The best supply chain or logistics cost reduction tip is this:Collaborate and partner with Suppliers to help reduce costs. Suppliers can sometimes absorb direct logistics costs. Create a consortium of buyers (a client and several of their suppliers) to buy needed logistics supplies (i.e. transportation fuel) at a reduced cost that comes with buying in greater quantities.
Be bold and try the Supplier Day Conference:invite suppliers to your facility with a structured agenda. One topic is to Value Analyze your products and for all involved to submit logistics cost reduction ideas. The Supplier is the specialist in their area of expertise. They can help by working with you and being creative in a win-win cost reduction program. Retain the function of a part, but reduce the costs of components, never jeopardizing quality.

Martin Murray

A senior supply chain management consultant and author of several books on supply chain using enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, Martin Murray has been the expert for logistics and supply chain since 2008. Over the course of twenty years in supply chain, Martin has managed multi-national supply chain and ERP implementation projects in a number of industries, published eight books, and written articles that have appeared in several publications including SCM Expert and Maritime Gateway.
NOTE:The following information is excerpted from Reducing Supply Chain Transportation Logistics Costs via The Balance.
Transportation costs can be a significant part of a company’s overall logistics spend…
Some companies believe that the best negotiated prices can be achieved when they use a single source for all their transportation. This is fairly common for purchasing departments to use a single source for a range of products that a single vendor can provide.
The same can be achieved for transportation. By offering all transportation out to bid, via a RFQ (Request for Quotation), a company can provide carriers with a detailed explanation of what they require, which may fall outside of what is normally provided by a common carrier.
If they wanted to use a single source, a company would have to thoroughly evaluate a bidder’s ability to provide the service and whether the carrier has the stability not fall into bankruptcy within the timeline of the contract. If the winning bidder fulfills the needs of the company, and has been fully evaluated, a company could gain significant transportation savings using a single carrier.
To ensure you have an optimized supply chain, you want to make sure you’re delivering what your customers want, when they want it. And you’re achieving that goal by spending as little money as possible. Reducing your transportation costs can be a significant way to spend less money, without impacting customer service.

Suresh Iyer and Advait Rahalkar

Suresh Iyer is vice president and global practice leader for engineering and supply chain services at Genpact. He is responsible for strategy development, new capability acquisition, and execution. Suresh is an expert in the field of supply chain and engineering design.

Advait Rahalkar is assistant vice president with the supply chain practice at Genpact, where he builds solutions for supply chain management. He is serving as project manager of business process re-engineering and transformation services and has been operations leader for the engineering design and analysis services for energy, oil, and gas clients.
NOTE:The following information is excerpted from Smart Strategies for Logistics Cost Optimization via Industry Week.
In a world where logistical expenses typically comprise up to four to five percent of total costs for a manufacturing firm, the increasing complexity of the global supply chain applies increased pressure on margins…
Most organizations try to tame complex supply chains by deploying expensive technology tools, hiring consultants for business process re-engineering, or, more recently, deploying exotic analytics frameworks.
Alone, none of these solutions can produce the type of savings needed to outcompete in this new, more complex and more competitive economy. What is required is a smart mix of process, analytics and technology to simplify the logistics networks, mitigate logistics risk and optimize the associated costs. We call this a three-pronged holistic approach:

  1. Process Design and Development
  2. Analytics
  3. Enabling Technology

Rob O’Byrne

Rob O’Byrne is owner and group managing director of specialist management consulting firm Logistics Bureau, based in Australia and southeast Asia. Rob has a passion for helping people and businesses improve performance, and he has a reputation as a no-nonsense consultant who delivers results. Rob oversees the operations of Logistics Bureau Group including Logistics Bureau, Dawson Consulting, Benchmarking Services, Supply Chain Leaders Academy, and a social enterprise called Virtual Well Done. Rob has overseen more than 1,400 projects across a wide range of industries.
NOTE:The following information is excerpted from Logistics and Distribution Cost Reduction Techniques via Logistics Bureau.
Cost reduction is a challenging subject in logistics and distribution and too often we’ve seen companies just try to cut headcount in order to achieve quick cost reductions. This is often completely the wrong strategy…
Cost reduction starts with fully understanding all costs and separating them into variable and fixed costs.
Variable costs fluctuate with volume (truck fuel, direct labour, packaging, etc.) while fixed costs don’t (rent).
Some costs, such as electricity and management overhead may be mostly fixed, but with a variable component if volume changes significantly (e.g. adding an additional shift).
As we have seen in previous classes, it is critical to measure the right parameters and processes and ensure that measurements are meaningful and pegged against appropriate volume indicators.
Start with the big picture and then gradually work down to more detail. The major cost components we will review in this class include:

Alex Stark

Alex Stark is a Modern Marketing Expert and Supply Chain Collaboration Evangelist for ‎Kane Is Able, Inc.
NOTE:The following information is excerpted from 5 ways to reduce logistics costs in consumer goods distribution via Kane is Able, Inc.
One of the best ways to reduce logistics costs is to…
Integrate data from sales and fulfillment systems.
Allocating available inventory against current orders creates problems. There’s no algorithm to automate this subjective decision process. The allocation decision also invites personal bias, as customer service and sales representatives may steer available inventory to their own customers.
One solution is better integration of sales and inventory data. While this could be a barrier for smaller companies with limited systems resources, many 3PLs have the experience and resources to integrate data from multiple systems to facilitate decisions. When combined with the company’s unique knowledge of the retail customer, decisions can made based on customer priority, not a “first-in, first-out” model that risks disappointing key customers.
Asset Tracking Solutions from Camcode:

Teknologi Industri

  1. Operasi dalam Penerbangan:Bagaimana Drone Merevolusi Transportasi dan Logistik
  2. Tiga Cara Tim Pengadaan Dapat Mengurangi Biaya Perusahaan
  3. Bagaimana Standar Akuntansi Sewa yang Baru Akan Berdampak pada Transportasi dan Logistik
  4. Bagaimana Kontraktor Pemerintah dan Pertahanan Dapat Mengurangi Risiko Cyber
  5. Lima Cara Pengecer Dapat Membatasi Risiko di Pasar Pengiriman yang Mudah Berubah
  6. Apa yang Sebenarnya Memperlambat Pengiriman Makanan, dan Bagaimana Teknologi Logistik Dapat Membantu
  7. Tiga Cara E-Tailers Dapat Memotong Biaya Pengiriman untuk Pembeli
  8. Bagaimana Mengukur Kinerja Tinggi Dapat Mengurangi Biaya Perkakas
  9. Manajemen Inventaris Gudang:20 Pakar Mengungkapkan Cara #1 Perusahaan Dapat Mengurangi dan Mengontrol Kesalahan Inventaris Gudang
  10. 19 Pakar Manajemen Inventaris Mengungkapkan Satu-Satunya Strategi Paling Efektif yang Dapat Digunakan Perusahaan untuk Mengurangi Biaya Inventaris